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Is the Command for the "MiniCopter" in any way going to affect my plugin...."MyMiniCopter"? Are they Protected once a Player has Spawned one? What about DECAY? How are these Protected? And for how long??? The "TugBoat" plugin I have allows the TugBoat to Disappear after Purchase? So I have been told by Players.

So if I was to get this mod. It would be nice if vehicles were Locked/or came locked. Had a Decay/Can Damage setting's for:  yes or no!

                                      Thank you;            Dave

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  1. it depends.. you can edit the profile and set any command you'd like on this plugin.
  2. You lock them by profile.
  3. You can disable decay by profile
Edited by kasvoton
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Thanks for this plugin, few sugestions id like to see

  • The plugin will destroy the current heli in order to spawn a new heli or limmit the player to 1 spawn and require them to /nomini in order to spawn a new one (the reason for this is my server has no decay and i can see people leaving them everywhere)
  • No mini command
  • Where is command
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On 9/12/2023 at 12:24 AM, Roine said:

I would like hovering functions.

On 9/14/2023 at 9:15 AM, Gay Sparkly T-Rex said:

Would also like an option for unlimited fuel/locking the fuel tank like mymini had

🎉 It has been implemented in version 1.0.4.

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thanks for the update but players are having issues heli stops flying and just hovers then you can't land it takes you back up to hover 

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The min speed should be low (default is 3), the system triggers only after the min speed.

Otherwise making the minicopter start to move gets difficult.

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Next version will allow to define a max number of spawned entities per profile, if set to one (1) doing a /mymini will effectively be equivalent to doing /fetch. Having a single "fetch" will be difficult because we don't know which profile needs to be fetched, each user can potentially spawn entities from multiple profiles i.e. one attack, one mini etc.

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20 hours ago, tonipink1981 said:

i know another plugin that is mini only uses /mymini = spawn /fmini =fetch /nomini = deletes mini

Maybe if the profile name becomes just "mini", then for each profile I can automatically generate the:

  • /my[name]: spawn
  • /f[name]: fetch
  • /no[name]: despawn

Would this work for you guys ?

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as others mentioned..
/nomini - removes the mini up until X amount of meters away - configurable  ,
/fmini - fetches your mini up until X meters away and places in front of you

/noattack - same as above
/fattack - same as above

(would prefer myscrap, noscrap, fscrap - or configurable)
/noscrap - same as above
/fscrap - same as above

I would instantly purchase this plugin if you added the above and also added a cost to spawn (Eco, RP or scrap).

Great idea.

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and we who run a battlefield server do not want a fetch function. /mymini will despawn the current mini wherever it is on the map and a new one will spawn where you are! But I'm willing to pay extra for this if the majority want something else. fetch looks damn funny when there are minis flying all over the map. no thanks

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This is what I'm planning doing.
I think it will work for everyone, @Hermansson @Rust Admin @tonipink1981 what's your feedback ?

  "Prefixes": {
    "Spawn": "my",
    "Fetch": "f",
    "Remove": "no"
  "Profiles": [
      "Name": "attack",
      "Type": "AttackHelicopter",
      "CooldownInSeconds": 3600,
      "Enabled": {
        "Spawn": true,
        "Fetch": false,
        "Remove": false
      "Settings": {
        "AutoHover": {
          "Enabled": false,
          "MinSpeed": 3
        "AutoMountPlayer": false,
        "IstantTakeOff": false,
        "LockToOwner": false,
        "NoDecay": false,
        "NoFuelConsumption": false,
        "SpawnFuelAmount": 30


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2 hours ago, kasvoton said:

This is what I'm planning doing.
I think it will work for everyone, @Hermansson @Rust Admin @tonipink1981 what's your feedback ?

  "Prefixes": {
    "Spawn": "my",
    "Fetch": "f",
    "Remove": "no"
  "Profiles": [
      "Name": "attack",
      "Type": "AttackHelicopter",
      "CooldownInSeconds": 3600,
      "Enabled": {
        "Spawn": true,
        "Fetch": false,
        "Remove": false
      "Settings": {
        "AutoHover": {
          "Enabled": false,
          "MinSpeed": 3
        "AutoMountPlayer": false,
        "IstantTakeOff": false,
        "LockToOwner": false,
        "NoDecay": false,
        "NoFuelConsumption": false,
        "SpawnFuelAmount": 30


You forgot to make it $9.99 too   🙂       sounds good!!

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So that would still fall under the same Grant permissions? Only asking as I have /Skills that have the grant perms for that 

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