Five years ago we set out on a mission to bring the community together in an attempt to simplify the distribution of free and paid content, as well as opening the door to those who would otherwise be turned away. We're happy to say we've now welcomed over 700 creators from all over the world to make modding more accessible and affordable to server owners.
Since we started, the community has exploded and the depth and complexity of plugins has evolved well beyond what we thought possible, and with the abundance of new talent they've become much, much cheaper. When I first started hosting Rust servers back in 2017 almost everything you needed had to be custom made and was insanely expensive, and completely out of the question for smaller servers. Now of days almost anything you can think of is already made and available for download.
Every cent earned from sales has been pumped back into our platform to fund our addiction for consistent innovation and growth. I am pleased to announce that we've not made any profit (which is kind of sad ngl) so far, and with the ever-growing roadmap I don't think this will change anytime soon. I'm very proud of the ecosystem we've made over the years and seeing so many people turn their passion into their full time job, including those who help keep things running smoothly here. Every single member on our team is paid for what they do, and that's all thanks to you and our creators!
While we certainly aren't without faults, we hope to push forward and continue to grow and innovate to further push the limits of modding and make running servers as easy as we possibly can. If you're reading this, we thank you for helping us get to where we are now, and we promise to consistently evolve to make your hobby, or career, easier and more enjoyable.
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