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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
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On the base ground on easy difficulty
You can see a situation where routes equivalent to experts are falling.
I'm guessing that the Easy Base appeared in an area where the Expert was not used by anyone and was removed due to timeout.
Is there a setting that will drop the loot item when the base disappears due to timeout?
I'm checking this because there are so many settings that I can't tell if it's an incorrect setting or a bug.




I don't understand this translation. Type it in your native language.

if you're asking about loot bags that drop from boxes then yes you can remove them when the base despawns.

Despawn Dropped Loot Bags From Raid Boxes When Base Despawns is in the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/




25 minutes ago, nivex said:


I don't understand this translation. Type it in your native language.

if you're asking about loot bags that drop from boxes then yes you can remove them when the base despawns.

Despawn Dropped Loot Bags From Raid Boxes When Base Despawns is in the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/


Yes, I knew about that option and set it all to true.
It seems that only expert has returned to false...
It seems that it returned to the default value when it was not loaded properly due to a mistake in the configuration file.
Solved, thank you

  • Like 1


On 13.05.2024 at 22:10, nivex said:


Турели - это физический аспект игры. Это было исправлено пару месяцев назад в обновлении Rust, но по-прежнему не работает с воротами тюремной камеры, стеной тюремной камеры, и буквально вчера у меня случилось такое, когда турели каким-то образом стреляли с этажа надо мной.

Добавьте wall.frame.cell.gate и wall.frame.cell, чтобы удалить эти префабы после вставки в профили в качестве решения, пока Facepunch не исправит это.

"Удалите эти префабы после вставки": ["стена.рамка.ячейка.gate", "стена.рамка.ячейка"]

У меня это произошло на vanilla, и я отправил видео на Facepunch, но ответа не получил.

I have another problem, please look at the recording, maybe this will explain the situation better. 



Posted (edited)


this shouldn't be caused by RB (edit: unless configured to be). this is another plugin, a game bug that I'm not aware of, or the base itself is somehow corrupted which I can't explain either.

send the base to me in a DM and I can check it later tonight. include the profile and config files.

Edited by nivex


12 minutes ago, nivex said:


это не должно быть вызвано RB. это другой плагин, ошибка в игре, о которой я не знаю, или сама база каким-то образом повреждена, что я тоже не могу объяснить.

пришлите мне базу в личку, и я смогу проверить ее позже вечером. включите файлы профиля и конфигурации.

This happens on all bases with straw, I also think some plugin blocks the damage, but I can’t figure out which one(



1 hour ago, nivex said:


это не должно быть вызвано RB. это другой плагин, ошибка в игре, о которой я не знаю, или сама база каким-то образом повреждена, что я тоже не могу объяснить.

пришлите мне базу в личку, и я смогу проверить ее позже вечером. включите файлы профиля и конфигурации.

I disabled all plugins and left only the ones I needed:
"Copy Paste" (4.1.37) by misticos
"Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u
"PermissionsManager" (2.0.9) by Steenamaroo
"Raidable Bases" (2.8.5) by nivex
"Spawns" (2.0.36) by Reneb / k1lly0u
The problem remains, through the straw wall does not cause damage to players in any base. I can’t figure out what to do, please help!



you need to send the files I requested.



Posted (edited)


twig is immune because you've enabled the setting for it to be immune

  "Строительные блоки устойчивы к урону": true,
  "Строительные блоки устойчивы к урону (только опора)": true,

English translation

  "Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage": true,
  "Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage (Twig Only)": true,

Is my Russian translation not correct for this setting?

Edited by nivex


11 hours ago, nivex said:


twig is immune because you've enabled the setting for it to be immune

  "Строительные блоки устойчивы к урону": true,
  "Строительные блоки устойчивы к урону (только опора)": true,

English translation

  "Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage": true,
  "Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage (Twig Only)": true,

Is my Russian translation not correct for this setting?

its nice, but need edit только опора -> только солома
twig = солома


Posted (edited)

If I use a jackhammer inside the RaidableBase to use up the durability to 0, repair it out of RaidableBase, and then use the jackhammer inside the base again, the durability will go to 0 in one hit.
Conversely, reduce Jackhammer's durability to 5 outside the base.
When I return to base, it will recover to its original value  in one hit.. .
It looks like it remembers the durability in the RaidableBase.
Is this something that is affected by some settings?

Edited by hid333



yes, this is a setting.

Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss

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For some reason, only Nightmare does not appear in the purchase UI.
The settings are as follows, and the prices for all bases other than Nightmare are set correctly and I can purchase them. Are there any other settings I can think of?
Even if you set Max Amount Purchasable Per Difficulty to 1 for Nightmare only and set all others to -1, you will still be able to purchase all bases except

    "Buyable Events": {
      "Max Amount Purchasable Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": {
        "Easy": 1,
        "Medium": 1,
        "Hard": 1,
        "Expert": 1,
        "Nightmare": 1

    "Economics Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)": {
      "Easy": 33.0,
      "Medium": 333.0,
      "Hard": 1333.0,
      "Expert": 2333.0,
      "Nightmare": 3333.0





heya, most common reasons are:

1. a json error is preventing the nightmare profile from being loaded

2. nightmare profile has Allow PVP set to true and Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids is set false

but really I can't answer without the config and nightmare profile.



Both are set.
There are no errors when loading the plugin, and I can successfully spawn Nightmare Base using commands.
Other settings (such as the purchase price) appear to be reflected, so I don't think it's a loading error, but I'm not sure. I've attached the settings file.

Nightmare Bases.json RaidableBases.json



7 hours ago, hid333 said:

Both are set.
There are no errors when loading the plugin, and I can successfully spawn Nightmare Base using commands.
Other settings (such as the purchase price) appear to be reflected, so I don't think it's a loading error, but I'm not sure. I've attached the settings file.

heya. it isn't allowed to spawn automatically or with buyraid because of this setting. manually would still work yes.


      "Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": false,
        "Tuesday": false,
        "Wednesday": false,
        "Thursday": false,
        "Friday": false,
        "Saturday": false,
        "Sunday": false


  • Like 1


8 hours ago, nivex said:

heya. it isn't allowed to spawn automatically or with buyraid because of this setting. manually would still work yes.


Sorry. I didn't think this setting would affect the purchase.
Thank you for checking. I'll fix it and see if it works.

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no problem! @hid333



1 hour ago, nivex said:

no problem! @hid333

The Nightmare difficulty base is now available for purchase. Thank you for your help.

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Posted (edited)

can anyone confirm if damage dealt by the PredatorMissile plugin to an npc is still being blocked? I tested and the damage is working. please DM your config if this is not the case.

Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

Option request:

An adjustable distance for custom message, lets say its set to 400. So at 400 (approaching) "A radiable base is near" or what ever you want it to say,  comes into chat. At 401,  (departing) "You have left the base" or what ever you want it to say,  comes into chat.

Purpose: Allot of us don't have the domes and the markers, our players have to find the raidables, in the wild, on their own. This option would simply assist in finding them without showing them exactly where they are.

Edited by PistOffBastd
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it's a neat idea. I'll note it down @PistOffBastd

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Bad Land


hi nivex, i dont know if is possible, i tried to fond something about on discussion, but didnt see.
Its possible create a 6th tipe for bases ,like inferno after nightmare? or whatever? Thakns



@BadLandPVEhi, not possible until dynamic difficulty is implemented. though such a feature would move any difficulty settings from the config into the profiles should I implement it

Bad Land


6 minutes ago, nivex said:

@BadLandPVEhi, not possible until dynamic difficulty is implemented. though such a feature would move any difficulty settings from the config into the profiles should I implement it

okey thanks ill wait for it.

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