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Everything posted by mrdecoder

  1. im looking for a new type of foundation limit i think i can maybe make it myself but im very busy and i think maybe one of you is more qualified then me im still a noob in this the idea is this: i need a limit system that works with clans and the number of players in a clan now when using a limit plugin its bases on a user 1 user can build for example 50 foundations in order to make it bigger ech player needs to build and here is the problem on most big clans only 1 or 2 persons build , i want a plugin that will combine all foundations of all players in the same clan for more info on all the details just contact me i will pay !
  2. i found easy fix just put stacks on 6 on any stack plugin and it will work fine
  3. yes please make a fix for this cause i dont think facepunch will fix it they never doe if it comes to plugins or anything else then vanilla
  4. mrdecoder

    more pictures

    hi uhm i was wondering what it will look like on the map or can you not see on map ? could you add a screenshot maybe
  5. mrdecoder

    Unlimited ammo

    i think its mainly cause its linked to tc , if you have any issues or ideas let me know, atm im very busy with work but ill update it asap
  6. mrdecoder

    Unlimited ammo

    haha yes sorry about that i forgot to remove it from config part atm that weapon section not working it wil hopefully in next version but it had some problems in past ill adress that asap so atm just leave the weapons sections empty
  7. mrdecoder

    Unlimited ammo

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  8. mrdecoder

    Unlimited ammo

    hi, yes sorry about the versions something went wrong on the first update i had it on 1.0.1 and then i changed it back to 1.0.0 so use the 1.0.0 the /turrets option is for toggle turrets, so all turrets that are on will go off, and all turrets that are off go on adding on or off behind it like... /turrets on will put all turrets on regardless of state of the turret to get the infomenu type /turrets info (this will get updated to a UI soon) the unlimited ammo was not in planning but i can add that in a next update
  9. looks cool but thats not a nightmare, thats an easy for my server
  10. it should now
  11. Version 1.0.7


    Possibility to fill turrets with guns and ammo with just 1 command!!! Allows players to toggle all owned turrets/sams at once, without the need of electricity. it also has on / off options. Meaning if you do /turrets on, all turrets in range go on, regardless of state. players with permissions can instantly fill all turrets with guns and/or ammo. (no more running around the base adding weapons and ammo in the turrets, sams or traps) (no power needed!!!) sams will be instant on when placing ( so no more forgetting to put sams on ) Features Support for Clans (Free and Premium Versions) and Friends Commands /turrets info will give you a list of all permissions and info /turret - Will toggle the turret you looking at /turret on - Will put the turret you looking at on /turret off - Will put the turret you looking at off /turrets - Will toggle all turrets /turrets on - Will put all turrets in range of TC on /turrets off - Will put all turrets in range of TC off /turrets fill <number> - Fills all turrets with the default 5.56 rifle bullets /turrets fill <number> <ammo type> - Fills all turrets with the specified ammo type /turrets fill <gun name> - Fills all empty turrets with the specified gun /turrets clear ammo - Clears all types of ammo from turrets and gives it back to inventory /turrets clear guns - Clears all types of guns and gives it back to inventory /turrets clear guns <gun name> - Clears all turrets of the specified gun and gives it back to inventory /sams - Turns all sams off, if run again turns all sams on /sams clear - Clears sam bullets and gives it back to inventory /sams fill <number> - Fills sams with bullets /traps fill <number> - Fills shotgun traps with handmade shells /traps clear - Clears shotgun traps shells and gives it back to inventory GunTypes: ak47, python, bolt, custom, db, l96, lr, m249, m39, m92, mp5, pump, revolver, eoka, p2, thompson, waterpipe, spas, semi, grenadelauncher, rocketlauncher AmmoTypes: incen, 556, hv, rocket, hvrocket, incenrocket, pistol, pistolhv, pistolincen, buckshot, slug, buckshotincen, handmade, he, smoke, buckshotgrenade PS: All /turrets options only work if in range of TC and wil work on config distance from your TC , so if put on 10 , and then do /turrets on it wil only do 10 mtr away from the TC personaly i put this on 100 Permissions turrets.showvipinfo – Permission to show compleet info section, even if they dont have the actual permission, (good for letting non vip know what they missing out on if using it on groups turrets.normal – Permission to use the basic /turret and /sams option ( on/off etc) turrets.turrets – Permission to use /turrets (will alow player to turn all turrets in range on or of turrets.extra – Permission to use fill and clear options if weapons added in config turrets.(shortcode) – Permission to use (shortcode) inside turrets This plugin will also add ammo inside outpost sentry turrets if you use a plugin that uses them the outpost turrets themselfs are not part of this plugin (yet) future plans: language files adding switch making a UI for it adding more options trying to make this the best turret plugin in rust ! many thanks to 0xf for helping me with some of the coding
  12. mrdecoder

    spectate mode

    lol my players sometimes get send 2 spectate mode and lose all there shit
  13. mrdecoder

    hello sir

    wel uhm any button i press for transfer not work i select player i select the ammount click on side to be sure it saves cause that not always work, then i send it gives me a nice message in chat . but its not sending the points its showing in /bank in recent transactions but it never got send
  14. mrdecoder

    not working...

    haha, im sooooo sorry :P, the upload permission was not on :S so it works now i need to get your reward thing for it
  15. mrdecoder

    not working...

    hi uhm i tryed to make it work but the chippies are not connecting in any way am i doing something wrong or is it broken?
  16. mrdecoder

    hello sir

    yes error is gone but it not sending money to or from players its not trasfering it says the message but its not sending or taking the money from acount i use the serverrewards in it
  17. i cant seem to get the vip multiplier to work
  18. mrdecoder

    Smelt On Gather

    uhm is there a way to make it automatic without using commands i would like to have it that its always on but people can put it off but atm its always off and people can put it on


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