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Advanced Hit Bar 1.2.6

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Posted (edited)

So far it isn't working on Bradley.

Tested it on other NPC though and all others seem fine. Patrol Heli and all NPC I have tested so far.

Awesome work!

EDIT: Already fixed in first update!

Edited by Jbird


Thank you for your report! 

I've uploaded a fix to the plugin, now the HitBar should show when shooting the tank with normal bullets. 🙂

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Posted (edited)


3 hours ago, ProCelle said:

Thank you for your report! 

I've uploaded a fix to the plugin, now the HitBar should show when shooting the tank with normal bullets. 🙂

My pleasure! I have been talking to others about trying to do something like this or find something that does it. And here it is! Excellent work!

One other bit of feedback. The text in the config does update properly. Love it! All but one thing worked.

The only one that didn't seem to change was the config chat command. I changed it, reloaded the plugin, and it was still only finding the "hitbar" command.

CONFIRMATION: Tested the update. Now seeing the health bar when shooting Bradley! (Wow that was fast!)

UPDATE: See below. Config command has also been taken care of in the newest update!

Edited by Jbird


Can you move the hit bar to the top or make it configurable




The only one that didn't seem to change was the config chat command. I changed it, reloaded the plugin, and it was still only finding the "hitbar" command.


Thank you very much for your feedback, its really apreciated and its good to hear you like the plugin 🙂 You are right, I totally forgot to change it, my bad 😩. Just uploaded a fix that should get it to work 😄



Can you move the hit bar to the top or make it configurable


You can change this parameters in the config file to change the possition and size of the HitBar, just be a bit careful when editing this as the images could get a bit deformed. For changing the size you can edit this 2 lines on the config file:

  "- UI Anchor Max": "0.63 0.158",
  "- UI Anchor Min": "0.356 0.117",

If you need some help with editing it you can PM me and I will try to help you 🙂

  • Like 1


16 minutes ago, ProCelle said:


Thank you very much for your feedback, its really appreciated and its good to hear you like the plugin 🙂 You are right, I totally forgot to change it, my bad 😩. Just uploaded a fix that should get it to work 😄

5 star coming your way once it is reviewed.

Another quick and efficient response!

Just confirmation that this indeed fixed the issue and the plugin seems to be operating at 100% my friend.

Well done!

  • Love 1


Failed to initialize plugin 'AdvancedHitBar v1.0.3' (NullReferenceException: Obj
ect reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedHitBar.Init () [0x00000] in <e519db4ea437493eb2e882ed
f6aff6a9>:0 , 0 slprs                                       1kb/s in, 6kb/s out
  at Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedHitBar.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Obj
ect& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x000c5] in <e519db4ea437493eb2e882edf6aff6a9>:
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod meth
od, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[]
 args) [0x000d8] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin

newest update


Posted (edited)


Try deleting ur config file 🙂 @Midnightxrush

Edited by ProCelle


1 minute ago, ProCelle said:


Try deleting ur config file 🙂 @Midnightxrush

done thank you 🙂 love it so far.

it possible to make it show hp what ever you look at or do you have to shoot the entity first always?



You have to shoot the entity first. If you want, you can PM me and tell me what you want to do and I will take a look at it 🙂




Making it so on the HP bar it shows HP in the middle of the bar like Example

HP: 1000 / 1000 anbd update when it gets hit like example HP: 852 / 1000

and maybe letting the bar itself be resized?! 🙂



7 minutes ago, MelodyZE said:


and maybe letting the bar itself be resized?! 🙂

Just as a heads up the resizing already exists.
The config has the following.

"- UI Anchor Max": "0.63 0.158",
"- UI Anchor Min": "0.356 0.117",

That can adjust the size and position as well.


On 11/22/2021 at 5:56 PM, ProCelle said:


You can change this parameters in the config file to change the possition and size of the HitBar, just be a bit careful when editing this as the images could get a bit deformed. For changing the size you can edit this 2 lines on the config file:

  "- UI Anchor Max": "0.63 0.158",
  "- UI Anchor Min": "0.356 0.117",

If you need some help with editing it you can PM me and I will try to help you 🙂

  • Love 2


7 hours ago, Jbird said:

Just as a heads up the resizing already exists.
The config has the following.

"- UI Anchor Max": "0.63 0.158",
"- UI Anchor Min": "0.356 0.117",

That can adjust the size and position as well.


OH!!! cool! thank you for the reply ^_^



7 hours ago, MelodyZE said:

OH!!! cool! thank you for the reply ^_^

Any time!

@ProCelle is very responsive and easy to talk to as well!
Keeps busy so I figured I would make myself useful when I saw the post.
Hope you're able to get it situated where you wanted!
If not, let him know and it will get sorted.

I haven't experimented with moving it around myself or I'd offer more help.
After forced wipe I might help find a good top location for it.
Unless someone beats me to it! ^_^ I think that might be a popular request.
Then we could share that information in the description for others to use if they choose.

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Is there anyway to add the actual health number inside the bar itself?

Hi im billa


Hi there,
I'm considering buying this plugin but I'm not sure if what I think will work. I use the permission addon and can I set it up so that the healthbar is displayed for all players without them being able to deactivate or change it?



1 hour ago, Hi im billa said:

Hi there,
I'm considering buying this plugin but I'm not sure if what I think will work. I use the permission addon and can I set it up so that the healthbar is displayed for all players without them being able to deactivate or change it?


You have to enable the Use perms option at config, then you then need to give the players the perm > advancedhitbar.use  so they can see the hitbar.

If you grant them the perm: advancedhitbar.edit they will be able to edit their hitbar, so if you want them not to change it dont give them this perm. 



is there a way to move the health to be be below the compass at the top vs above the  hot bar




Yes, you can find this options on the config file:

  "- UI Anchor Max": "0.63 0.158",
  "- UI Anchor Min": "0.356 0.117",

Adjusting those values you can resize the hitbar or change the position of it. 



hello ... so this plugin will show hp of bots from botrespawn ? and from players ? are numbers of hp showed  or its only bar?




On the video only shows bots because I didnt have any other player to shoot, if you take a look to the config file:


 "Copter - Enable health bar": true,
    "Bradley - Enable health bar": true,
    "Players - Enable health bar": true,
    "NPC - Enable health bar (Animals, Scientists, Scarecrows, etc.)": true,
    "Minicopter - Enable health bar": true,
    "ScrapCopter - Enable health bar": true,
    "Deployables - Enable health bar": true,
    "Building Blocks - Enable health bar": true,
    "All Entities - Enable health bar": false,

This are the options the Hit Bar shows the health of, if the last option, "All Entities" is enabled, the players will get the health bar of the other entities that arent listed on the config file.

It doesnt show any numbers of health, only the health bar. 

Fusion 3.64


As others have mentioned about the bar not showing the HP numbers of the entity you're attacking.
If this becomes a thing, I'm sold.
I'd like to replace the current plugin I'm using, and this is the only aspect that's keeping me from going forward with the purchase.
I know my players would love to be able to pick their own colors.
A UI option that allows them to reposition and save along with their color settings would be a great bonus as well.
But the HP display is my only real concern.



Hey thepiercedweirdo,

Im a bit busy right now with some personal projects, work and a new plugin Im currently working on. I have on my checklist to add some text showing the hp left, I hope I have time to add it soon. Also, the users can configure the color for themselves with the chat command /hitbar config This only changes the color for the user who ran the command. 

  • Like 1
Fusion 3.64


7 minutes ago, ProCelle said:

Hey thepiercedweirdo,

Im a bit busy right now with some personal projects, work and a new plugin Im currently working on. I have on my checklist to add some text showing the hp left, I hope I have time to add it soon. Also, the users can configure the color for themselves with the chat command /hitbar config This only changes the color for the user who ran the command. 

Understood. Life happens 🙂

And I worded that poorly.
I was just saying that I know they would love being able to pick their own colors, so this plugin would be appreciated as an addition/replacement to the server over the current.

With the other part I meant that they could move the position themselves, so it would save the position for the player vs it only being a universal setting in the config.
Maybe give them static points to pick from/click on?
Like #1 over the hotbar #2 under the compass.
And have custom settings in the config to work around any additional UI the server may be running.
But this is just a suggestion. Not a deal breaker.

I've got the plugin pinned for updates. So I'm sold as soon as the HP version is out 💰



03:33 [Error] Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedHitBar+<OnEntityTakeDamage>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00036] in <ae4a8bc7243e4e4eba1931f3ee240c27>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <46ff2b534abb4b35952608167523b7ec>:0 


keeps happening post patch. might need an update.

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