Yaki's Wishlist
Wanted Trilogy
1. Wanted Trilogy Chapter One 'Pay for Murder': Wanted Plugin
2. Wanted Trilogy Chapter Two "Base Raider": RaidMarker Plugin
3. Wanted Trilogy Chapter Three "Bounty" (In Development, Stay Tuned)
Wanted Plugin Rules:
Players are divided into three levels: Innocent Civilians, Yellow Card Wanted, and Red Card Wanted. Players with a wanted time of 0 are Innocent Civilians. Those with a wanted time of up to 3 minutes are Yellow Card Wanted, and those with a wanted time greater than 3 minutes are Red Card Wanted. Harming an Innocent Civilian will add 10 seconds to your wanted time. Killing an Innocent Civilian will add 6 minutes to your wanted time. Players who are Red Card Wanted (with a wanted time greater than 3 minutes) will appear on the map, and all players can see them. Players are encouraged to go and execute these wanted players on sight. Harming or killing a wanted player will not result in any penalties or increase in wanted time; on the contrary, it is encouraged. Inflicting damage on anyone within your own territory will not result in becoming wanted. Acting as a rooftop sniper and targeting distant enemies from within your own territory will not result in becoming wanted.
ChatCommand And ConsoleCommand(without /)
/ResetWanted SteamID/partial-nickname Reset the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
/ResetAllWanted Reset the wanted time of all players in the server (requires administrator privileges)
/SetWanted SteamID/partial-nickname WantedSeconds Set the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
/AddWanted SteamID/partial-nickname WantedSeconds Add the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
/WantedList Show all wanted players (requires administrator privileges)
Config File
{ "Red Wanted Time (Seconds)": 180, "Kill Penalty Time (Seconds)": 360, "Harm Penalty Time (Seconds)": 30, "Allow Broadcast Become A Red Wanted (true/false)": true, "Allow Broadcast Kill A Red Wanted (true/false)": true, "Allow Broadcast Kill A Yellow Wanted (true/false)": false, "The wanted time be reduced after the player is killed, 0 means no reduction (Seconds)": 180, "Wanted time resets after player dies (true/false)": false, "Chat Prefix": "[Wanted]:", "Chat Prefix color": "#00FFFF", "Chat steamID icon": 0 }
Language File
{ "KillGoodMan": "You have been given an additional <color=red>{0}</color> seconds of wanted time for killing an innocent civilian!", "YellowCardPunishment": "<color=green>{0}</color> has executed a yellow-carded criminal <color=green>{1}</color> on the spot, setting an example for all players!", "RedCardPunishment": "<color=green>{0}</color> has executed a red-carded criminal <color=green>{1}</color> on the spot, setting an example for all players!", "HarmPenalty": "You have been given an additional <color=red>{0}</color> seconds of wanted time for harming an innocent civilian!", "AdminOnlyCommand": "Only administrators can execute this command!", "WantedTimeReset": "The wanted time for player: {0} has been reset!", "WantedTimeSet": "Player: {0}'s wanted time has been set to {1} seconds!", "WantedTimeNotFound": "You need to specify the wanted duration for the player, format as /SetWanted SteamID WantedSeconds", "PlayerNotFound": "Player: {0} not found!", "MustSpecifySteamID": "You must specify the SteamID of the player whose wanted time you want to reset!", "AllPlayersTimeReset": "The wanted time for all players has been reset!", "RedCardAppeared": "<color=green>{0}</color> is now a red-carded criminal and has appeared on the map, watch out for their location!", "WantedNotFound": "There are no players currently wanted!", "WantedLevel": "WANTED", "RedCard": "RED-WANTED", "YellowCard": "YELLOW-WANTED", "GoodMan": "innocent civilians", "WantedResetAfterDies": "Your bounty has been cleared upon death!", "WantedReducedAfterKilled": "Due to being killed, your wanted duration has been reduced by {0} seconds!" }
By CollapsedOrange in Prefabs
Call of Duty Highrise recreated from Modern Warfare 2
Highrise is set atop a nearly constructed skyscraper with two office buildings on opposite sides of the map. The center of the map is occupied
by an elevated helipad, which many players will try to use to their advantage. Most of the combat on the ground is short to medium range with the construction equipment and in the office buildings. Shotguns and submachine guns are excellent for these offices, but assault rifles are ideal for the sometimes medium-long range combat that occurs in the more open areas. The map is also suitable for sniping, with several vantage points that look over most of, or nearly all of, the map. Highrise is one of the fan-favourite maps of Modern Warfare 2.
Prefab Count – 5545
This is a larger map with plenty of hiding spots and sight lines, also includes all of the original jump points and roof access
RP Fake Deposit (Weed Farm)
It is a roleplay prefab, so don t expects any crates or barrels in it. However, you can add them yourself and transform it in monument.
I hope you guys will enjoy it and have fun with it much love ❤️
Follow for more RP stuff ❤️
Prefabs count: 1138
discord: 𝕰𝕯𝕰𝕹 Turcu'#6178
- #rp
- #buildings
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
The RolePlaySalary plugin is designed to enhance the role-playing experience on your Rust server. It allows administrators to set salaries for players based on their permissions and playtime. With seamless integration with the Economics and Notify plugins.
Key Features:
● Compatible CARBON
● Permission-based Salaries: Set different salaries for different permissions, allowing for in-game hierarchy and progression.
● Economics Integration: Directly deposit the salary into the player's bank account if you're using the Economics plugin.
● Notifications: Use the Notify plugin to inform players about their upcoming salary or any other salary-related message.
● Double Salaries: Option to double a player's salary with a special permission.
● ServerRewards : Direcly deposit the salary into the player account using ServerRewards plugin.
● Detailed Logs: Admins can track the salaries given to each player with detailed logs.
Commands :
● /salary : Players can check their current salary and the time remaining until their next payout.
● /giveallsalary : send all salary at all player and reset all timer. (Need permission 'roleplaysalary.admin"
Installation and Configuration: Installation is straightforward. Download the plugin, place it in your Oxide/plugins folder, and restart your server. The configuration file will be auto-generated, where you can set the salary details, permissions, and more.
Config File :
{ "NotifyMessageType": 0, "PermissionSalaries": { "roleplaysalary.salary1": { "Amount": 2500, "DisplayName": "Billet", "ItemShortname": "researchpaper", "SkinID": "3021805080" }, "roleplaysalary.salary2": { "Amount": 2500, "DisplayName": "Billet", "ItemShortname": "researchpaper", "SkinID": "3021805080" } }, "SalaryInterval": 1800.0, "UseEconomics": false, "UseNotify": true, "UseServerRewards": false }
Lang File : EN
{ "NextSalaryNotification": "Next salary in <color=#DAA436>{0}</Color> m and <color=#DAA436>{1}</Color> s.", "PermissionDenied": "You don't have permission to receive a salary.", "PlayerDataNotFound": "Error: Your player data cannot be found.", "SalaryReceivedBank": "You have received your salary in your bank account.", "SalaryReceivedItem": "You have received {0} {1}.", "NoSalaryInfo": "No salary info found for player {0} ({1}).", "SalaryInfo": "Your salary is {0} {1}. Next salary in {2}m and {3}s.", "ServerRewardsReceived": "You have received {0} ServerRewards points as your salary.", "ServerRewardsError": "There was an error giving you ServerRewards points." }
Lang File : FR
{ "NextSalaryNotification": "Prochain salaire dans <color=#DAA436>{0}</Color> m et <color=#DAA436>{1}</Color> s.", "PermissionDenied": "Vous n'avez pas la permission de recevoir un salaire.", "PlayerDataNotFound": "Erreur : vos données de joueur ne peuvent pas être trouvées.", "SalaryReceivedBank": "Vous avez reçu votre salaire de {0} dans votre compte en banque.", "SalaryReceivedItem": "Vous avez reçu {0} {1} comme salaire.", "NoSalaryInfo": "Aucune information de salaire trouvée pour le joueur {0} ({1}).", "SalaryInfo": "Votre salaire est de {0} {1}.\nProchain salaire dans {2}m et {3}s.", "ServerRewardsReceived": "Vous avez reçu {0} points ServerRewards en tant que salaire.", "ServerRewardsError": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'attribution des points ServerRewards." }
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out me
Money Printer
Elevate your Rust server's economy with the dynamic MoneyPrinter plugin. Dive into a unique gameplay dimension where players are empowered to craft, operate, and manage their very own money printing machines.
The core of this plugin offers players the opportunity to generate in-game currency or specific items, carefully balancing risk and reward. While the plugin operates, specific details and statuses are elegantly displayed in the chat, ensuring players are always informed about their printing operations. Moreover, every element of the plugin, including the type of currency or item produced, is completely adjustable by server administrators, guaranteeing a customized gameplay experience.
Key Features:
● Compatible CARBON
● Innovative Currency Generation: Players can install and operate money printing machines, introducing a new economic dimension to Rust.
● Total Customization: Server administrators can modify every aspect of the plugin, including the type and amount of money or specific items generated, as well as production rates.
● Dynamic Risk-Reward System: The longer a machine operates, the higher the potential rewards and inherent risks, introducing levels of strategy and decision-making.
● Chat Notifications: Real-time notifications keep players informed of printing speed, accumulated money, and machine status.
● Intuitive GUI Interface: An interactive menu allows players to view and enhance their machine stats.
Update Highlights:
● Extended Permissions: Assign permissions for each type of action, offering precise control over the functionalities accessible by players.
- moneyprinter.GiveMoneyPrinter: Allows a player to give a money printer to themselves or a specified player. - moneyprinter.UpgradeMoneyPrinter: Grants the ability to upgrade money printers, optimizing their performance and profitability. - moneyprinter.CheckPrinterLevel: Enables players to check the level of their money printers. - moneyprinter.ShowInfoMoneyPrinter: Allows for viewing detailed information about the money printers. - moneyprinter.RemoveMoneyPrinter: Provides the ability to remove money printers. - moneyprinter.GiveDirtyMoney: Allows a player to give dirty money to others. ● Indestructible Option: Make money printers indestructible via the configuration file.
● Item Customization: Define the item, name, and SkinID for both dirty and clean money.
● Specific Item Name: Name the IMPRIMANTE À BILLETS item as you wish.
● Multilingual Support: All plugin texts are now available in English and French thanks to the addition of a language file.
● ZoneManager: Set up specific zones where printers can be placed.
● /givemoneyprinter <PlayerName>: Gives a money printer to yourself or a specified player (requires moneyprinter.GiveMoneyPrinter permission).
● /givedirtymoney <PlayerName> <Amount>: Gives dirty money (requires moneyprinter.GiveDirtyMoney permission).
● /removemoneyprinter: Removes your money printer (requires moneyprinter.RemoveMoneyPrinter permission and must be used while looking at the money printer).
● /moneyprinter: Displays available commands based on permissions.
● /upgrademoneyprinter: Upgrade your money printer to optimize its performance and profitability (requires moneyprinter.UpgradeMoneyPrinter permission).
Coming Soon:
● Future additions of light and sound during money generation, specific notifications, printer placement options, and more to enrich your experience with MoneyPrinter.
Config File :
{ "CleanMoneyCustomName": "Clean Money", "CleanMoneyItem": "researchpaper", "CleanMoneySkinId": "2572099660", "CustomPrinterName": "Money Printer", "DirtyMoneyCustomName": "Dirty Money", "DirtyMoneyItem": "researchpaper", "DirtyMoneySkinId": "3021805080", "Levels": [ { "ConversionRate": 0.6, "Level": 2, "MaxStack": 250, "ProcessingTime": 10.0, "UpgradeCost": { "Amount": 0, "Item": "researchpaper", "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080", "UpgradeCost": 5000 } }, { "ConversionRate": 0.7, "Level": 3, "MaxStack": 500, "ProcessingTime": 15.0, "UpgradeCost": { "Amount": 0, "Item": "researchpaper", "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080", "UpgradeCost": 5500 } }, { "ConversionRate": 0.8, "Level": 4, "MaxStack": 1000, "ProcessingTime": 20.0, "UpgradeCost": { "Amount": 40, "Item": "researchpaper", "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080", "UpgradeCost": 25000 } }, { "ConversionRate": 0.9, "Level": 5, "MaxStack": 2500, "ProcessingTime": 25.0, "UpgradeCost": { "Amount": 50, "Item": "researchpaper", "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080", "UpgradeCost": 50000 } } ], "PrinterIndestructible": false, "UseZones": false, "ZoneIDs": [] }
Translate File EN :
{ "NoPermission": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nYou do not have permission to use this command.", "PlayerNotFound": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nNo player found with the name: {0}", "GivenPrinter": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nYou have given a money printer to {0}.", "PrinterCreationError": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nError while creating the money printer.", "AvailableCommandsHeader": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nAvailable commands for MoneyPrinter:", "GiveMoneyPrinterCmd": "/givemoneyprinter <playername> - Gives a money printer to the specified player.", "UpgradeMoneyPrinterCmd": "/upgrademoneyprinter - Upgrades your money printer.", "CheckPrinterLevelCmd": "/checkprinterlevel - Checks the level of your money printer.", "ShowInfoMoneyPrinterCmd": "/showinfomoneyprinter - Displays information about your money printer.", "RemoveMoneyPrinterCmd": "/removemoneyprinter - Removes your money printer.", "GiveDirtyMoneyCmd": "/givedirtymoney <playername> <amount> - Gives dirty money to the specified player.", "NoUpgradePermission": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nYou do not have permission to upgrade.", "ConfigError": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nConfiguration error.", "MaxLevelReached": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nYour printer has reached its maximum potential.\n\nNo further upgrades are possible.", "UpgradeCostInfo": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\n<size=15>Upgrade cost: <color=#E0412D>{0} €</color> (<color=#E0412D>ILLEGAL</color>)</size>\n\n<size=14>(You must have <color=#E0412D>DIRTY MONEY</color> in your inventory.)</size>", "PrinterLevelUp": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nYOU HAVE UNLOCKED <color=#3CFF57>LEVEL {0} OF THE PRINTER</color>\n\n<color=#3CFF57>PRINTER UPGRADED</color>\n\nPROCESSING TIME | <color=#FF8912>{1} SECONDS</color>\nAMOUNT PROCESSED | <color=#FF8912>{2} € </color>(<color=#E0412D>DIRTY MONEY</color>)\nSUCCESS RATE | <color=#FF8912>{3}%</color>", "LookAtPrinter": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nPlease look at your printer.", "NotSetUp": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nYou have not set up this printer yet.", "SuccessRemove": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nYour money printer was successfully removed.", "PrinterInfo": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>MONEY PRINTER</color></size>\n\nPROCESSING TIME | <color=#FF8912>{0} SECONDS</color>\nAMOUNT PROCESSED | <color=#FF8912>{1} € </color>(<color=#E0412D>DIRTY MONEY</color>)\nSUCCESS RATE | <color=#FF8912>{2}%</color>\n\n<size=14>PRINTER : <color=#3CFF57>LEVEL {3}</color></size>", "UpgradeButton": "UPGRADE", "InfoButton": "INFORMATION" }
Translate File FR :
{ "NoPermission": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande.", "PlayerNotFound": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nAucun joueur trouvé avec le nom: {0}", "GivenPrinter": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVous avez donné une imprimante d'argent à {0}.", "PrinterCreationError": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nErreur lors de la création de l'imprimante d'argent.", "AvailableCommandsHeader": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nCommandes disponibles pour MoneyPrinter:", "GiveMoneyPrinterCmd": "/givemoneyprinter <nomdujoueur> - Donne une imprimante d'argent au joueur spécifié.", "UpgradeMoneyPrinterCmd": "/upgrademoneyprinter - Améliore votre imprimante d'argent.", "CheckPrinterLevelCmd": "/checkprinterlevel - Vérifie le niveau de votre imprimante d'argent.", "ShowInfoMoneyPrinterCmd": "/showinfomoneyprinter - Affiche des informations sur votre imprimante d'argent.", "RemoveMoneyPrinterCmd": "/removemoneyprinter - Supprime votre imprimante d'argent.", "GiveDirtyMoneyCmd": "/givedirtymoney <nomdujoueur> <montant> - Donne de l'argent sale au joueur spécifié.", "NoUpgradePermission": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVous n'avez pas la permission d'améliorer.", "ConfigError": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nErreur de configuration.", "MaxLevelReached": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVotre imprimante a atteint son potentiel maximum.\n\nAucune autre amélioration n'est possible.", "UpgradeCostInfo": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\n<size=15>Coût de l'amélioration: <color=#E0412D>{0} €</color> (<color=#E0412D>ILLÉGAL</color>)</size>\n\n<size=14>(Vous devez avoir de <color=#E0412D>L'ARGENT SALE</color> dans votre inventaire.)</size>", "PrinterLevelUp": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVOUS AVEZ DÉBLOQUÉ LE <color=#3CFF57>NIVEAU {0} DE L'IMPRIMANTE</color>\n\n<color=#3CFF57>AMÉLIORATION EFFECTUÉE SUR L'IMPRIMANTE</color>\n\nTEMPS DE TRAITEMENT | <color=#FF8912>{1} SECONDES</color>\nQUANTITÉ TRAITÉE | <color=#FF8912>{2} € </color>(<color=#E0412D>ARGENT SALE</color>)\nTAUX DE RÉUSSITE | <color=#FF8912>{3}%</color>", "LookAtPrinter": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVeuillez regarder votre imprimante.", "NotSetUp": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVous n'avez pas encore configuré cette imprimante.", "SuccessRemove": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nVotre imprimante d'argent a été supprimée avec succès.", "PrinterInfo": "<size=16><color=#FF8912>IMPRIMANTE D'ARGENT</color></size>\n\nTEMPS DE TRAITEMENT | <color=#FF8912>{0} SECONDES</color>\nQUANTITÉ TRAITÉE | <color=#FF8912>{1} € </color>(<color=#E0412D>ARGENT SALE</color>)\nTAUX DE RÉUSSITE | <color=#FF8912>{2}%</color>\n\n<size=14>IMPRIMANTE : <color=#3CFF57>NIVEAU {3}</color></size>", "UpgradeButton": "AMÉLIORER", "InfoButton": "INFORMATION" }
If you encounter a problem or have ideas for improvements, don't hesitate.