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Yac Vaguer

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Everything posted by Yac Vaguer

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. I will close this issue assuming that you solved the problem, I'm still available if you want to investigate further
  3. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  4. It is not 10 minutes, it is the time you have set in the convars Although I might add it in the future, but this is not a bug to add it here We can continue in Discussion section or in my discord cheers
  5. if you put a long time in the UAV duration, and then moving around with no clip, all the people around you will get the message because this is how it works Only the people mark inside of the circle will get the message If you want I can connect to your server and test it together, ping me on discord
  6. Hey @SlayersRust I tried your same configuration and it is showing during 5 minutes and no problems at all There are no hardcoded numbers for this timer, is directly coming from the configuration timer.Once(config.uav.duration, () => DestroyScanner(player)); This issue is still happening with the latest version (yesterday update)? Can you try reloading the plugin and share if there any error in the console? Feel free to go to my discord so we can talk directly https://discord.gg/Ra6bZynray
  7. Yac Vaguer


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.2
  8. Yac Vaguer


    Hey @GooberGrape I will assume that the error is fixed with the new version, I will keep the ticket open for another 24hs waiting for your answer, please let me know
  9. Sadly I'm really bad on video editing, but I will try
  10. Yac Vaguer


    Can you check with the new version?
  11. Yac Vaguer


    Do you have the latest version? Please share your config file, and if you can go to my discord to give you faster support https://discord.gg/VVAyxA3F4s
  12. Ok, so it will nto work for me because I always use a Custom map right?
  13. Man, That is happening with I add your plugin, you might want to have an ideal of what should happen with your plugin but it is not working as expected it is a custom map
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.0
  15. Yac Vaguer

    Error Message?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.1
  16. Yac Vaguer

    Error Message?

    Hey @Stark just update the number version in your config file to match the one of the plugins, I just uploaded an update to give avoid this message
  17. Your Discord link in the highlighted message is expire, can you provide a new one?
  18. Can I get more info about this? Please share your config file, and activate the developer mode then share the log inside oxide/log/FerryTerminal I run the event over 1000 times already never had any issue Also please get the latest version
  19. Yac Vaguer

    Doesnt work mate

    @Markiii about the scientist falling, as I mentioned to you that is the reason you cannot change the stationary to false, need to be true, the reason behind is that the floor on that particular area is a bit bellow this seems to be a weird issue with the monument design itself, maybe it is intentional from Facepunch side, but the way to avoid this issue is just mark stationary as true, as the default configuration. I tried different ways to goes around this but i'm not happy with the final result so I'm still going with stationary true as the way to go About the zombies get trapped, they are protecting the area from the metro station and not from surface, at least is how I meant to work initially, I tried different ways to make it harder for the user just stay in the in between area but it is just not good enough, I might come with something later, but again this wasn't the initial intention for the zombies I understand that besides my previous explanations you are still not answering my last questions Not getting answered was the main reason I closed this ticket. I'm trying to be helpful here, and the plugin of course should work flawlessly as you paid for it, I don't mind if you ping me on Discord, which I almost always online (Time to time I go to sleep but few hours only)
  20. Yac Vaguer

    Doesnt work mate

    Hey man, sorry that you are experiencing this issue honestly I’m not getting the notifications in cf, last night I posted a message on my discord that I’m finishing the last touches of a new update if you are worry of the answer please join the ds, it might be a hassle but I can give you a faster answer (notifications are easy to manage ) @Mals I used to get emails with the supports update and now is buried with thin the other notifications, not easy to use when you have so many
  21. As I mentioned in discussion several days ago the plugin is not working properly
  22. I'm not sure if you are explicit giving support for your plugin in Carbon but I'm adding the plugin in a freshly server and I getting this error Loaded plugin WelcomePanel v3.0.7 by David [380ms] Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'WelcomePanel v3.0.7' [1330569572] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.RegisterCommands() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 300 at void Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.OnServerInitialized() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 132 at object Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in WelcomePanel.cs/Internal:line 323 [WelcomePanel] (ADDONS LOADED) WPKits, WPSocialLinks, WPVipRanks, WPWipeCycle, [WelcomePanel] (NOT FOUND) VoteMap Also the discord link your highligthed message is expired
  23. is not working in a custom map at least
    I was already working in a Random event start, but then I saw the new version of the Event Manager The plugin is great for those who own maybe too many plugins like me. It works great, and you don't need to deal with a configuration file. Also, my plugins are listed here, so even better.


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