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Level Designer
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  1. Anyone can create a server themselves. I don't force anyone to buy anything from me. People who don't know how to set up servers (plugins) buy ready-made assemblies to save their time. There are plenty of such assemblies on this site, so why did you pick on mine?
  2. Friend, I don't have time to argue with you. Let the administration of this store deal with you. I haven't done anything wrong. There are no plugins in the assembly, only configurations for these plugins set up by me!
  3. Thank you for your attention. These are services that can be sold: VIP, farmer, electrician, and VIP+. Each of them has unique kits and functions. Enhanced chat is a prefix before the player, as well as the color of the player's nickname depending on the service they purchased. It will be easy to customize it according to your preferences! Everything is set up at the moment!
  4. "Before accusing someone of wrongdoing, please read the full description instead of drawing conclusions from the picture you saw. I don't resell plugins. If I violated any rules of this trading platform, my server wouldn't have been verified and wouldn't appear here. The server contains fully configured configs and doesn't include any plugins. You will need to install all the plugins yourself for everything to work. I'm not authorized to provide others' plugins."
  5. Version 1.1.0


    My server setup with x2 rates All loot x2 Stack sizes x2 Enhanced chat Added an in-game services system that you can sell to your players (vip /vip+/electric/farmer) Skins for all items in the game Special welcome panel Permission groups (admin/vip/vip+/electric/farmer) Daily rewards Trading Shop integrated into the server (your players can buy and sell items) When you receive a service on your server, a pre-fax of this service will be displayed in the chat. I integrated into the server an easy provision of services as well as the provision of services for a certain period of time. To give someone a service, you just need to enter this command in the chat: /perms. More detailed instructions are available in my Discord channel The server does not contain any plugins.
  6. Version 2.0.0


    I offer you my version of a stylish vending machine in a sleek white style with a touch of red. It will fit well on any map and seamlessly complement any server. It's easily visible both day and night. What's included: The vending machine itself Invisible supplier Supplier preset (COMPONENTS) - priced the same as at outpost In the future, I'll be updating it along with all my prefabs and monuments. There are still plenty of ideas. I'd appreciate any feedback! Instructions on changing the items will be provided here! my Discord
  7. I'm working on this, there will be a new product or an update to this.
    Well-made bunker, interesting ideas, it's immediately noticeable that the creator didn't skimp and created a very intriguing monument. I recommend it to everyone!
  8. Yes, I'm posting the instructions in my Discord. LINK
  9. It’s fully ready for use; everything is already there. In the coming days, I’ll add a few more variations of products to it.”
  10. Version v2


    I propose to review my version of the Vending Machine in a modern style that will perfectly fit into your custom map. The prefab will be supported and periodically updated! The prefab includes: Inserted: The main prefab of the vending machine itself and two invisible prefabs of the supplier for each of them have been added. Vending machines located in the bandit town and at the outpost were used as a basis. You don't need to do anything, just place it on your map, and everything will work. You can change the items at any time to your own. Instructions on how to do this will be provided. here. In the next update, I will add several variations of the vending machine.
  11. Version 1.2.0


    Опис: WindyCleft (OneGrid) Невелика карта в стилі (OneGrid) з унікальними пам’ятниками з інтригуючими головоломками та повністю налаштованим підводним пам’ятником. Спеціально розроблений для серверів OneGrid і серверів з до 150 гравцями онлайн. Індивідуальні пам'ятники: Паливопереробний завод - напівзруйнований завод у два поверхи. Дві вежі — дві вежі, з’єднані високо в горах військовими ящиками. Таємничий будинок - на перший погляд, звичайний дерев'яний будинок в лісі під горою, але це тільки на перший погляд. Будинок приховує секретний військовий бункер із головоломкою та охороною. Там ви знайдете багато цікавого. Ангар - раніше він використовувався для розвантаження військових поїздів, але після війни в 2050 році нові жителі острова почали використовувати ангар для ремонту своїх автомобілів. Проте з минулого залишилася одна кімната, яку ще нікому не вдалося відкрити; кажуть, що всередині щось дуже цінне. Завод - старий завод, який колись забезпечував острів паливом; тепер залишився лише один зовнішній паливний процесор. Пост - невеликий придорожній пам'ятник. Головоломка - пам'ятник з карти Hapis трохи модернізований. ??? - Під час рятувальної операції із затонулим кораблем капітан Моррісон виявив незвичайний підводний сигнал. Він повідомив цю інформацію корпорації Cobalt, і з тих пір їх ніхто не бачив. Старожили кажуть, колись тут був острів, але він затонув після виверження вулкана. Пам'ятники FacePunch: Рибальське село Бурова Супермаркет Заправка Кар'єр HQM Каналізаційна гілка Карта буде постійно підтримуватися та оновлюватися. Якщо у вас є запитання, надішліть мені повідомлення на Discord.
  12. I am a developer of maps and monuments and can help you bring your fantasies to life 🙂 Hello, I specialize in map and monument development. If you need assistance with this, I would be happy to help. Additionally, I am a server administrator for RUST. I can help with setting up the server, installing and configuring plugins, and everything related to it! You can check out my work on my page. Feel free to contact me here or on Discord for further communication.
  13. Hello, I specialize in map and monument development. If you need assistance with this, I would be happy to help. Additionally, I am a server administrator for RUST. You can check out my work on my page. Feel free to contact me here or on Discord for further communication. discord link


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