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22 Screenshots

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About Kits

Unique kit system with the highest possible functionality and beautiful design. This will please you (no need to sit in the config every time and try to fill in some incomprehensible values, etc.), and your players (convenient, clear and informative interface). You just start editing items directly in the game) and your players (comfortable, clear, informative interface)!




🌟 Features of Kits

  • Beautiful User Interface: Experience a visually appealing and user-friendly design.
  • High Performance: Optimized for fast, reliable performance.
  • Automatic Kit Conversion (uMod): Easily convert your existing kits.
  • In-Game Kit and Item Setup: Configure kits directly in the game.
  • Auto Kits & Wipes (Optional): Automate kit distribution and server wipes.
  • Custom Items & Commands: Assign unique items and commands to kits.
  • Advanced Item Settings: Fine-tune every aspect of your items.
  • CopyPaste Integration: Seamlessly work with CopyPaste.
  • Optional Features: Delays after wipes, set blocking in Building Block, logging, and item chances.
  • Skills & ServerPanel Support: Enhance player experience with integrated support.

🎮 Commands

  • kit – open the kit interface
  • kit help – get help with kits
  • kit autokit – enable or disable automatic kit.
    Requires the "kits.changeautokit" permission. You can set this permission up in the plugin configuration under "Permission to enable/disable autokit".
  • kit list – display all available kits
  • kit [name] – redeem a specific kit
  • kits.resetkits – delete all kits
  • kits.give [name/steamid] [kitname] – grant a kit to player
  • kits.convert – convert from uMod Kits
  • kits.wipe – clear players data
  • kits.reset – resets the player data or kits in the kits system.
    • kits.reset data [<targetID>/all] – resets the data of a player or all players.
      <targetID>: The ID of the player whose data is to be reset. If you specify all, the data of all players will be reset.
    • kits.reset kits – resets all kits in the data
  • kits.template <interface_type> <interface_style> <template> [template_version] – allows the administrator to customize the appearance of the bundles interface by choosing between fullscreen and inmenu mode. Different styles and templates are available for each interface type. The old style (old) is only available for fullscreen mode, while the new Rust style (rust) is available for both interface types. When using the Rust style, you must specify a specific template such as normal, content, categories or content_categories. For inmenu rust templates, you can also specify the ServerPanel template version (1 or 2).
    • <interface_type>: The type of interface template. Valid values:
      • fullscreen: Fullscreen interface template.
      • inmenu: Menu interface template.
    • <interface_style>: The style of the interface. Valid values:
      • old: The old interface style (fullscreen only).
      • rust: New Rust interface style (for fullscreen and inmenu).
    • <template>: The name of the target template. Valid values depend on the interface style:
      • normal, content, categories, content_categories.
    • [template_version]: (Optional, only for inmenu rust) ServerPanel template version. Valid values: 1 or 2. Specifies the template version to be used with the selected inmenu rust template.
    • kits.template fullscreen old - Sets the fullscreen interface to the old style.
    • kits.template fullscreen rust normal - Sets the fullscreen interface to the Rust style with the normal template.
    • kits.template fullscreen rust content - Sets the fullscreen interface to the Rust style with the content template.
    • kits.template fullscreen rust categories - Sets the fullscreen interface to the Rust style with the categories template.
    • kits.template fullscreen rust content_categories - Sets the fullscreen interface to the Rust style with the content_categories template.
    • kits.template inmenu rust normal 1 - Sets the menu interface to the Rust style with the normal template for ServerPanel version 1.
    • kits.template inmenu rust content 2 - Sets the menu interface to the Rust style with the content template for ServerPanel version 2.
    • kits.template inmenu rust categories 1 - Sets the menu interface to Rust style with the categories template for ServerPanel version 1.
    • kits.template inmenu rust content_categories 1 - Sets the menu interface to the Rust style with the content_categories template for ServerPanel version 1.


🎥 Video

P.S. Video of the old version, video for the V2+ version is now in development


🖼️ Showcase

Full screen Templates

  • Template OLD STYLE


  • Template NEW RUST





Content & Categories:


In-Menu Templates

  • Template V1 (V1.1)





Content & Categories:


  • Template V2






Content & Categories:






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Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A:  Config

Q: Where can I see an example of a data?
A:  Data

Q: I have a question/problem. What should I do?
A: You can write to me in a PM on the site, create a ticket. Or write me in Discord: Mevent#4546

Q: Does the Kits plugin support other plugins?
A: Yes, this Kits plugin has an API similar to other popular kits plugins. If the plugin works with Kits - it works with this plugin too.

Q: How do I enable the sale of kits?
A: You need to configure the plugin economy (which plugin, its hooks, etc.), enable "Enable sale" in the Kits data (oxide/data/Kits/Kits.json or carbon/data/Kits/Kits.json) and set the price to "Selling price"

"Enable sale": true,
"Selling price": 100,

Q: How do I use Economics to pay for kits?
A: Example configuration settings:

  "Economy": {
    "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin",
    "Plugin name": "Economics",
    "Balance add hook": "Deposit",
    "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw",
    "Balance show hook": "Balance",
    "ShortName": "",
    "Display Name (empty - default)": "",
    "Skin": 0

Q: How do I use ServerRewards to pay for kits?
A: Example configuration settings:

  "Economy": {
    "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin",
    "Plugin name": "ServerRewards",
    "Balance add hook": "AddPoints",
    "Balance remove hook": "TakePoints",
    "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints",
    "ShortName": "",
    "Display Name (empty - default)": "",
    "Skin": 0

Q: How do I use scrap to pay for kits?
A: Example configuration settings:

  "Economy": {
    "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Item",
    "Plugin name": "",
    "Balance add hook": "",
    "Balance remove hook": "",
    "Balance show hook": "",
    "ShortName": "scrap",
    "Display Name (empty - default)": "",
    "Skin": 0

Q: How do I resize the kit image?
A: You can do this in the config, here's an example of the image setup (-32 and 32 are width, and -75 and -11 are height😞

    "Kit Image": {
      "AnchorMin": "0.5 1",
      "AnchorMax": "0.5 1",
      "OffsetMin": "-32 -75",
      "OffsetMax": "32 -11"

Q: How can I remove the numbers on the kits ("#1", "#2", etc.)?
A: You need to turn off "Show Number?" in the config:

 "Show Number?": false,

Q: How do I make it so that others can see kits with different permissions without being able to claim them? 
A: You need to turn off "Show All Kits?" in the config:

 "Show All Kits?": true,

Q: Where can I edit the names in the plugin or add my own language?
A: You can edit lang files that are located (for example) at "oxide/lang/en/Kits.json" or "carbon/lang/en/Kits.json".



private string[] canRedeemKit(BasePlayer player)
private void OnKitRedeemed(BasePlayer player, string kitName)
private double OnKitCooldown(BasePlayer player, double cooldown)



private bool TryClaimKit(BasePlayer player, string name, bool usingUI)
private string[] GetAllKits()
private object GetKitInfo(string kitname)
private string[] GetKitContents(string kitname)
private double GetKitCooldown(string kitname)
private double PlayerKitCooldown(ulong ID, string kitname)
private int KitMax(string kitname)
private double PlayerKitMax(ulong ID, string kitname)
private string KitImage(string kitname)
private bool IsKit(string kitname)
private bool isKit(string kitname)
private void GetKitNames(List<string> list)
private double GetPlayerKitCooldown(ulong userId, string name)
private double GetPlayerKitCooldown(string userId, string name)
private void SetPlayerCooldown(ulong userId, string name, int amount)
private int GetPlayerKitUses(ulong userId, string name)
private int GetPlayerKitUses(string userId, string name)
private void SetPlayerKitUses(ulong userId, string name, int amount)
private JObject GetKitObject(string name)
private int GetKitMaxUses(string name)
private string GetKitDescription(string name)
private string GetKitImage(string name)
private bool GiveKit(BasePlayer player, string name, bool usingUI)
private bool HasKitAccess(string userId, string name)
private int GetPlayerKitAmount(string userId, string name)
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