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· Edited by Mals


Boston, a map to remember. When I stumbled upon this map when I was searching for one for my servers, I was blown away by the details and custom monuments that are present on this beautiful map. If you're not used to custom monuments, you could be in for a big surprise.  After waking up on the beach and walking around I was shocked to see a complete space station up in the air, and even more remarkable is that it is reachable by zipline, which makes it easy to enter for the starters who don't have any experience with mini's, heli's or even jetpacks.  As a matter of fact, all the monuments are easily reachable by zipline which in my eyes is a big plus. The puzzle card rooms and NPC's make sure you get a good piece of the action and the loot that comes with it, and after clearing the monument you get the awesome feeling in your stomach when you jump off the space station and dive into the water, what a rush!

Exploring the map further it seems to have a prison with 3 keycard rooms with many elite crates, definitely worth visiting, all those details and prisons are nice treat to the eyes and even a bigger treat for the trigger-happy players....then I stumbled upon a ruined city with zombies trying to kill you, even with F1 grenades and boy do they mean business lol. The stores in the city have awesome loot but to get to the loot you have to work for it, the loot comes as a real reward when you're finished taking on the zombies. A very pleasant detail is that the gun cabinets and clothing vitrines are actually lootable, just when you think it doesn't get any better, it actually does. It is all so well-balanced, amazing.

Running around this map makes you forget about time, all you want to do is get going and explore more and more while enjoying the beautiful surroundings and monuments. And if you search for the secret spots to build a base, you will realize that Gruber has thought of every little detail to make you smile and enjoy the base you build. Flying with a mini or heli and looking from above makes you realize even more that it's an aftermath of the earth disasters that have taken place. It is up to you to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.......

Highly recommended.

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