About Items Info
If you have much custom items, and players always ask you "What is it?" or "What I can do with that?" - this plugin for you !
- Scanning the player's inventory and the storage that the player loot
- Description, information about the item
- You can set skinId or itemId for scaning
- Tagging system
- Command to show all custom items from config
- Adding your containers for scanning (read the config carefully)
- Styles of interface
- Detailed configuration
/items - show all custom items from config
For admins
/ii - get active item (name|skinId) and add to config
Styles (config option 'Interface style')
- StyleA
- StyleB
Suggest your ideas for improving the plugin
Config v1.1.0
{ "Lootable containers for scaning, use only containers without block(grey) slots and and where the number of slots is a multiple of 6 (6, 12, 18, 24)": { "coffinstorage": 48, "box.wooden.large": 48, "woodbox_deployed": 18, "storage_barrel_b": 48, "storage_barrel_c": 48, "fridge.deployed": 48, "dropbox.deployed": 12, "small_stash_deployed": 6 }, "All items menu command": "items", "Permission to open UI with all items": "itemsinfo.items", "Interface style": "StyleB", "Items info settings (key - skinId)": { "2365330645": { "Item name": "Gather gloves", "Search item by skinId(false) or ItemId(true)": false, "Item description": [ "<size=18>Gloves up your gather</size>", "You need to put this on" ], "Item info": [ "<size=20>Bonus</size>", "• <color=#387338>Stones +50%</color>", "• <color=#387338>Metal +30%</color>", "• <color=#387338>Sulfur +20%</color>" ], "Item tags": [ 3, 4 ] }, "2852472024": { "Item name": "Ticket", "Search item by skinId(false) or ItemId(true)": false, "Item description": [ "<size=18>Ticket for take super loot</size>", "you can change it for some loot" ], "Item info": [ "<size=20>Commands</size>", "<color=#FFCC00>/ticket</color> - Server's shop" ], "Item tags": [ 1 ] }, "3000086667": { "Item name": "Kibble", "Search item by skinId(false) or ItemId(true)": false, "Item description": [ "<size=18>Kibble for animals</size>", "Find wild animal and drop near" ], "Item info": [ "<size=20>Effects</size>", "• Tame animal", "• Kill and gather x10" ], "Item tags": [ 1, 2 ] } }, "Tags settings": [ { "Tag size": 45.0, "Tag color": "#34753B", "Tag text": "Event", "Tag text color": "#6FAC76", "Tag id": 1 }, { "Tag size": 65.0, "Tag color": "#1C34AC", "Tag text": "Economy", "Tag text color": "#57A2F9", "Tag id": 2 }, { "Tag size": 55.0, "Tag color": "#932214", "Tag text": "Custom", "Tag text color": "#E44530", "Tag id": 3 }, { "Tag size": 110.0, "Tag color": "#9D9D9D", "Tag text": "Unbreakable", "Tag text color": "#FFF4F4", "Tag id": 4 } ], "UI settings": { "Inventory Image Icon": "https://i.ibb.co/TMxWBHJ2/scan.png", "Image for scan item": "https://i.ibb.co/zVwhtYGS/search.png", "Button ? settings": { "AnchorMin": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin": "189 18", "OffsetMax": "249 78" } }, "Config version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } }