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When I enable this plugin my players can damage themselves with explosives while not in the raiding zones.

I'm using TruePVE and they cannot damage themselves when this plugin is disabled. I can not find a setting to adjust this.



hello - not sure if its possible. can it be done that if a base gets abandoned, it will automatically save a "copy" file with random name using the copy plugin?

apprecaite your thoughts thanks!



@Delco6467good catch. fixed in next update

if (!attacker.IsHuman() && EventTerritory(attacker.transform.position) || attacker.userID == victim.userID)


if (EventTerritory(attacker.transform.position) && (!attacker.IsHuman() || attacker.userID == victim.userID))



@saintmichel13LOL well sure I can add this but I don't think it'd work too well for compounds



2.0.1 released

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On 8/20/2022 at 10:20 AM, nivex said:

@Yastrebhi, I need the actual error. NRE doesn't tell me anything without the trace as well. you can find it in the server logs if it didn't give the full message to you in the Oxide log/server console. server log should not be confused with oxide log either, they're completely different. I say this because people confuse it way too often =p

@saintmichel13interesting but doesn't really seem entertaining unless the bots come in waves



2 hours ago, nivex said:

@Delco6467good catch. fixed in next update

if (!attacker.IsHuman() && EventTerritory(attacker.transform.position) || attacker.userID == victim.userID)


if (EventTerritory(attacker.transform.position) && (!attacker.IsHuman() || attacker.userID == victim.userID))



@saintmichel13LOL well sure I can add this but I don't think it'd work too well for compounds

i apprecaite it! you can read my mind my man haha. excited when it happens

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Would it be possible to have the marker say the players name by chance?



11 hours ago, Venedas said:

Would it be possible to have the marker say the players name by chance?

ill note it for a future update

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Hello author, my server will restart periodically every day, and the Purge Settings will be set for one day, but it still cannot be converted after one day. Attached is my setup document.




what message does it say?

do your players have a permission ? abandonedbases.basic




1 hour ago, nivex said:

what message does it say?

do your players have a permission ? abandonedbases.basic

1 hour ago, nivex said:

what message does it say?

do your players have a permission ? abandonedbases.basic



Does the player only need to abandonedbases.basic?



1 hour ago, nivex said:

what message does it say?

do your players have a permission ? abandonedbases.basic


What permissions do players need?



@DuXieabandonedbases.basic or one of the other two that is defined in the config


Posted (edited)



who requested the above feature? can you explain. seems my notes were not good enough lol

On 7/13/2022 at 6:46 PM, Rustgaming2021 said:

nivex is there there a way to add a way to send a  message in a Discord Channel to warn players that their base is coming Raidable 

I haven't forgotten this. Ill see about getting it in the next update

2.0.3 released

Edited by nivex


Would it be possible after the time expires to have a option for the TC to be destroyed. I use the plugin Raid Protection that you place scrap in the TC for offline protection but if the player loads the TC with scrap you can’t destroy it which could be for a month.



4 hours ago, CyberWarden said:

Would it be possible after the time expires to have a option for the TC to be destroyed. I use the plugin Raid Protection that you place scrap in the TC for offline protection but if the player loads the TC with scrap you can’t destroy it which could be for a month.

post your config from pastebin.com so i can have a better understanding of how you're using the plugin. by default all entities get destroyed.



Sorry I didn't give you enough info.  What I want to do after 7 days of the player not playing I want to delete the cupboard.  Players then can raid the base because the protection is gone from the Raid Protection plugin.  I'm not looking to destroy the whole base with your program only to make it raidable plus I have NoDecay plugin running.

Bad Land


Hi nivex. Thanks for all your work first.

Im having a problem bases are turning abandoned before time expires writed on cfg. 



Posted (edited)

5 hours ago, BadLands said:

Hi nivex. Thanks for all your work first.

Im having a problem bases are turning abandoned before time expires writed on cfg. 


hi and thanks, you're welcome!

times cannot expire early, nor can they expire before the configured amount of time unless you manually force a conversion of the base using the /sar command, or by granting the wrong permission from the config to the player. if a player has 2 permissions and 1 is inherited from a group with a lesser amount of time then that time will be used instead.

the plugin begins saving the players last online time the moment it is installed. if the plugin is running for 3 days (and that player was online the first day) before you give players a permission and that permissions lasts for 5 days then they will have 2 days before it expires and converts their base if automation is enabled.

all times are calculated using the epoch time, which uses the time on your server. so if your time zone differs from the server's then that does not mean it expired early. 

13 hours ago, CyberWarden said:

Sorry I didn't give you enough info.  What I want to do after 7 days of the player not playing I want to delete the cupboard.  Players then can raid the base because the protection is gone from the Raid Protection plugin.  I'm not looking to destroy the whole base with your program only to make it raidable plus I have NoDecay plugin running.


ah that makes more sense. I'll note it down but I don't have an eta for you atm

Edited by nivex


11 hours ago, nivex said:

привет и спасибо, добро пожаловать!

время не может истечь досрочно, а также не может истечь до настроенного времени, если только вы вручную не форсируете преобразование базы с помощью команды /sar или путем предоставления неправильного разрешения из конфигурации игроку. если у игрока есть 2 разрешения, а 1 унаследовано от группы с меньшим количеством времени, то вместо этого будет использоваться это время.

плагин начинает сохранять время последнего онлайн-игрока в момент его установки. если плагин работает в течение 3 дней (и этот игрок был в сети в первый день), прежде чем вы дадите игрокам разрешение, и эти разрешения действуют в течение 5 дней, тогда у них будет 2 дня до истечения срока его действия, и они преобразуют свою базу, если включена автоматизация.

все время рассчитывается с использованием времени эпохи, которое использует время на вашем сервере. поэтому, если ваш часовой пояс отличается от часового пояса сервера, это не означает, что он истек раньше. 


ах, это имеет больше смысла. Я запишу это, но у меня нет этаты для вас банкомат

а есть шанс добавить блокировку за игроком ? тот кто первый нанёс урон тот и рейдит как в рейд базах ?




Hi Everyone! 

I had a player just asked...."What happen when I log on and my base is being raided?" lol
what does happen?

Bad Land


1 hour ago, pinoysaboteur said:

Hi Everyone! 

I had a player just asked...."What happen when I log on and my base is being raided?" lol
what does happen?

online ride? lol 

  • Haha 2


9 hours ago, Deadpool said:

а есть шанс добавить блокировку за игроком ? тот кто первый нанёс урон тот и рейдит как в рейд базах ?


maybe in the future


Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, pinoysaboteur said:

Hi Everyone! 

I had a player just asked...."What happen when I log on and my base is being raided?" lol
what does happen?

if they have abandonedbases.convert and abandonedbases.convert.cancel then they can type /sar cancel

if Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled then it won't be canceled if its not finished

if Seconds Until Event Can Be Canceled has not elapsed then it won't be canceled

ultimately, that's on the player. I would tell them that they should've spent a few minutes to log in instead of abandoning their base. the plugin exists so that player buildings can be raided or destroyed when they're no longer used by the owners. it provides another incentive to the server while simultaneously helping it perform better by keeping the entity count in check.

Edited by nivex
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