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AAlertRaid 2.0.1

   (5 reviews)

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the plugin sends only to those who are authorized in the cupboard



Is it possible to have Rust+ enabled by default? I have just added the plugin to my server and will be mainly using Rust+/Discord. It would be nice to have an extra setting to enable an option by default. Additionally, it would be nice to have another setting to show/hide the player's name. Great plugin though, I just think those options in the config would be great.



Is it possible to have Rust+ enabled by default? I have just added the plugin to my server and will be mainly using Rust+/Discord. It would be nice to have an extra setting to enable an option by default. Additionally, it would be nice to have another setting to show/hide the player's name. Great plugin though, I just think those options in the config would be great.



On 10/1/2022 at 10:29 AM, TUCK said:

Is it possible to have Rust+ enabled by default? I have just added the plugin to my server and will be mainly using Rust+/Discord. It would be nice to have an extra setting to enable an option by default. Additionally, it would be nice to have another setting to show/hide the player's name. Great plugin though, I just think those options in the config would be great.

I would love to purchase this plugin, but not having the ability to hide the attackers name is preventing me from purchasing.

---->  Additionally, it would be nice to have another setting to show/hide the player's name.  <----



7 hours ago, t0rn said:

I would love to purchase this plugin, but not having the ability to hide the attackers name is preventing me from purchasing.

---->  Additionally, it would be nice to have another setting to show/hide the player's name.  <----

u can edit message



Hey fermens,

Nice job with the plugin!

I have been experiencing the following errors recently:

[Discord Extension] [Error]: Discord API has returned error Discord Code: 40060 Discord Error: Interaction has already been acknowledged. Request: [POST] https://discord.com/api/v9/interactions/1089837382397866014/aW50ZXJhY3Rpb246MTA4OTgzNzM4MjM5Nzg2NjAxNDo3a2JOMFBGMHhHWjJXUGhWT1gwbUpaRWV2ZnBjNW5FNnBsMThMMTVkdnVmblVWVFg3RW9TMU44MkRrbHVWUUFkME1PYndzbGJ5dDJPR2xHUm5IMzZHQjRhRzViaUk3U2J2NGVEdkVHRExMa1NadDdLOEdTVmwzekRPbFVQeDBJcw/callback (Response Code: BadRequest) Content-Type: application/json Discord Errors: Request Body: { "type": 4, "data": { "content": "Your code: 35434", "flags": 64 } }

Are you aware of how to resolve this issue? Is there perhaps something I have missed when setting things up?



send full log to me in PM



Hi. How it work with telegram? I mean, if i want get callback from telegram i must get chat id, but telegram bot can't give it. Command /start doesn't give me code. How players can log in?



12 hours ago, kasromaha said:

Hi. How it work with telegram? I mean, if i want get callback from telegram i must get chat id, but telegram bot can't give it. Command /start doesn't give me code. How players can log in?

you didn't buy the plugin



10 minutes ago, fermens said:

you didn't buy the plugin

Yes, i know. But i need telegram alerts and i see your plugin and i can't understand how it work with telegram? If i buy your plugin, how i can use auth system between telegram and game without servers bot? I must know this



23 hours ago, kasromaha said:

Yes, i know. But i need telegram alerts and i see your plugin and i can't understand how it work with telegram? If i buy your plugin, how i can use auth system between telegram and game without servers bot? I must know this

I mean i must be sure that telegram alerts work without server bot. Where is instructions? Because if just add new bot and copypaste token users can't get chat id from bot by /start command

EL Watto


hello, is there not a way to be notified as soon as a raid is happening as oppose to when a structure is demolished? say for instace if an explosion goes off in the area of a tc youre authed on?



On 6/23/2023 at 7:22 PM, EL Watto said:

hello, is there not a way to be notified as soon as a raid is happening as oppose to when a structure is demolished? say for instace if an explosion goes off in the area of a tc youre authed on?

will think about it

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I would like to ask if this plugin is the first building in my base to be blown up. For example, if a door or wall is breached, I'll be notified immediately.
Will the game also prompt me immediately when my character is online?




is this plugin still working?



On 3/4/2024 at 6:57 PM, Anonymus said:

is this plugin still working?




So if I get this, it will send alert to the player that they are getting raided through rust+? And do they have to use the /raid command to enable this?



config does to appear when installing this plugin. any idea to why?



this doesn't seem to work anymore... maybe its just me?

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