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Limit Entities 2.2.3

   (8 reviews)
Message added by MON@H,
  • If you want to know what prefab some entity is using, I suggest you to use Entity Owner plugin. Connect to your server, stand in the front of any entity you want to get prefab name for and use /prod command.
  • If you want to get a full list of all supported prefabs into log file - use limitentities.list console command

6 Screenshots

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Bad Land


On 8/17/2023 at 7:22 PM, MON@H said:

@BadLands I con't understand what exactly are you talking about. I'm not aware of any method which allows to avoid limits. Give me detailed description of what exactly going on on your server and maybe I'll be able to help you.

If you are talking about building limit with multi TC, then range will not help

this is my config

a clan have 21 large furnaces.  how they do that?



"Permissions": [
      "Permission": "limitentities.default",
      "Priority": 1,
      "Limits Global": {
        "Limit Total": 2000,
        "Limits Entities": {
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation.triangle/foundation.triangle.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation/foundation.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/floor.triangle/floor.triangle.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/wall/wall.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/floor/floor.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof.triangle/roof.triangle.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof/roof.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/campfire/campfire.prefab": 10,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/ceiling light/ceilinglight.deployed.prefab": 50,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace.large/furnace.large.prefab": 5,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/furnace.prefab": 10,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil jack/mining.pumpjack.prefab": 0,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil refinery/refinery_small_deployed.prefab": 2,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.large.deployed.prefab": 50,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.small.deployed.prefab": 50,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/quarry/mining_quarry.prefab": 0,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/search light/searchlight.deployed.prefab": 2,
          "assets/prefabs/npc/sam_site_turret/sam_site_turret_deployed.prefab": 4,
          "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/autoturret_deployed.prefab": 50
      "Limits Building": {
        "Limit Total": 2000,
        "Limits Entities": {            
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation.triangle/foundation.triangle.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation/foundation.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/floor.triangle/floor.triangle.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/floor/floor.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof.triangle/roof.triangle.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof/roof.prefab": 200,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/campfire/campfire.prefab": 10,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/ceiling light/ceilinglight.deployed.prefab": 50,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace.large/furnace.large.prefab": 5,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/furnace.prefab": 10,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil jack/mining.pumpjack.prefab": 0,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil refinery/refinery_small_deployed.prefab": 2,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.large.deployed.prefab": 50,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.small.deployed.prefab": 50,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/search light/searchlight.deployed.prefab": 2,
          "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/autoturret_deployed.prefab": 50

RUST Screenshot 2023.08.18 -



"Limits Building" is meant to restrict entities per one "base," but it only applies to entities placed on building blocks. However, "furnace.large" does not fall into this category. So, if 5 players each place 5 "large furnaces," no limits will be imposed. Implementing limits based on territory, such as "in TC range," is feasible, but there is a significant risk that this could lead to performance issues. This plugin was designed with the primary concern that performance > functionality. Perhaps I'll come up with something in the future, but no promises.


Posted (edited)

@BadLands why do you have only one permission? Create one for each tier, the higher tier the higher limits amount. Lets say 1 tier only 1 furnace allowed, ter 2 - 2, and so on. Or set lower limit for clan members amount

Also, why does your "Limits Building" = "Limits Global"? That doesn't make sense, you can just remove entities from "Limits Building" in that case and only keep ones that have lower amount than "Limits Global"

Think of it as "Limits Global" = total amount on the server, "Limits Building" = total amount in one "base". If you set "Limits Global" = 5 and "Limits Building" = 5, then there is no sense to use "Limits Building", since they will not be able to build more anyways.

Edited by MON@H
Bad Land


7 minutes ago, MON@H said:

@BadLands why do you have only one permission? Create one for each tier, the higher tier the higher limits amount. Lets say 1 tier only 1 furnace allowed, ter 2 - 2, and so on. Or set lower limit for clan members amount

Also, why does your "Limits Building" = "Limits Global"? That doesn't make sense, you can just remove entities from "Limits Building" in that case and only keep ones that have lower amount than "Limits Global"

Think of it as "Limits Global" = total amount on the server, "Limits Building" = total amount in one "base". If you set "Limits Global" = 5 and "Limits Building" = 5, then there is no sense to use "Limits Building", since they will not be able to build more anyways.

how make limit for tiers? 
How for clans?

Bad Land



8 minutes ago, MON@H said:

@BadLands why do you have only one permission? Create one for each tier, the higher tier the higher limits amount. Lets say 1 tier only 1 furnace allowed, ter 2 - 2, and so on. Or set lower limit for clan members amount

Also, why does your "Limits Building" = "Limits Global"? That doesn't make sense, you can just remove entities from "Limits Building" in that case and only keep ones that have lower amount than "Limits Global"

Think of it as "Limits Global" = total amount on the server, "Limits Building" = total amount in one "base". If you set "Limits Global" = 5 and "Limits Building" = 5, then there is no sense to use "Limits Building", since they will not be able to build more anyways.

 Im testing, thats why . im trying a lot 



Posted (edited)

@BadLands You can set clan members amount limit in your clan plugin settings.

default config contains 3 permissions:

  1. default
  2. vip

  3. elite

Create as many as you like. For example:

  1. default
  2. tier1
  3. tier2
  4. ...
  5. tier100

Just grant permission "limitentities.tierX" when player got new tier

Edited by MON@H
Bad Land


On 8/20/2023 at 12:54 PM, MON@H said:

@BadLands You can set clan members amount limit in your clan plugin settings.

default config contains 3 permissions:

  1. default
  2. vip

  3. elite

Create as many as you like. For example:

  1. default
  2. tier1
  3. tier2
  4. ...
  5. tier100

Just grant permission "limitentities.tierX" when player got new tier

okey, but thats not answer why  if building limit is 5 large furnace a group can place in same base 21 building limit is cancelled by global limit?


Posted (edited)

@BadLands the limit is set per player, so if a player has "Limits Global" = 5, each player can place 5 entities. 2 players can place 10 and so on,

I already told you, "Limits Building" is meant to restrict entities per one "base," but it only applies to entities placed on building blocks. However, "furnace.large" does not fall into this category. For "furnace.large" and other entities that are not placed on building blocks "Limits Building" simply won't work.

Edited by MON@H
Bad Land


26 minutes ago, MON@H said:

@BadLands the limit is set per player, so if a player has "Limits Global" = 5, each player can place 5 entities. 2 players can place 10 and so on,

I already told you, "Limits Building" is meant to restrict entities per one "base," but it only applies to entities placed on building blocks. However, "furnace.large" does not fall into this category. For "furnace.large" and other entities that are not placed on building blocks "Limits Building" simply won't work.

ahhh ok ok. a lot of thing to learn about. thanks!!



Are there any known issues around item removal? I'm only admin on my PVE server and randomly I witness players losing tool cupboards, boxes most notably coffins and other items.

I also use AutoDecay Plugin so I'm trying to find what problem plugins to start removing. Could this be caused by LimitEntities or do you think it's more likely AutoDecay plugin? These are my only plugins controlling removal of items as a main feature.



What is the correct Prefab for the Windmill? I feel like I have tried them all now and keep getting error.

Wind Turbinegenerator.wind.scrap-1819763926Converts kinetic energy harvested from the wind into electricity. Amount generated will vary depending on wind speed. Higher altitudes will yield stronger winds.




@SlayersRust the one in default config is correct:





I have 3 tiers of permissions including default. Can I remove the default permission by leaving it empty and it still applying to everyone?

from: "Permission": "limitentities.default"

to: "Permission": ""

If you can, would that have any material (positive) impact on performance?

Also, feature request: Some kind of map for prefab names so we can customize them. If you cache, it shouldn't add much overhead (i don't believe)





7 hours ago, MON@H said:

@SlayersRust the one in default config is correct:



This fixed my issue thank you mate!


Posted (edited)

What is the prefab for Powered Deluxe Christmas Lights? I feel like I"ve tried everything.

This does not work "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/poweredlights/xmas.advanced.lights.deployed.prefab"

This works for regular christmas lights "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/christmas_lights/xmas.lightstring.deployed.prefab"

Also cannot seem to find correct items for these


Edited by SlayersRust


On 10/26/2023 at 2:40 PM, SlayersRust said:

What is the prefab for Powered Deluxe Christmas Lights? I feel like I"ve tried everything.

This does not work "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/poweredlights/xmas.advanced.lights.deployed.prefab"

This works for regular christmas lights "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/christmas_lights/xmas.lightstring.deployed.prefab"

Also cannot seem to find correct items for these


@MON@Hdo you know these 3 entity names?


Posted (edited)

@Dave, you can have as many permissions as you want. You are free to add/remove them comepletely including default one. If you're removing permission, don't leave an empty name there, remove the while block.


  "Permissions": [
      "Permission": "limitentities.vip",
      "Priority": 20,
      "Limits Global": {
        "Limit Total": 5000,
        "Limits Entities": {
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation.triangle/foundation.triangle.prefab": 500,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation/foundation.prefab": 500,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof.triangle/roof.triangle.prefab": 400,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof/roof.prefab": 400
      "Limits Building": {
        "Limit Total": 2000,
        "Limits Entities": {
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/search light/searchlight.deployed.prefab": 15,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/windmill/electric.windmill.small.prefab": 15
      "Permission": "limitentities.elite",
      "Priority": 30,
      "Limits Global": {
        "Limit Total": 10000,
        "Limits Entities": {
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation.triangle/foundation.triangle.prefab": 2000,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation/foundation.prefab": 2000,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof.triangle/roof.triangle.prefab": 1000,
          "assets/prefabs/building core/roof/roof.prefab": 1000
      "Limits Building": {
        "Limit Total": 5000,
        "Limits Entities": {
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/search light/searchlight.deployed.prefab": 20,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/windmill/electric.windmill.small.prefab": 20

What exactly you want to customize in prefab names, I don't understand.

@SlayersRust, use limitentities.list console command to get all supported prefab names into log file. Open log file in logs dir and find the one you want.

Edited by MON@H


2 hours ago, MON@H said:

@Dave, you can have as many permissions as you want. You are free to add/remove them comepletely including default one. If you're removing permission, don't leave an empty name there, remove the while block.


What exactly you want to customize in prefab names, I don't understand.

@SlayersRust, use limitentities.list console command to get all supported prefab names into log file. Open log file in logs dir and find the one you want.

I use this command over and over but it produces no Logs whether I use the command in f1 console within rust when I have all perms or whether I use it within my server panel. So where do I find these logs and how do I get this command to work because  limitentities.list does not work.



@SlayersRust open logs folder, find folder with plugin name and open log file...



5 minutes ago, MON@H said:

@SlayersRust open logs folder, find folder with plugin name and open log file...

Sorry I thought it would be in Data Files, I found it in a very weird spot I wasn't aware of that existed. Maybe in your description. you can state where log flles are found for server owners thank you. Will be less confusion especially for newer server owners.



From what I've gathered form the logs your plugin does not support the powered christmas lights but only the regular ones. And also does not support any of the Sofa Seats or Sofa Seat pattern, could we have these supported?

          "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/poweredlights/xmas.advanced.lights.deployed.prefab": 50,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/sofa/seats/sofaseat.prefab": 25,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/sofa/sofa.pattern.deployed.prefab": 25,


Posted (edited)

I have limit on planterboxes to prevent huge farms.
Last patch facepunch added different  types of planterboxes.....
Is there any way to make for example the new Railroad Planter share the same limit a s Large Planterbox?
I can set the limit to the same on both, but then players can max the limit on  both to double the amount of boxes.

Edited by Hawkhill
  • Love 1


@Hawkhill Group limits are on my to-do list, I'm looking for the best way to avoid performance impact. I could add this long time ago, but as I said before - performance is the main concern of this plugin, so please be patient.

  • Like 1


Performance issues we dont want.... so take your time.



On 11/12/2023 at 5:25 PM, Hawkhill said:

I have limit on planterboxes to prevent huge farms.
Last patch facepunch added different  types of planterboxes.....
Is there any way to make for example the new Railroad Planter share the same limit a s Large Planterbox?
I can set the limit to the same on both, but then players can max the limit on  both to double the amount of boxes.

Same here, would be nice to have the players select which planter box they can use within the limits. Have to disable them now

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