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Everything posted by P1S4G0R

  1. P1S4G0R

    Timed Test Vip

    One of those groups is randomly assigned by the user who writes the command.
  2. players don't need type the code with this plugin, just players press e while "building planner" on hand so a little practical
  3. Version 1.2.8


    Similar to B Grade, but with a more premium feel. Once you equip a blue print, a beautiful GUI pops up, in the top right, which highlights what tier your building in. Permissions per tier can be given according to what your aiming for. You can change this tier images from config file. Upgrade, Downgrade and Base Repari from Tc They can upgrade and downgrade the levels of structures they have built from the cabinet, provided they have the necessary permissions. Remove With Hammer If they have the required permissions, they can use a hammer to remove items and walls. { "Plugin Icon Id": 0, "Tc Build Helper Button Coordinate AnchorMin": "0.849 0.865", "Tc Build Helper Button Coordinate AnchorMax": "0.949 0.91", "Upgrade Coold Down Time?": 30.0, "Downgrade Coold Down Time?": 30.0, "Base Repair Down Time?": 30.0, "Twig Tier Icon Image": "https://community.akamai.steamstatic.com/economy/image/6TMcQ7eX6E0EZl2byXi7vaVKyDk_zQLX05x6eLCFM9neAckxGDf7qU2e2gu64OnAeQ7835Zf4GLCfDY0jhyo8DEiv5dbOK86r70-SfG-0at6CZk/360fx360f", "Wood Tier Icon Image": "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/play-rust/images/f/f2/Wood_icon.png/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20151106061551", "Stone Tier Icon Image": "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/play-rust/images/8/85/Stones_icon.png/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20150405123145", "Metal Tier Icon Image": "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/play-rust/images/7/74/Metal_Fragments_icon.png/revision/latest?cb=20151106061759", "High Metal Tier Icon Image": "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/play-rust/images/a/a1/High_Quality_Metal_icon.png/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20151106061156", "Panel AnchorMin": "0.94 0.5", "Panel AnchorMax": "0.99 0.95", "Gui Button Enabled": true, "Message Size?": 15, "Remove Allow Distance": 3.0, "Plugin Meesage Pre Tag Color ": "#FFA500", } Permissions buildhelper.grade.all //if player has this perm, player can upgrade all tier(not for water base) buildhelper.grade.wood //if player has this perm, player can upgrade wood tier(not for water base) buildhelper.grade.stone //if player has this perm, player can upgrade stone tier(not for water base) buildhelper.grade.metal //if player has this perm, player can upgrade metal tier(not for water base) buildhelper.grade.hq //if player has this perm, player can upgrade hq tier(not for water base) buildhelper.waterall //if player has this perm, player can upgrade all tier in water base buildhelper.waterwood //if player has this perm, player can upgrade wood tier in water base buildhelper.waterstone //if player has this perm, player can upgrade stone tier in water base buildhelper.watermetal //if player has this perm, player can upgrade metal tier in water base buildhelper.waterhq //if player has this perm, player can upgrade hquality tier in water base buildhelper.up.wood buildhelper.up.stone buildhelper.up.metal buildhelper.up.hq buildhelper.down.wood buildhelper.down.stone buildhelper.down.metal buildhelper.down.hq buildhelper.remove buildhelper.removeadmin buildhelper.base_repair You can change messages with Language File { "dont_have_enough_resourche": "You don't have enough <color=#FF0000>{0}</color>.", "build_helper": "Build Helper", "removed": "Removed", "downgrade": "Downgrade", "upgrade": "Upgrade", "twig": "Twig", "wood": "Wood", "stone": "Stone", "metal": "Metal", "hq": "Hq Metal", "stones": "Stones", "metal.fragments": "Metal Fragments", "metal.refined": "Hq Metal", "dont_have_enough_resource": "You Dont Have Enough Resourche", "cupboard_dont_have_enouh_resourch": "Cupboard dont have enough resourche.", "base_repair": "Repair Base", "max_auth": "You do not have sufficient authority to upgrade higher", "press_e_button": "Automatic upgrading is now set to grade <color=#FFA500>{0}</color>. Press <color=#FFA500>E</color> to change auto enhancement.", "press_e_button_remove": "Press <color=#FFA500>R</color> to switch to remove mode. ", "press_e_button_for_normal_mod": "Press <color=#FFA500>R</color> to switch to normal mode. ", "press_e_button_for_remove_admin_mod": "Press <color=#FFA500>R</color> to switch to remove Admin mode.", "must_wait_n_secon": "You must wait {n} second for using this button again.", "no_entity": "No Entity", "no_cost": "No Cost", "cost": "Cost", "remove": "Normal Mode", "admin_remove": "Admin Mode", "plugin_pre_tag": "<color=#FF0000>[Build Helper] :</color>", "cupboard_not_found": "Cupboard Not Found", "dont_have_permission_this_button": "You don't have permission to use this button." }
  4. P1S4G0R

    Wipe Protect

    yes you can set first weeek 7 days protection under the general protect then third week you can set 21 days protect so plugin working what you want
  5. P1S4G0R


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.3.3
  6. P1S4G0R


    Can you share me your changing on discord with me?
  7. P1S4G0R

    Console error

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  8. P1S4G0R

    Console error

    fixied error can u check it?
  9. P1S4G0R

    Console error

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  10. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    sorry, my mistake i just update again
  11. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    this issiua without pick up coffin?
  12. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    Hi, photos may change with config file.
  13. P1S4G0R

    Marker API

    https://prnt.sc/7K89vMhMNlqs #4374769c color code not working for transparency
  14. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    added new config for that. "Open container If Player Has BuildingPrivilage": true
  15. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    that settings intrested in open box button. if you change that config with true and player in building blocked then player cant open the box with open button. Whatever you want it to open the box, that setting must remain false.
  16. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    i think u used old version can u download and try with last version?
  17. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    Can u check it again with new version
  18. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    Can u send me an image from your Perm page for your player
  19. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    hello, added a config setting about that, if you change it with true , player con open container if playet not in building blocked.
  20. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    sorry i was a little busy in last days, i fixed move item problem after reload plugin and added perms for every box i wait your reply
  21. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    Currently, only the player with the permission can access the boxes in the menu without limit. But I will consider it with the update on the extra limit permission.
  22. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    I thought at first but the game didn't allow to run them so I didn't add them. If I find a solution, I will add them.
  23. P1S4G0R

    Smart Base

    Version 2.0.4


    This plugin give access to remote storage Box ( Large Wooden Box, Small Wooden Box, Coffin, Electric Furnace And Cupboard) then player can take and send item from storage boxes. Perms smartbase.use smartbase.limit.1 smartbase.limit.2 smartbase.limit.3 smartbase.limit.4 smartbase.limit.5 smartbase.limit.6 smartbase.limit.7 smartbase.limit.8 if player has "smartbase.use" permission so player can use this plugin features. All Plugin Settings { "Plugin Icon Id": 0, "Small Wooden Box Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/box.wooden.png", "Large Wooden Box Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/box.wooden.large.png", "Coffin Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/coffin.storage.png", "TC Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/cupboard.tool.png", "Gui Button Enabled": true, "Gui Button Image": "https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/1507/1507052.png", "Button Cordinate AnchorMin": "0.295 0.026", "Button Cordinate AnchorMax": "0.340 0.107", "Dont Open Container If Player In Building Blocked": false, "Dont Open container If Player has not Building Privilege": false, "Check Player in Raid Block": true, "Check Player in Combat Block": true } Player Commands /smartbase ->show smartbase menu /markbox -> while looking box /removemarkbox -> while looking box Language Settings: You can modify the notification messages in different languages under the 'Language' folder. Discord: If you find any bugs, need assistance, or have suggestions related to the plugin, you can reach out on Discord. Discord pisagor0104 https://discord.gg/JnQftZeSXD
  24. P1S4G0R

    Wipe Protect

    it works with no problem , i use my own server


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