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Everything posted by Rainey

  1. Rainey


    Hello! Yes, you can use the Permissions to only let individual players with that permission to participate. Here is an exmaple for AnimalAnnihilation: "Enable Event Permission": true, "Event Permission": "extraevents.animalannihilation", And then give individual users the permission: o.grant user ExampleUser extraevents.animalannihilation All events, including PlayerBattle, will continue to count Kills & Actions as long as the event is actively running. There is no max currently that a player can reach during an event. I might look into building this into a future release. There are a lot of Notification options for each event, they are nested under each event in the "Event Notifications": {} group. Please forgive me with the language barrier, if you have any more questions please feel free to let me know!
  2. Rainey

    The UI

    Happy to hear! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
  3. Rainey

    The UI

    I just double checked on my test server and it moved the UI for me, here are the coords for the UI and image that I provided him within his .json file that you can update yours with. Make sure you reload the plugin after making the updates to the config file. Please let me know if you have any more trouble. "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.185 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.215 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.185 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.32 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." },
  4. Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed Changed Fixed In from 1.9.0 to 1.9.2
  5. Rainey

    The UI

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  6. I believe you can add this to your server.cfg file. relationshipmanager.maxteamsize 3
  7. Rainey

    The UI

    Hey! Sorry for the wait, try this configuration, it should look similar to the attached screenshot. Please let me know if you need anything else! ExtraEvents.json
  8. Rainey

    The UI

    Sure thing, I should have some time this evening to get some UI coords for you. I will update this when I have a chance. Thanks for the support!
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.9.0
  10. I'm glad this fixed the issue! I'm going to mark this as "Not a Bug" as it was ultimately a configuration issue but I will add an additional check on the upcoming release to ignore any Multiply 0.0 configurations to prevent future NREs.
  11. It looks like you have your "Event Multiplier" set to 0.0 for that event, try changing this line: "Event Multiplier": 0.0, to this: "Event Multiplier": 2.0, And let me know if that fixes the problem.
  12. Hello! Can you please send me your config file so I can look further into this, this is the first I'm hearing of this bug so it may be a configuration problem. Thank you! Rainey
  13. Rainey


    You currently can do this for all events using the "Minimum Players Online to Automatically Start Random Event" General Options configuration option.
  14. Rainey


    Thank you, honest reviews (even the bad ones) help a lot when other people are looking for plugins for their servers! Thank you for the support!
  15. Rainey


    Thank you! I thought it was an elegant albeit simple solution to allow custom events without a total re-configuration for you all. Please let me know if you have any questions on the new configuration options!
  16. Rainey

    Change UI Poistion

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.8.0
  17. Rainey

    Change UI Poistion

    Hello! Can you please send me your config file in a private message or via Discord? It's easier for me to look at it all in one. https://discord.gg/teSffnDQ7N Thanks!
  18. Rainey

    Change UI Poistion

    Good morning! Sure thing, try using these anchor positions, another user has used these to display the Leaderboard in the top-right corner. "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.85 0.5", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.98 0.8", Please let me know if you need anything else!
  19. Rainey


    It is! You would issue economics rewards via Reward Commands.
  20. Rainey


    The “Prevent Spawns from NPC Deaths” configuration option means that items/prefabs will NOT spawn on player bodies when they are killed by an NPC, it won’t affect any spawns on NPC corpses. Sorry for the confusion. I am working on an update that will add the ability to spawn items on NPC corpses, though.
  21. Rainey


    Version 1.2.0


    DeathSpawns is a simple plugin that will drop item(s), prefab(s), and/or run commands on player corpses when they die. Additional Permissions, and multiple Items/prefabs/commands for each permission, can be added to allow greater flexibility. Additional features in progress. Join my Discord for support and updates: https://discord.gg/teSffnDQ7N Default Config { "General Options": { "Enable Console Messages": true }, "Permissions": { "deathspawns.permission.1": { "Probability %": 100, "Prevent Spawns from Suicide": true, "Prevent Spawns from Team Kill": true, "Prevent Spawns from NPC Deaths": true, "Item(s)": [ { "Item Shortname": "", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 0, "Try to Put Item in Player Inventory First": false } ], "Prefab(s)": [ { "Prefab": "" } ], "Command(s) - Supports {player.name} {player.id} {player.position.x} {player.position.y} {player.position.z} {attacker.name} {attacker.id}": [ { "Command": "" } ] } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 0 } }
  22. Rainey


    Version 1.2.0


    CorpseBoomer is a simple plugin that will spawn a boomer/firework at player positions when they are killed. Join my Discord for support and updates: https://discord.gg/teSffnDQ7N Permissions corpseboomer.firework Default Config { "Enable Console Messages": true, "Prevent Firework when killed by Suicide": false, "Prevent Firework when killed by Teammate": true, "Prevent Firework when killed by NPC": true, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 0 } }
  23. Rainey


    ExtraEvents already includes AnimalAnnihilation - Kill animals to win! as a configurable event.
  24. Rainey

    Ore War help

    This should be fixed in 1.7.0. Please let me know if you need anything else!
  25. Rainey

    Ore War help

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed


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