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Limit Entities 2.2.3

   (8 reviews)
Message added by MON@H,
  • If you want to know what prefab some entity is using, I suggest you to use Entity Owner plugin. Connect to your server, stand in the front of any entity you want to get prefab name for and use /prod command.
  • If you want to get a full list of all supported prefabs into log file - use limitentities.list console command

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Would it be possible to create a category and decide which items are in it? Then limit them?

For example, if we could lump all lights into 1 category and just say 10 of any items in the lights category?



3 hours ago, Venedas said:

Would it be possible to create a category and decide which items are in it? Then limit them?

For example, if we could lump all lights into 1 category and just say 10 of any items in the lights category?

Performance was a top priority for me when creating this plugin. I can add custom groups, but it will take some time for coding and testing to make sure it doesn't impact performance. I am currently working on other plugins. Since this plugin is very stable and performant at the moment, I don't plan to add it anytime soon. Maybe later



Hey, i saw i can block building blocks etc with using prefab paths - so that means i could disabled an entire building tier if i set as example all the toptier building parts to 0? With path like this one “assets/prefabs/building core/foundation/foundation.toptier.prefab” ? thank you! 🙂



@Katze, yes, you can limit any entity by prefab name and yes, setting limit to 0 will prevent players from building it.

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Is there a data file or something similar which would allow me to see what a specific player has deployed from the Admin side? I have had some players say they have placed fewer items than is being displayed for them. I just wanted to confirm from the Admin side what they have placed and such.

Thanks in advance


Posted (edited)

@MNfreakTim, if you are asking about this plugin data file - there is none. All data is cached in memory, so there is no phisical file you could read (Since this plugin was about maximizing performance). So if you need to trace all players builded entities, you should use some other plugin for that. This plugin was tested so many times that I can ensure you it counts correctly.

Edited by MON@H
AvG Лаймон


Is any way to buy this plugin from russia?)



How i can fix it? i do 6 items for expamle per player, but doesnt works, 1 player can put items, after teammate also can put the same items in the same base. what i do wrong? 

      "Permission": "limitentities.default",
      "Priority": 0,
      "Limits Global": {
        "Limit Total": 10000,
        "Limits Entities": {
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace.large/furnace.large.prefab": 10,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil jack/mining.pumpjack.prefab": 1,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.large.deployed.prefab": 30,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.small.deployed.prefab": 20,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/quarry/mining_quarry.prefab": 1,
		  "assets/prefabs/deployable/tool cupboard/cupboard.tool.deployed.prefab": 6,
		  "assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab": 6
      "Limits Building": {
        "Limit Total": 10000,
        "Limits Entities": {
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.large.deployed.prefab": 30,
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.small.deployed.prefab": 20,
		  "assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab": 6



Posted (edited)

bcuz all what i need is assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab 6 per base, not more.

When u play with friends ( team system ) so u can put x2x3 and more items, when you solo, works perfectly.
any idea to fix it?

Edited by CryEngine


Is it possible to block general building instead of listing entities? Like limiting the construccion to 1000 entities per player. 

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On 7/22/2022 at 6:56 PM, CryEngine said:

bcuz all what i need is assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab 6 per base, not more.

When u play with friends ( team system ) so u can put x2x3 and more items, when you solo, works perfectly.
any idea to fix it?

Hmm, this issue has never been reported before, I will check it and fix it soon


On 8/16/2022 at 8:34 PM, Emigo said:

Is it possible to block general building instead of listing entities? Like limiting the construccion to 1000 entities per player. 

Yes, it's in config called "Limit Total"

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On 7/22/2022 at 6:56 PM, CryEngine said:

bcuz all what i need is assets/prefabs/deployable/hitch & trough/hitchtrough.deployed.prefab 6 per base, not more.

When u play with friends ( team system ) so u can put x2x3 and more items, when you solo, works perfectly.
any idea to fix it?

Can't reproduce the issue. Like I said before, if you want to get a fast support - don't use comments, create support thread and describe  more details there, so I could reproduce the issue.

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20 hours ago, MON@H said:

Can't reproduce the issue. Like I said before, if you want to get a fast support - don't use comments, create support thread and describe  more details there, so I could reproduce the issue.

Sorry, the problem is fixed, i don't know how, but i just reinstalled rust server from zero, ( all setting the same ) just server files that i have, the 2 years old xD maybe thats was a problem. Thank you Bro ❤️

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I had a unique new situation come up on one of my servers. A player attempted to place a search light and they were told that they had reached the limit of 2 search lights for that building. When they typed /limits it showed them as having placed 0/4 search lights globally. Attached you can find the image provided to me on discord. Would there be any way for me to produce a file of some form to see if there is a reason for this message. I have had players question the count of a specific entity, but I was unable to identify all of their items to confirm. But I did check this players base this wipe and they had yet to place any search lights, so that is why I am sending in this message. There is another base that is right outside of this players base TC range that does have two search lights on it, but not the player in question. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Gay Sparkly T-Rex


Thats a strange one... I use search light limits and havent had that one pop up...



1 hour ago, MNfreakTim said:

I had a unique new situation come up on one of my servers. A player attempted to place a search light and they were told that they had reached the limit of 2 search lights for that building. When they typed /limits it showed them as having placed 0/4 search lights globally. Attached you can find the image provided to me on discord. Would there be any way for me to produce a file of some form to see if there is a reason for this message. I have had players question the count of a specific entity, but I was unable to identify all of their items to confirm. But I did check this players base this wipe and they had yet to place any search lights, so that is why I am sending in this message. There is another base that is right outside of this players base TC range that does have two search lights on it, but not the player in question. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


only with search light? check another entities.



32 minutes ago, CryEngine said:

only with search light? check another entities.

I have had issues in the past with furnaces, tool cupboards and campfires. But I always assumed it was the player losing count. This was a first where it showed they had placed any search lights, yet they reached the max on that building. I even checked the building myself to be sure. There is a base right outside of TC range (as close as you can get) that has search lights on it. But not the base the guy is trying to place them on.


Very strange



I'm currently working on refactoring of this plugin. Please, be patient and wait for new version. I hope "it will solve all problems".




Why is it that the plugin is reloaded and the config is restored to the default settings?



@Viktorvillyou should always unload plugin before making changes in config file. This approach is necessary in order for the plugin to be able to add new options to the configuration file.



Thanks works great!




This is what I get when I issue the /limit command

16:25 [Error] Failed to call hook 'CmdLimitEntities' on plugin 'LimitEntities v2.0.3' (ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length)
  at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0004a] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.LimitEntities.GetShortName (System.UInt32 prefabId) [0x00035] in <fada880a643144bca62445fb35a2892a>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.LimitEntities.GetItemDisplayName (System.UInt32 prefabID, System.String language) [0x00051] in <fada880a643144bca62445fb35a2892a>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.LimitEntities.CmdLimitEntities (BasePlayer player) [0x0025e] in <fada880a643144bca62445fb35a2892a>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.LimitEntities.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x007de] in <fada880a643144bca62445fb35a2892a>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <09575a60985045248bcb43b20faeeb99>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0 
16:25 [Warning] Calling 'CmdLimitEntities' on 'LimitEntities v2.0.3' took 104ms
16:25 [Warning] TTTimeWarning TTDictionaryMemSync.Execute() TOOK 0.0092 MS



16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname campfire_static found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname hobobarrel_static found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fogmachine found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname strobelight found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname bbq.deployed found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomer.blue.item found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomer.champagne.item found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomer.green.item found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomer.orange.item found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomer.pattern.item found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomer.red.item found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomer.violet.item found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname boomerpack.site found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fireworkshellblue found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fireworkshellchampagne found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fireworkshellgreen found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fireworkshellorange found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fireworkshellpattern found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fireworkshellred found!
16:25 [Warning] [Limit Entities] There is no translation for shortname fireworkshellviolet found!



@Viktorvillplease, create a support ticket and attach your config file



Hello. I was very interested in this! Will this work with plugin friends with Umod, if so how?

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