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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Welcome Panel

    Hey, try this console command refreshallimages and then reload both plugins, WelcomePanel and ImageLibrary. If that won't help, message on my discord !David#1337 .
  2. David

    Furnace Levels

    Will see what I can do. I would rather do my own.
  3. David

    Furnace Levels

    Not an option currently. Im preparing update for January, mainly I want make output modifier viable for servers with vanilla-like rates. If you could do smaller values for output rates would you still want to disable it?
  4. Added into optional dependency for CraftMenu, Thanks for making it
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  6. Hey, sadly that's how it is, Kits names has to be one word in order to claim them through console command. I couldn't use GiveKit api call since it is not triggering cooldowns and usage count, also ignoring kit cost requirement. I recommend you to use underscore symbol instead of space between words.
  7. David

    Language File Issue

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  8. David

    Language File Issue

    Okey, I will have a look later today. Meanwhile if you want you can add lang messages directly into .cs file. After deleting original lang file and reloading plugin, new file will be generated.
  9. Im working on rewrite, it takes time since I'm working on 5 plugins at same time but I will think about including some option for this.
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  11. David

    Craft Menu

    Sadly picking up system is based OnHammerHit hook which means if entity is not taking hammer hits like pumpjack or recycler, it cant be picked. It would require me to make some different pick up system which I might do in future but no estimates now.
  12. David

    Craft Menu

    Oh I was confused Im pretty sure you can use that.
  13. David

    Craft Menu

    I still dont understand what's the point of adding marketplace into CraftMenu. I suppose that you want sell those items, in that case you are free to use GUIShop from umod or you can wait on my Shop release after new year.
  14. David

    Craft Menu

    marketplace into craft menu? can you explain better?
  15. David

    Place Anything

    Try to run app as Administrator other than that I don't know, never had such an issue. You can use icon from my profile https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2691274490
  16. David

    Wipe Countdown

    Sorry but no, you would have to change date every wipe unless I make complex wipe calendar from it which I don't want to do.
  17. David

    Craft Menu

    Hey, all you have to do is match item display name and item shortname between PlaceAnything and CraftMenu
  18. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  19. David

    Open with Custom Button

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  20. David

    Open with Custom Button

    Sent you edited version in private message. It wont look good as when you open it in workbench, I did what I could. Please make sure you read description before you buy plugins, it's not always that easy to add something based on requests.
  21. It didnt update config for you, weird. Anyway its easy fix. Just add this into your config -> "Kits Currency Name": "Scrap",
  22. @B0atsnH03scould you send me your WPKits config and kits_data.json ? Would easier for me to debug it since I cant replicate that issue on my side.
  23. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  24. Thanks, I will have a look.
  25. David

    Wipe Countdown

    If you want change timer, open config and put in length of the wipe in seconds. Then reload plugin and type countdown_reset into console.


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