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Everything posted by TheAlchemist

  1. Does this plugin change the speed of the green progress bar animation in the oven's inventory screen?
  2. Version 3.5.1 tells me that my Rust Server is out of date, but when I use the Installer > Install or Update, it launches the modal, then the steam CLI (like always), but gives a message that I already have the latest server version installed, but, Dashboard still shows old one and that I'm out of date. Tried shutting down MRS and restarting and same result. Haven't tried rebooting server, yet, but will in a bit. Thanks as always, LG. You're the best! Alc
  3. And, hey, it would be awesome if StaticDispensers had a similar UI Editor as StaticLootables... even a paid version that does both in a single UI/plugin would be pretty dope. For example, I've combined the use of the two so that you have to chop a wooden crate's health down before you can loot it (StaticLootables), but that it's actually giving you some wood while you're chopping it (StaticDispensers). Plus, when running around my map testing/checking all of the lootable and harvestable items, the UI (like 'sledit') for both would make it a ton easier. Thanks, again!
  4. Sorry if this is already addressed somewhere in the 9 pages of comments and I missed it, but, is there a plan to support either "Kits" or the ability to create "Shared Definitions". For example, I want to use the same loot table for all types of cardboard boxes, but, I want to vary the number of slots and such for each of the varies prefabs. So, if I was able to create a Shared Definition (with a specific mix of items and chances) that I could then use for any prefab, that would be AMAZING! I added my first custom definition for "pallet_boxes" and it increased the StaticLootables.json file from like 64K to 230KB. If I have to copy and paste that into each variety of cardboard_box/cardboardbox (not to mention that I'd like to do something similar with all crates, etc.), I'm worried that the .json file is going to get too big and cause issues (not to mention ease of management). Thanks so much for your consideration!
  5. Awesome. Totally understand. I'll check out the Beta. And, yes, I'd love a possibility to select between "normal", "abovenormal", and "high" on priority. Here's what I use for Affinity to get all cores except 0 (since that's where the OS mostly runs): /affinity 0x0000000000000FFE Thank you, LG!
  6. I was wanting to leverage the /abovenormal and /affinity flags for RustDedicated.exe, so since there are no options to add those to the start-up, I switched to using "Custom Batch". However, when I tick the Custom Batch radio and click "Start Server", it launches the CLI like normal (but with a lot of "Compiler Disconnected" errors) and then launches a second instance. Both load fine... but two of them... and I notice that the /abovenormal and /affinity flags have been removed. Any ideas? My customstart.bat is attached (added the .txt just to get past the upload filter), as well as the start.bat that gets generated (that I know is one of the instances running because of "TITLE" having the "64448" that it keeps adding. I have a feeling that maybe it's because you have to use the word/command "start" before the executable in order to set those flags, and maybe you're logic is not seeing the line starting with "RustDedicated.exe" so it's adding it? Thanks! start.bat.txt customstart.bat.txt
  7. @MONSTRO -- @LosGranadacan correct me if I'm wrong, but, after testing this yesterday, this is the least hassle-free way I could find. Shutdown your server. Make a backup copy of your server.cfg file from <installpath>/rustserver/server/<identify of your server, i.e. myrustsurver>/server.cfg Heck... backup/zip the "server" and "oxide" folders and then save them in a totally different location, just to be safe. Move the myrustserver.exe to your root "rustserver" directory, but DO NOT RUN IT YET! Change the name of your server file directory in the rustserver\server\<myrustserver> to the MRS default of "mrs" Launch myrustserver.exe Enter all of your current server settings in the MRS GUI "Settings" and "Home" tabs. Use the MRS "Start Server" button to start your server. Kill the startup process at just about anytime... just have to let it start and let MRS create it's own files in your folders. Replace <>/rustserver/MRS/serverconfigs.cfg with your original server.cfg file. Restart your server using "Start Server". Should be good. Then, if I have to move the install location of my server, or update MRS, I make a backup of the <>/rustserver/MRS directory, in addition to my "server" and "oxide" folders, so that I can copy and paste the entire MRS folder into my rustserver directory before ever running it, so that I don't have to reenter all of the info into the UI. I hope that helps.
  8. Yes, sir!
  9. LosGranada - thanks for the quick turn-around on the issue I was having yesterday. Here are a few suggestions I'd like to request: Make the app maximizable: old man eyes here is having trouble when it's on my 3rd monitor. Add an up-arrow to previous commands in the Console command line. Add a filter you can toggle off/on in Console. Add highlighting by text matching in Console (with option to either highlight just the text, or the entire line containing the text). Allow access to "start configs" while server is running, and heck, add a button to send server.readcfg to apply any changes, too. Add a separate "Chat" tab for seeing/sending in global chat. (be nice to have the ability to do some of the same things that can be done in-game, too: click to: get Steam Profile, Mute Player (in game, too), Copy text. Make the "View Website" for the Plugins go to the main/description page, since I'd assume most people want to jump out there quickly to get permissions and configuration info.... maybe it's just me. Option to Export (and then, of course, Import) all MRS settings/options via as few button clicks as possible. (For when upgrading to new version of MRS, mainly.) Add collider count to bottom metrics... seems to be a bigger issue than entities, I've heard. Okay, I'll stop for now. I appreciate you!
  10. Here are a few reqiests/suggestions: Make the app maximizable: old man eyes here is having trouble when it's on my 3rd monitor. Add an up-arrow to previous commands in the Console command line. Add a filter you can toggle off/on in Console. Add highlighting by text matching in Console (with option to either highlight just the text, or the entire line containing the text). Allow access to "start configs" while server is running, and heck, add a button to send server.readcfg to apply any changes, too. Add a separate "Chat" tab for seeing/sending in global chat. (be nice to have the ability to do some of the same things that can be done in-game, too: click to: get Steam Profile, Mute Player (in game, too), Copy text. Make the "View Website" for the Plugins go to the main/description page, since I'd assume most people want to jump out there quickly to get permissions and configuration info.... maybe it's just me. Option to Export (and then, of course, Import) all MRS settings/options via as few button clicks as possible. (For when upgrading to new version of MRS, mainly.) Add collider count to bottom metrics... seems to be a bigger issue than entities, I've heard.
  11. LosGranada - thanks for the quick turn-around on the issue I was having yesterday. Here are a few suggestions I'd like to request: Make the app maximizable: old man eyes here is having trouble when it's on my 3rd monitor. Add an up-arrow to previous commands in the Console command line. Add a filter you can toggle off/on in Console. Add highlighting by text matching in Console (with option to either highlight just the text, or the entire line containing the text). Allow access to "start configs" while server is running, and heck, add a button to send server.readcfg to apply any changes, too. Add a separate "Chat" tab for seeing/sending in global chat. (be nice to have the ability to do some of the same things that can be done in-game, too: click to: get Steam Profile, Mute Player (in game, too), Copy text. Make the "View Website" for the Plugins go to the main/description page, since I'd assume most people want to jump out there quickly to get permissions and configuration info.... maybe it's just me. Option to Export (and then, of course, Import) all MRS settings/options via as few button clicks as possible. (For when upgrading to new version of MRS, mainly.) Add collider count to bottom metrics... seems to be a bigger issue than entities, I've heard. Okay, I'll stop for now. I appreciate you!
  12. LosGranada - thanks for the quick turn-around on the issue I was having yesterday. Here are a few suggestions I'd like to request: Make the app maximizable: old man eyes here is having trouble when it's on my 3rd monitor. Add an up-arrow to previous commands in the Console command line. Add a filter you can toggle off/on in Console. Add highlighting by text matching in Console (with option to either highlight just the text, or the entire line containing the text). Allow access to "start configs" while server is running, and heck, add a button to send server.readcfg to apply any changes, too. Add a separate "Chat" tab for seeing/sending in global chat. (be nice to have the ability to do some of the same things that can be done in-game, too: click to: get Steam Profile, Mute Player (in game, too), Copy text. Make the "View Website" for the Plugins go to the main/description page, since I'd assume most people want to jump out there quickly to get permissions and configuration info.... maybe it's just me. Option to Export (and then, of course, Import) all MRS settings/options via as few button clicks as possible. (For when upgrading to new version of MRS, mainly.) Add collider count to bottom metrics... seems to be a bigger issue than entities, I've heard. Okay, I'll stop for now. I appreciate you!
  13. LosGranada - thanks for the quick turn-around on the issue I was having yesterday. Here are a few suggestions I'd like to request: Make the app maximizable: old man eyes here is having trouble when it's on my 3rd monitor. Add an up-arrow to previous commands in the Console command line. Add a filter you can toggle off/on in Console. Add highlighting by text matching in Console (with option to either highlight just the text, or the entire line containing the text). Allow access to "start configs" while server is running, and heck, add a button to send server.readcfg to apply any changes, too. Add a separate "Chat" tab for seeing/sending in global chat. (be nice to have the ability to do some of the same things that can be done in-game, too: click to: get Steam Profile, Mute Player (in game, too), Copy text. Make the "View Website" for the Plugins go to the main/description page, since I'd assume most people want to jump out there quickly to get permissions and configuration info.... maybe it's just me. Option to Export (and then, of course, Import) all MRS settings/options via as few button clicks as possible. (For when upgrading to new version of MRS, mainly.) Add collider count to bottom metrics... seems to be a bigger issue than entities, I've heard. Okay, I'll stop for now. I appreciate you!
  14. 2.3.0 -- so far, so good. I really appreciate you!
  15. Will do. About to apply the 3rd ninja update from facepunch, too. Thanks!
  16. Attached.plugins.zip
  17. Dude... I hit refresh and it worked. Then I hit it again, and it's back to only showing the first two......... So, testing: * I physicall removed ALL plugins. Refreshed Installed and Upgrade tab to expected result: both empty. * I added Backpacks.cs. Showed up on both tabs. * I added BlueprintManager.cs. Showed up on both tabs. * I added BetterChat.cs. Only the first two showed up. I proceeded to try varying combinations of completely different plugins, with them being the only ones in the plugins folder, and it was consistently only showing me the first two.
  18. Here you go.
  19. The next one is the latest release of Backpacks (v3.8.0). The one after that is BetterChat (v5.2.10). EDIT: I removed Backpacks and BetterChat, and it still stops after AdminRadar.
  20. Love this tool, btw. Just got it earlier this week. MRS 2.2.7 isn't fully populating the "Update" tab for my plugins. It's stopping after the first two. Screenshots attached so you can see that I have way more than two plugins installed. Thanks for the help!


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