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  1. yes but i didnt get it to work :S
  2. why cant i get the healing over time to work? "ItemDisplayName": "Bandage Lv1", "ItemShortname": "bandage", "SkinID": 3054607253, "CmdGiveName": "ba1", "Instant Heal": 30.0, "Heal Over Time": 4500.0, "Bleed": -100.0, "Poison": -50.0, "Radiation": -100.0, "Enabled": false, "MaxHealthIncrease": 0.0, "Duration": 300.0 },
  3. BeePssY


    well it wil be monster big config file if i want to add all the weapons to be able to level and each to have 10 levels in each skill
  4. BeePssY


    do i have to add in all the diferent weapons i want to have level on? or can you add whitelist and blacklist on what weapons to have and not have level on?
  5. will this be updated for the patch that released to day?
  6. BeePssY


    i have it set to "Sent notification when the UncannyDodge perk procs": false in the config and it stil send chat notification!
  7. BeePssY

    Shoppy Stock

    ohh nice possible to add in tiered permissions on sell like multiplyer default 1 admin 10 vip 5?
  8. BeePssY

    Bradley reward not working

    was in a team yes where the other dude was offline and i killed the heli.
  9. BeePssY

    Bradley reward not working

    i tested it and didnt receive any reward might be some other plugin that is the cause of the problem then :S


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