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Raidable Bases 2.9.2

$40.00 $30.00
   (48 reviews)

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A couple of minor issues I have noticed after updating to the new version:
- NPCs are not spawning at any Easy bases. I have my configuration set to spawn 2 at each easy raid but so far, I haven't found a single one. For Medium raids, it's random if I get NPCs or not. Hard and above seem to have no issues spawning, but most are spawning inside the base and not around it. For easy and mediums, I have the options disabled for spawning on beds, bags, rugs, and floor tiles, but on hard and above, I have them set where they can spawn inside the base. So I think it may be having issues finding spawn points for the NPCs around the bases.

- Bases only seem to be spawning on the west side of the map. I haven't seen a base spawn anywhere on the east side of the map centerline. I checked the spawn points in game and there are some on the east side but not as many as on the west side. I'm not sure if the algorithm to pick a spawn point may be choosing a spot before making it around to that side of the island, but it is different than in other versions.

- Bases are only spawning in the water. There are tracts of land that are flat and open enough to have bases spawn, but it's only picking spots in the middle of the water. Nothing has changed in my config since the previous release and I didn't see any new options that could be causing this. Again, is there something different with the spawn point algorithm or changes FP made this update that is interfering?

- If a player who is within the raid bubble mounts a minicopter, they get chat spammed notices about entering and leaving a PVE zone until they dismount or leave the raidable base bubble. I was the one that mentioned last month about players found a way to glitch into other players' raids and I assume this if coming from the change to mitigate that glitch. This may happen with other vehicle types as well but I haven't personally tested.


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47 minutes ago, Adam Lewis said:

A couple of minor issues I have noticed after updating to the new version:
- NPCs are not spawning at any Easy bases. I have my configuration set to spawn 2 at each easy raid but so far, I haven't found a single one. For Medium raids, it's random if I get NPCs or not. Hard and above seem to have no issues spawning, but most are spawning inside the base and not around it. For easy and mediums, I have the options disabled for spawning on beds, bags, rugs, and floor tiles, but on hard and above, I have them set where they can spawn inside the base. So I think it may be having issues finding spawn points for the NPCs around the bases.

- Bases only seem to be spawning on the west side of the map. I haven't seen a base spawn anywhere on the east side of the map centerline. I checked the spawn points in game and there are some on the east side but not as many as on the west side. I'm not sure if the algorithm to pick a spawn point may be choosing a spot before making it around to that side of the island, but it is different than in other versions.

- Bases are only spawning in the water. There are tracts of land that are flat and open enough to have bases spawn, but it's only picking spots in the middle of the water. Nothing has changed in my config since the previous release and I didn't see any new options that could be causing this. Again, is there something different with the spawn point algorithm or changes FP made this update that is interfering?

- If a player who is within the raid bubble mounts a minicopter, they get chat spammed notices about entering and leaving a PVE zone until they dismount or leave the raidable base bubble. I was the one that mentioned last month about players found a way to glitch into other players' raids and I assume this if coming from the change to mitigate that glitch. This may happen with other vehicle types as well but I haven't personally tested.



I have not encountered all the problems you describe. I run Raidbase every day though.

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hi 🙂 

Is this just happening to me or anyone else? the base appears on the island because I have a spawn point but the walls and the event appear on the map






Edited by chuck norris
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I just cleared my first "raid" that spawned off of its spawn point. There were no walls and base, but there was the bubble and NPC's. I had to use the /rbe despawn command to get rid of the bubble as well. I forgot to take a picture of it. I was going to next time I encountered it.

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41 minutes ago, MNfreakTim said:

I just cleared my first "raid" that spawned off of its spawn point. There were no walls and base, but there was the bubble and NPC's. I had to use the /rbe despawn command to get rid of the bubble as well. I forgot to take a picture of it. I was going to next time I encountered it.

I went back to the old version, so far everything is fine

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Here is a copy of what I described in my post 12 hours ago. This "raidbase" spawned with walls, bubble, scientists, but no base and not in a position that is in the spawns database.



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1 hour ago, MNfreakTim said:

Here is a copy of what I described in my post 12 hours ago. This "raidbase" spawned with walls, bubble, scientists, but no base and not in a position that is in the spawns database.



exactly the same here

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@beetle@Adam Lewis@chuck norris@MNfreakTimthese issues will be fixed in the next update. I suspect they're all related to the same issue regarding placement of the arena walls. as for grid spawn points on your map (not custom spawn points) this is due to your maps design. i could make an option to avoid spawning on the coast but this would cause extreme issues on most maps because they have terrible terrain. when i write the coroutine to find spawn points i will set priority for inland spawn points as an elegant solution to this issue

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The NPC's die to ice walls quite often. I thought there was a setting to disable this from happening but I cannot seem to find it. Does it exist?

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Is anyone able to use this plugin on their server right now? It's causing consistent freezes on my server with the latest version.

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Hey Bobbybaker82,


Turn off the ability of players to be able to foundation wipe a base. I did this and it caused it to remain stable after.


Here is the "fix" that Nivex told me to do.

disable Enable Stability Foundation Wipe in your profiles and this should fix the issue until 2.4.3 is released


I hope that helps you out.



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37 minutes ago, MNfreakTim said:

Hey Bobbybaker82,


Turn off the ability of players to be able to foundation wipe a base. I did this and it caused it to remain stable after.


Here is the "fix" that Nivex told me to do.

disable Enable Stability Foundation Wipe in your profiles and this should fix the issue until 2.4.3 is released


I hope that helps you out.



Hey thanks I will give this a try, I thought I already had that off though I'll check.

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Can someone check my config for me? Half the time the actual raid bases are not spawning, only the surrounding high walls are there. I've already tried deleting every difficulty profile and redoing them as well as the config file, but this is till happening every so often.

This is my config. I'm only using MAINTAINED

Edit: I just noticed that the bases with no bases and only highwalls are near monuments. I just changed the distance from monuments from 100-200. Will report back.


  "Settings": {
    "Raid Management": {
      "Eject Mounts": {
        "All Controlled Mounts": false,
        "All Other Mounts": false,
        "Boats": false,
        "Cars (Basic)": false,
        "Cars (Modular)": false,
        "Chinook": false,
        "Horses": false,
        "HotAirBalloon": true,
        "MiniCopters": false,
        "Pianos": true,
        "Scrap Transport Helicopters": false,
        "Snowmobiles": false
      "Max Amount Of Players Allowed To Enter Each Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = none)": {
        "Easy": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Medium": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Hard": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Expert": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Nightmare": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
      "Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": {
        "Allow Max Amount Increase From Difficulties Disabled On A Specific Day Of The Week": false,
        "Easy": 1,
        "Medium": 1,
        "Hard": 1,
        "Expert": 1,
        "Nightmare": 1
      "Chance To Automatically Spawn Each Difficulty (-1 = ignore)": {
        "Easy": 1.0,
        "Medium": 1.0,
        "Hard": 1.0,
        "Expert": 1.0,
        "Nightmare": 1.0,
        "Use Cumulative Probability": true
      "Player Lockouts (0 = ignore)": {
        "Apply All Lockouts Everytime": false,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Easy)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Medium)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Hard)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Expert)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Nightmare)": 0.0,
        "Block Clans From Owning More Than One Raid": false,
        "Block Friends From Owning More Than One Raid": false,
        "Block Teams From Owning More Than One Raid": false
      "Easy Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Medium Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Hard Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Expert Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Additional Containers To Include As Boxes": [],
      "Difficulty Colors (Border)": {
        "Easy": "000000",
        "Medium": "000000",
        "Hard": "000000",
        "Expert": "000000",
        "Nightmare": "000000"
      "Difficulty Colors (Inner)": {
        "Easy": "00FF00",
        "Medium": "FFEB04",
        "Hard": "FF0000",
        "Expert": "0000FF",
        "Nightmare": "000000"
      "Entities Allowed To Drop Loot": {
        "Auto Turrets": false,
        "Flame Turret": false,
        "Fog Machine": false,
        "Gun Trap": false,
        "SAM Site": false
      "Allow Teleport": false,
      "Allow Cupboard Loot To Drop": true,
      "Allow Players To Build": true,
      "Allow Players To Use Ladders": true,
      "Allow Players To Upgrade Event Buildings": false,
      "Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVP Bases": true,
      "Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVE Bases": true,
      "Allow Players To Loot Traps": false,
      "Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs": false,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Roads": false,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Rivers": true,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Building Topology": true,
      "Allow Vending Machines To Broadcast": false,
      "Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVE Bases": true,
      "Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVP Bases": true,
      "Backpacks Drop At PVE Bases": false,
      "Backpacks Drop At PVP Bases": false,
      "Block Npc Kits Plugin": false,
      "Block Helicopter Damage To Bases": false,
      "Block Mounted Damage To Bases And Players": false,
      "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVP Bases": false,
      "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVE Bases": false,
      "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases": false,
      "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases": false,
      "Despawn Spawned Mounts": true,
      "Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables": true,
      "Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures": true,
      "Divide Rewards Among All Raiders": true,
      "Draw Corpse Time (Seconds)": 300.0,
      "Eject Sleepers Before Spawning Base": false,
      "Eject Scavengers When Raid Is Completed": false,
      "Extra Distance To Spawn From Monuments": 100.0,
      "Move Cookables Into Ovens": true,
      "Move Food Into BBQ Or Fridge": true,
      "Blacklist For BBQ And Fridge": [
      "Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard": true,
      "Move Items Into Lockers": true,
      "Lock Treasure To First Attacker": false,
      "Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes)": 20.0,
      "Assign Lockout When Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time Expires": false,
      "Lock Players To Raid Base After Entering Zone": false,
      "Only Award First Attacker and Allies": false,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min: 1)": 1,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled)": 60,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": true,
      "Mounts Can Take Damage From Players": true,
      "Mounts Can Take Damage From SamSites": true,
      "Player Cupboard Detection Radius": 75.0,
      "Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Anything Inside Zone": true,
      "Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Other Players With PVP Delay Anywhere": true,
      "PVP Delay Between Zone Hopping": 10.0,
      "Prevent Fire From Spreading": true,
      "Prevent Players From Hogging Raids": false,
      "Prevent Fall Damage When Base Despawns": false,
      "Require Cupboard To Be Looted Before Despawning": true,
      "Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid": true,
      "Require All Bases To Spawn Before Respawning An Existing Base": true,
      "Turn Lights On At Night": true,
      "Turn Lights On Indefinitely": false,
      "Traps And Turrets Ignore Users Using NOCLIP": false,
      "Use Random Codes On Code Locks": true,
      "Wait To Start Despawn Timer When Base Takes Damage From Player": true,
      "Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs": 1.5
    "Map Markers": {
      "Marker Name": "Raidable Base",
      "Radius": 0.5,
      "Use Vending Map Marker": true,
      "Show Owners Name on Map Marker": false,
      "Use Explosion Map Marker": false,
      "Create Markers For Buyable Events": true,
      "Create Markers For Maintained Events": true,
      "Create Markers For Scheduled Events": true,
      "Create Markers For Manual Events": true
    "Buyable Events": {
      "Cooldowns (0 = No Cooldown)": {
        "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 600.0,
        "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0,
        "Server Admins": 0.0,
        "Normal Users": 1200.0
      "Refunds": {
        "Refund Despawned Bases": false,
        "Block Refund If Base Is Damaged": true,
        "Refund Percentage": 100.0,
        "Refund Resets Cooldown Timer": false
      "Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids": false,
      "Allow Ally With Lockouts To Enter": true,
      "Convert PVE To PVP": false,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
      "Distance To Spawn Bought Raids From Player": 500.0,
      "Ignore Safe Checks": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
      "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false,
      "Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends": true,
      "Max Buyable Events": 1,
      "Reset Purchased Owner After X Minutes Offline": 10.0,
      "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none"
    "Maintained Events": {
      "Always Maintain Max Events": true,
      "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 0.0,
      "Convert PVE To PVP": true,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
      "Include PVE Bases": true,
      "Include PVP Bases": true,
      "Ignore Safe Checks": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
      "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": true,
      "Minimum Required Players Online": 1,
      "Max Maintained Events": 5,
      "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none",
      "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 1.0
    "Manual Events": {
      "Convert PVE To PVP": false,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
      "Max Manual Events": 1,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none"
    "Scheduled Events": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 0.0,
      "Convert PVE To PVP": false,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
      "Every Min Seconds": 3600.0,
      "Every Max Seconds": 7200.0,
      "Include PVE Bases": true,
      "Include PVP Bases": true,
      "Ignore Safe Checks": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
      "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false,
      "Max Scheduled Events": 1,
      "Max To Spawn At Once (0 = Use Max Scheduled Events Amount)": 0,
      "Minimum Required Players Online": 1,
      "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none",
      "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 2.0
    "Allowed Zone Manager Zones": [
    "Extended Distance To Spawn Away From Zone Manager Zones": 25.0,
    "Blacklisted Commands": [],
    "Buyable Event Costs": {
      "Require Custom Costs": true,
      "Require Economics Costs": true,
      "Require Server Rewards Costs": true
    "Economics Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)": {
      "Easy": 0.0,
      "Medium": 0.0,
      "Hard": 0.0,
      "Expert": 0.0,
      "Nightmare": 0.0
    "ServerRewards Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)": {
      "Easy": 0,
      "Medium": 0,
      "Hard": 0,
      "Expert": 0,
      "Nightmare": 0
    "Custom Buy Raid Cost": {
      "Easy": [
          "Enabled": false,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 50,
          "Skin": 0
      "Medium": [
          "Enabled": false,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 100,
          "Skin": 0
      "Hard": [
          "Enabled": false,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 150,
          "Skin": 0
      "Expert": [
          "Enabled": false,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 200,
          "Skin": 0
      "Nightmare": [
          "Enabled": false,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 250,
          "Skin": 0
    "Automatically Teleport Admins To Their Map Marker Positions": true,
    "Block Wizardry Plugin At Events": true,
    "Chat Steam64ID": 0,
    "Expansion Mode (Dangerous Treasures)": false,
    "Remove Admins From Raiders List": false,
    "Show X Z Coordinates": false,
    "Buy Raid Command": "buyraid",
    "Event Command": "rbe",
    "Hunter Command": "rb",
    "Server Console Command": "rbevent"
  "Event Messages": {
    "Announce Raid Unlocked": false,
    "Announce Buy Base Messages": false,
    "Announce Thief Message": true,
    "Announce PVE/PVP Enter/Exit Messages": true,
    "Show Destroy Warning": true,
    "Show Opened Message": false,
    "Show Opened Message For Paid Bases": false,
    "Show Prefix": false,
    "Notify Plugin - Type (-1 = disabled)": -1,
    "Notification Interval": 1.0,
    "Send Messages To Player": false
  "GUIAnnouncements": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Banner Tint Color": "Grey",
    "Maximum Distance": 300.0,
    "Text Color": "White"
  "Ranked Ladder": {
    "Award Top X Players On Wipe": 3,
    "Enabled": true,
    "Show Top X Ladder": 10,
    "Assign Rank After X Completions": {
      "Easy": 0,
      "Medium": 0,
      "Hard": 0,
      "Expert": 0,
      "Nightmare": 0,
      "Assign To Owner Of Raid Only": false
    "Difficulty Points": {
      "Easy": 1,
      "Medium": 2,
      "Hard": 3,
      "Expert": 4,
      "Nightmare": 5,
      "Assign To Owner Of Raid Only": false
  "Skins": {
    "Boxes": {
      "Include Workshop Skins": true,
      "Preset Skin": 0,
      "Use Random Skin": true
    "Loot Items": {
      "Include Workshop Skins": true,
      "Use Random Skin": true,
      "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": false
    "Deployables": {
      "Partial Names": [
      "Include Workshop Skins": true,
      "Use Random Skin": true,
      "Skin Everything": true
    "Randomize Npc Item Skins": true,
    "Use Identical Skins For All Npcs": false,
    "Ignore If Skinned Already": true
  "Treasure": {
    "Resources Not Moved To Cupboards": [
    "Use Day Of Week Loot": false,
    "Do Not Duplicate Base Loot": false,
    "Do Not Duplicate Difficulty Loot": false,
    "Do Not Duplicate Default Loot": false,
    "Use Stack Size Limit For Spawning Items": false
  "UI": {
    "Advanced Alerts UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Anchor Min": "0.35 0.85",
      "Anchor Max": "0.65 0.95",
      "Time Shown": 5.0
    "Buyable UI": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Cursor Enabled": false,
      "Anchor Min": "0.522 0.136",
      "Anchor Max": "0.639 0.372",
      "Panel Color": "#000000",
      "Panel Alpha": 0.0,
      "Button Alpha": 1.0,
      "Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Font Size": 14,
      "Use Contrast Colors For Text Color": false,
      "Use Difficulty Colors For Buttons": false,
      "X Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Easy Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Medium Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Hard Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Expert Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Nightmare Button Color": "#497CAF"
    "Details": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Anchor Min": "0.748 0.228",
      "Anchor Max": "0.986 0.248",
      "Details Font Size": 10,
      "Panel Alpha": 0.98,
      "Panel Color": "#000000",
      "Label Color": "#EAEAEA",
      "Negative Color": "#FF0000",
      "Positive Color": "#008000"
    "Lockouts": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Easy Anchor Min": "0.838 0.285",
      "Easy Anchor Max": "0.883 0.320",
      "Medium Anchor Min": "0.893 0.285",
      "Medium Anchor Max": "0.936 0.320",
      "Hard Anchor Min": "0.946 0.285",
      "Hard Anchor Max": "0.986 0.320",
      "Expert Anchor Min": "0.838 0.325",
      "Expert Anchor Max": "0.883 0.365",
      "Nightmare Anchor Min": "0.893 0.325",
      "Nightmare Anchor Max": "0.936 0.365",
      "Panel Alpha": 1.0
    "Enabled": true,
    "Status Anchor Min": "0.748 0.249",
    "Status Anchor Max": "0.986 0.279",
    "Status Font Size": 12,
    "Panel Alpha": 0.98,
    "Panel Color": "#000000",
    "PVP Color": "#FF0000",
    "PVE Color": "#008000",
    "Show Loot Left": true,
    "Show Time Left": false
  "Weapons": {
    "Infinite Ammo": {
      "AutoTurret": true,
      "FlameTurret": true,
      "FogMachine": true,
      "GunTrap": true,
      "SamSite": true
    "Ammo": {
      "AutoTurret": 256,
      "FlameTurret": 256,
      "FogMachine": 5,
      "GunTrap": 128,
      "SamSite": 24
    "Tesla Coil": {
      "Requires A Power Source": false,
      "Max Discharge Self Damage Seconds (0 = None, 120 = Rust default)": 0.0,
      "Max Damage Output": 35.0
    "Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle": true,
    "Fog Machine Requires A Power Source": true,
    "SamSite Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 0.0,
    "SamSite Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 111.0,
    "SamSite Requires Power Source": false,
    "Test Generator Power": 100.0


Edited by Covfefe
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6 minutes ago, Covfefe said:

Can someone check my config for me? Half the time the actual raid bases are not spawning, only the surrounding high walls are there. I've already tried deleting every difficulty profile and redoing them as well as the config file, but this is till happening every so often.

This is my config. I'm only using MAINTAINED

Edit: I just noticed that the bases with no bases and only highwalls are near monuments. I just changed the distance from monuments from 100-200. Will report back.


Just tested it with 200meters away from monuments and everything seems to spawn normal. Except it's missing one difficulty, probably due to map running out of spawn points due to so many player bases. Will reenable road spawns.

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My raid bases are having trouble respawning after they're completed. What does this mean?


"Use Cumulative Probability": true

Got everything to respawn on their own by enabling floating above water 😞

Edited by Covfefe
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3 hours ago, Covfefe said:

Can someone check my config for me? Half the time the actual raid bases are not spawning, only the surrounding high walls are there. I've already tried deleting every difficulty profile and redoing them as well as the config file, but this is till happening every so often.

This is my config. I'm only using MAINTAINED

Edit: I just noticed that the bases with no bases and only highwalls are near monuments. I just changed the distance from monuments from 100-200. Will report back.


"Scheduled Events": {
      "Enabled": false,

"Scheduled Events": {
      "Enabled": true,👈

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6 hours ago, chuck norris said:

"Scheduled Events": {
      "Enabled": false,

"Scheduled Events": {
      "Enabled": true,👈

But I’m already using maintained events. Scheduled events have the same options. I don’t understand this 

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On 3/11/2022 at 1:04 PM, Clockwurk said:

The NPC's die to ice walls quite often. I thought there was a setting to disable this from happening but I cannot seem to find it. Does it exist?

thanks, fixed in next update

@bobbybaker82 @MNfreakTimthanks, disabling that option should fix it as suggested 🙂

@Covfefesorry this is a known issue that I'm trying to fix.

Scheduled Events spawns bases based on a schedule, whereas Maintained Events tries to make sure that the specified number of bases are always spawned

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Damn, maintained events used to work all the time for me. Don’t know what changed. It feels like when it’s trying to find a new place to spawn a maintained base that the old raided bases are still taking up that spot on the map so the plugin runs out of places to spawn and doesn’t spawn anymore. It’s only spawning easy bases for me since it has the smallest radius


also what does this mean in laymens term? 
"Use Cumulative Probability": 

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How do I go about making the thief message show up in global chat again? It used to work all the time like “player has raided base” etc

  "Event Messages": {
    "Announce Raid Unlocked": false,
    "Announce Buy Base Messages": false,
    "Announce Thief Message": true,
    "Announce PVE/PVP Enter/Exit Messages": true,
    "Show Destroy Warning": true,
    "Show Opened Message": false,
    "Show Opened Message For Paid Bases": false,
    "Show Prefix": false,
    "Notify Plugin - Type (-1 = disabled)": -1,
    "Notification Interval": 1.0,
    "Send Messages To Player": true

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I have cupboard detection radius set to 75, but it's still spawning near bases which I think is causing it to not spawn it's own base. Is there anyway around this? I'm having a helluva time trying to get all bases to spawn/respawn properly. Should I disable arena walls?


"Player Cupboard Detection Radius": 75.0,


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post #1 - i'll look into it to make sure this is not happening

Use Cumulative Probability - in laymen terms you want the total probability of all 5 to equal 100%, and each should be the specific amount from 100% that you want to allow. so for example you could put 40.0 for easy, 30.0 for medium, 15.0 for hard, 10.0 for expert and 5.0 for nightmare

post #2 - this works. if it's not showing for you then it's because you're using a cheat (vanish, noclip, anything within past 30 seconds, god, or godmode plugin). i've changed it in 2.4.3 to allow cheating if you have permission raidablebases.canbypass

post #3 - known issue - trying to fix this. it's what all of the position issues are from. disabling walls will not fix it as the center is still wrong

Edited by nivex
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I thought I had already solved this problem but today I came across some bases spawning without some walls and loot. someone else?

I ran the command (rbe despawn) and the base disappeared but this is it and it's in decay, did a base appear inside another @nivex?😣





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