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Everything posted by Meyverick

  1. Meyverick

    bug on Carbon?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Hello, I'm the original author of OnServerSaveLoadDissipator (I changed my username). It was published on uMod but I removed it because I lost everything (HDD crash). However, I took a break from developing plug-ins and now, as I attempt to revisit this task. I made an update of the plug-in if you still interested: https://github.com/meyverick/rust.oxide.plugins.SaveLoadDissipator I uploaded it on uMod but it still waiting for approval.
  3. Meyverick

    Error in console

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  4. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  5. Changed Status from No Response to Closed
  6. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  7. Sorry, I'm not working on plug-ins anymore.
  8. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  9. I'm sorry but I'm not able to fix plug-ins anymore because of personal problems. I'm hopping being able to work on plug-ins in the future.
  10. Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  11. Thank you for your appreciation. I take your suggestion in consideration for futures update.
  12. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. Ok, my bad! I thought that Cobalt Laboratory was a map that why I didn't understand the problem So I confirm that the bug doesn't come from my plug-in because it only change player threat. I think this plug-in use something other that makes players are attacked by the helicopter from the event.
  14. Maybe something on the map affect player threat. Have you enabled the Airfield parameter? If so, @DezLifedo you use the Airfield monument on your map?
  15. Hello, My plug-in doesn't affect the Patrol Helicopter behavior, it only increases the detection level of the threat. Each player has a threat level and, if you enable all parameters in the config file: Being wounded reduce your threat to 0, Being hostile set your threat to 10, Being on the airfield set your threat to 10, You threat is set to 0 if none of them. That's all.
  16. Hello, Everything is fine with this plug-in, I just decided to leave CodeFling and thus remove all my plug-ins from this platform. Only some plug-ins are still available for customers who bought them before I left so they can continue to use them.
  17. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  18. I'm still working on a new version. Stay tuned.
  19. Not vanilla but you can give it in Kits or something like that.
  20. Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  21. @thepiercedweirdo I checked the plugin and it should save the scores. At load, the plugin get all Arcade Machine existing on the map and registers scores. Then, when a player starts playing, the leaderboard should be updated. Have you gave the permission to users?
  22. I'll check that but it shoudn't do that. I suggest you to open a ticker in the Support section.
  23. I'll work on it
  24. You're free to leave the review you want but I can't accept misinformation. The presentation page shows the configuration file so you are able to see what you're able to do with the plug-in and why do you expect to be able to customize which entities are able to be recycled or not? I never mentioned or implied that. Check every plugin on the platform, you'll see that every plugins inform you of what it does and not on what it doesn't do. When you buy a smartphone, do you leave a bad review because it isn't mentioned that the smartphone doesn't make coffee? It doesn't make sense.
  25. Repairing isn't the purpose of this plugin. The Minicopter can still be repaired because it isn't an unmoveable entity. The plugin has been developed to help players to remove unwanted entities that they can't move. You'll need to use an hammer to heal them


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