About ZLogs
What is it?
This is a logger for multiple categories with nice gui.
If you want to know what's going on your server this logger will surely help you achieve that.
zlogs.use -- Gives you permission to use the command
zlogs.resetall -- Gives you permission to wipe all data files
zlogs.heli.spawn -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli spawns(must be set in config)
zlogs.heli.down -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli gets shot down(must be set in config)
Chat Command
/zlogs -- Opens the GUI
/zlogs.resetall -- Completely wipes all ZLogs datafile (zlogs.resetall permission required)
Discord Logging:
In config you can set a webhook for each category to have the important info right on your discord
All the datas are being saved into data folders and each category has it's data file
Path to data files: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZLogs
Features & some info:
I've decided to completely rewrite ZLogs because of some performance mistake I've made and also to add more features and generally make the plugin better.
New version brings you also new features like Auto log deletion which can be set in config, more detailed logging, nicer UI, dark and light mode for the UI, search option and more..
"Log Explosive": "{0} has used {1}!",
"Log Animal": "{0} has killed a {1}",
"Log Connect": "{0} has connected to the server",
"Log Disconnect": "{0} has disconnected from the server",
"Log Command": "{0} has used command: {1}",
"Log Chat": "{0} wrote: {1}",
"Log Combat": "{0} has killed {1}",
"Log Vending": "{0} has bought: {1} for: {2}",
"Log HeliSpawn": "Patrol heli has spawned",
"Log HeliDeath": "Patrol heli has been destroyed by: {0}",
"Log ItemPick": "{0} has picked up a {1}",
"Log ItemDrop": "{0} has dropped a {1}",
"Log TCPlace": "{0} has placed a TC",
"Log TCDestroy": "{0} has destroyed a TC",
"Log TCAuth": "{0} has authed a TC",
"Log TCDeAuth": "{0} has deauthed from TC",
"Log TCClear": "{0} has cleared a TC",
"Log TeamCreate": "{0} has created a team",
"Log TeamInvite": "{0} has invited {1} to team",
"Log TeamReject": "{0} has rejected invite",
"Log TeamPromote": "{0} has been promoted to leader",
"Log TeamLeave": "{0} has left the team",
"Log TeamKick": "{0} has kicked {1} from the team",
"Log TeamAccept": "{0} has accepted team invite",
"Log TeamDisband": "{0} has disbanded team",
"Log TriggerPick": "{0} has picked up {1}+ items over {2} seconds",
"Log TriggerDrop": "{0} has dropped {1}+ items over {2} seconds",
"Notify HeliSpawn": "A patrol heli has spawned at: {0}",
"Notify HeliDown": "A patrol heli has been shot down at: {0} by {1}",
"CUI Categories": "Categories",
"CUI Settings": "Settings",
"CUI Animal": "Animal Logs",
"CUI Chat": "Chat Logs",
"CUI Combat": "Combat Logs",
"CUI Command": "Command Logs",
"CUI Connection": "Connection Logs",
"CUI Explosive": "Explosive Logs",
"CUI Heli": "Heli Logs",
"CUI Item": "Item Logs",
"CUI Team": "Team Logs",
"CUI TC": "Tool Cupboard Logs",
"CUI Trigger": "Trigger Logs",
"CUI Vending": "Vending Logs",
"CUI TargetPlayerInfo": "Target Player Information",
"CUI PlayerName": "Player name: {0}",
"CUI SteamID": "SteamID: {0}",
"CUI Status": "Status: {0}",
"CUI StatusAlive": "Alive",
"CUI StatusDead": "Dead",
"CUI StatusNull": "?",
"CUI Ping": "Ping: {0}",
"CUI NotConnected": "Not connected",
"CUI TPto": "Teleport to",
"CUI TPhere": "Teleport here",
"CUI AnimalInfo": "Animal Information",
"CUI AnimalName": "Animal name: {0}",
"CUI AnimalDeathPos": "Animal death pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}",
"CUI LogInfo": "Log Information",
"CUI LogID": "Log ID: {0}",
"CUI LogDate": "Log Date: {0}",
"CUI LogRemoveIn": "Log will be removed in: {0}",
"CUI ChatInfo": "Chat Information",
"CUI ChatType": "Channel type: {0}",
"CUI Initiator": "Initiator Information",
"CUI Victim": "Victim Information",
"CUI Distance": "Distance: {0}m",
"CUI Weapon": "Weapon: {0}",
"CUI ConnectionInfo": "Connection Information",
"CUI ConnectionIp": "IP: {0}",
"CUI ConnectionType": "Type: {0}",
"CUI ExplosiveInfo": "Explosive Information",
"CUI ExplosivePos": "Explosive pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}",
"CUI ExplosiveName": "Explosive name: {0}",
"CUI HeliInfo": "Heli Information",
"CUI HeliPos": "Heli pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}",
"CUI HeliAttacker": "Destroyed by: {0}",
"CUI ItemInfo": "Item Information",
"CUI ItemName": "Item name: {0} x{1}",
"CUI ItemPos": "Item pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}",
"CUI ItemType": "Type: {0}",
"CUI TeamInfo": "Team Information",
"CUI TeamType": "Type: {0}",
"CUI TeamKicked": "Kicked player: {0}",
"CUI TcInfo": "Tool Cupboard Information",
"CUI TcType": "Type: {0}",
"CUI TcAttacker": "Attacker: {0}",
"CUI TcPos": "TC pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}",
"CUI TriggerType": "Type: {0}",
"CUI DetectTime": "Detect time: {0} seconds",
"CUI DetectAmount": "Detect amount: {0} items",
"CUI TriggerInfo": "Trigger Information",
"CUI VendingItem": "Bought item: {0} x{1}",
"CUI VendingPrice": "Price: {0} x{1}",
"CUI VendingPos": "Vending pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}",
"CUI VendingInfo": "Vending Information",
"CUI Search": "Search:",
"CUI ColorMode": "Color Mode: {0}"
{ "Combat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item Picks & Drops logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Connection and Disconnection logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Command logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Animal Kills logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Explosives logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Chat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Heli Logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "NotifyOnHeliSpawn?": true, "NotifyOnHeliDown?": true }, "Tool Cupboard logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Vending Machine logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item drop spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Item pick spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Team logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Auto-Delete logs after x amount of hours(0 will disable this feature)": 0.0 }