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Posted (edited)


as soon as my testers get back to me

edit: ok, 2.0.9 released. ENJOY

Edited by nivex
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Posted (edited)

Hi! Do we no longer see who are the owners when we hit a base now? 


EDIT : For your info,  when you leave a raidable base, the "you have left a raidable PVE base" is displayed 7 times instead 1 time.

EDIT1 : "Marker Format With Raider Name": "[Raider] {0} {1}", seems not working?


Edited by FreeManStars



read the update notes - it requires this permission now


Added abandonedbases.attack.lastseen

ok I will check out the messages/marker

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Posted (edited)

Hi! Is there a way to change, or maybe in a next update, to choose a color for : "Change Marker Color On First Entity Destroyed": true, It will be cool to be able choosing the marker color that appear on the map too.

What about this below ?

"Marker Format With Owner Name": "[Owner] {0} {1}",
 "Marker Format With Raider Name": "[Raider] {0} {1}",

It seems not working in any case with the raider name, nothing appeared in the marker like with raidable bases.



EDIT : Sorry for the previous post, I read it but I did not remember it

Edited by FreeManStars



sure I can add that, but the range of hex codes is limited to Unity's color range. so if the hex code doesn't work then you must change it.

messages/marker is fixed in next update

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2.1.0 released

  • Fixed exit message
  • Fixed issue where tugboat wouldn't convert
  • Added `Show Raiders Name On Map Marker` (true)
  • Added `Default Marker Color` (#FF00FF)
  • Added `Changed Marker Color` (#800080)
  • Like 1



I forgot to mention this earlier : A base has turn abandoned and I enter it but when I saw the name of the player, I looked in my .json file and I remembered I had changed to make tests my "Lifetime (Days)": "2", instead 3. So I o.unloaded the plugin and reloaded it without breaking anything except 1 metal door with its code lock and I have been rewarded with 1 ServerRewards point. I do not think it is normal, maybe a bug? Just for your info!





hi, this is normal. players will get rewards if you reload the plugin. there's no reward if the server restarts though since that is highly exploitable.



This plugin is not just entertainment for players, it saved my server from overpopulation and extra 150k items.




glad to know that it helps you

Dead Nasty


Just curios, I have a few teams/clans that have 1 person log on every so often to keep all their bases from being raided all wipe. Was wondering if there was an option other than mandatorily doing the /sar on their buildings? Appreciate your hard work. 


Posted (edited)

@Dead Nasty

heya. if this is a server rule that you enforce then you can give that player the abandonedbases.exclude permission, and the base will convert during the next scan if it's inactive

the player is technically exploiting the plugin, and you'd be well within reason to do that, but I wouldn't if it's not an established rule yet. they might leave the server, and could claim admin abuse even though it isn't.

Edited by nivex
Dead Nasty


38 minutes ago, nivex said:

@Dead Nasty

heya. if this is a server rule that you enforce then you can give that player the abandonedbases.exclude permission, and the base will convert during the next scan if it's inactive

the player is technically exploiting the plugin, and you'd be well within reason to do that, but I wouldn't if it's not an established rule yet. they might leave the server, and could claim admin abuse even though it isn't.

Thanks! I do have an established rule for it. Players will call admin abuse either way lol. I have it in big red letter when you log in about abandoned bases plus chat messages about it and ppl will still not read it and claim i removed their bases on them lol you know how it goes haha

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Posted (edited)


Just to let you know that we can still enter an abandoned base radius while another is raiding it ..


EDIT : (14:31:08) | [Abandoned Bases] CHELOVEKOV (765..) base has been abandoned at (-496.11, 56.74, 638.71) (L10) by Crispy Chris (765..) should be

[Abandoned Bases] CHELOVEKOV (765..) has raided the abandoned base at (-496.11, 56.74, 638.71) (L10) owned by Crispy Chris (765..) no?

Edited by FreeManStars

Posted (edited)


hi. you are not supposed to be ejected when you enter the event

you are ejected when you enter the base (unless owner, vanished, noclip or have abandonedbases.canbypass)

options for this do not include PVP by default. if PVE with these settings then cannot enter. if you exploit then you will still be ejected when you try to loot or do damage.


    "Allow PVP": true,
    "Allow PVP (when manually converted with SAR command)": false,
    "Allow PVP (when manually converted with attack permission)": false,
    "Lock Base To First Attacker (PVE)": true,
    "Lock Base To First Attacker (PVP)": false,
    "Eject Enemies From Locked Raids (PVE)": true,
    "Eject Enemies From Locked Raids (PVP)": false


Edited by nivex
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Hi! I found out a bug maybe : When the timer has expired and the player base is converted into a raidable base when I shoot at it, the message marker is wrong :

it shows

[Owner] FreeManStars [Abandoned Base] 

it should be 

[Raider] FreeManStars [Abandoned Base] 

  • Like 1



I have created an oxide group named 'raidabandoned'

I gave that group abandonedbases.immune permission (with "Lifetime (Days)": "none",)

So I have created a server rewards command (o.usergroup add $player.name raidabandoned) which means the player who buys it makes its base immune for all the remaining wipe but I was wondering whether or not there is a way to give that player only a certain amount of immune days for buying that command? After that, I'd like the player is deleted from the raidabandoned group or/and have to buy a new command to make his base immune at new, don't know if it is clear .. Thanks!





there's no way to do that with this plugin. you might be able to do it with the timed permissions plugin


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Thanks for your reply! I did not know that plugin .. 🙂

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I don't know if it's just me, but I've been receiving the "No privilege found" message since the last emergency update, I updated it 6 to 7 hours ago.




ya no issue here. that would be the game though. try updating oxide/server



Oxide.Rust Version: 2.0.6089

Protocol: 2515.244.1 Build Date: 12/07/2023 21:02:41 Unity Version: 2021.3.29f1 Changeset: 90943 Branch: release

I'm using this version



@V.O.I.D you can update both then

Dead Nasty


just wondering if there's a way to make this compatible with Deployable Nature by imthenewguy to remove those entities as well?

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