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The Friendly Chap's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Harbor Event"


    Harbor Event

    Creates a unique event at the Harbor monument for players to participate in for rewards. Players must battle numerous NPCs and APCs to access the puzzle to open the loot room!

    This event started off as a warning on the chatbox about the ships coming soon to dock in Port, loaded with precious cargo. After the period has passed, a ship appears in one of the locations at Harbour that are accessible from the map, where the crane loads the container.
    The loading area is protected by one Tank and 7 NPCs by default. The container door is locked, you must push a button from inside the cranes cockpit to open the door. Inside the container, there is a default security camera, locked box, 2 DMS, 2 Elite, and 2 Military boxes.
    The locations and loot from all crates/NPCs can be configured within configurations, and unwanted crates/NPCs added or removed. Also, ships will generate the default ship loot, e.g. The config file allows to modify tank as well as loot inside of the ship.
    When the event occurs, the map displays the markers (configured in the config file). All players that are inside the event area will have a timer counting down the amount of time until the event ends.
    Dependencies Required
    Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation HeliControl Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits  
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /harborstart – starting of the event
    /harborstop – ending of the event
    /harborpos – determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the cargoship is read)
    Console commands (RCON only)
    harborstart – starting of the event
    harborstop – ending of the event
    Plugin Config
    en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    void OnHarborEventStart() – called when the event starts
    void OnHarborEventEnd() – called when the event ends
    void OnHarborEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
    My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  2. More information about "NpcRaiders"



    They will raid your base tell they find the tc or the time set in the config runs out or you kill all npc waves.

    Only People authorized on the tc they are going after can kill the npc and only the npc can attack them.

    You can use kits plugin from umod to kit them with clothing and guns See config example below.

    Perms are set in config per raid type.

    npcraiders.use - Needed to use /raidme chat command.
    npcraiders.admin - Needed to use /raidme reload chat command.
    npcraiders.nocooldown - Disable the setting of your cooldown.
    npcraiders.nocost - Disable the being charged.

    Chat Command
    /raidme - Will show raid help menu.
    /raidme buy - Will show raid buy help menu and costs.
    /raidme buy <type> - To start raid of the type.
    /raidme reload player <playerName> = Will cancel there raid event.
    /raidme reload all - Will cancel all events.
    /raidme terrain - Get Terrain name your standing on.
    /raidme loot - Generate a loot profile with all the items in your inventory

    Loot Profiles
    /raidme loot add <profileName> - Create or add more items to a profile
    /raidme loot clear <profileName> - Clear all information from a profile

    When you create a loot profile you will need to edit its datafile and set the min and max amount of items to give.. There you can change other min/max for item ammounts default is 1 to Amount when created

    Config BuyType
    ByTypes can be "Itemid" , "ServerRewards", or "Economics"
    Default is scrap "-932201673"

    RewardType can be "Itemid" , "ServerRewards", "Economics" , or "kit"

    "AutoTurretDamage": 0.0 - Disable targeting the npc.
    "AutoTurretDamage": 1.0 - Full damage to the npc / Range is 0.0 to 1.0.
  3. More information about "King and Lords"


    King and Lords

    🗒️Сreates a feudal system. Now on your server players can take one of 5 roles:
    Roles of Lords: There are 4 lords in total, each of which has its own territory (one of the parts of the world). If you farm resources in a given territory, then you will pay the tax set by the lord of this territory to his treasury. The role of the king: The king does not have his own territory from which he will receive taxes, however, every time the lord takes tax from his treasury, he also gives a part in the form of tax to the king (the king sets his own tax).The role can be taken through the interface (if it is not already taken).Also, if a regular player kills the ruler, then he will take his place If the ruler has not logged into the server for more than the time specified in the config, his role will be released


    { "Forbid taking the role of the ruler if the player's ally is already in one of the roles": true, "SteamID for icon in chat messages": 0, "How long will it take for a player to be removed from office during a long offline period?(hours) (Checked when the server starts)": 36, "Command for open menu": "feodal", "Min tax": 15, "Max tax": 50 } 🏳️Lang:
    { "CM_RULERKILLRULER": "Player <color=yellow>{0}</color> killed the ruler <color=yellow>{1}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{2}</color>). Now the player <color=yellow>{0}</color> has become the new ruler(<color=#0078F0>{2}</color>), we congratulate him!", "CM_PLAYERKILLRULLER": "Ruler <color=yellow>{0}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{3}</color>) killed the ruler <color=yellow>{1}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{2}</color>). Now anyone can take the place of the ruler(<color=#0078F0>{3}</color>)", "CM_BECOMERULER": "Player <color=yellow>{0}</color> has become a ruler(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>)", "CM_CANTBERULER": "You are already a ruler", "CM_LEAVEROLE": "Successfully left your role as ruler", "CM_LEAVEFROMROLE": "The player <color=yellow>{0}</color> left the role of the Ruler(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>). Now anyone can take the place of the ruler(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>)", "CM_TAXCANBE": "The tax can be from {0}% to {1}%", "CM_NEWTAX": "The ruler <color=yellow>{0}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>) has established a new tax in the range of <color=#FF8B53>{2}%</color>.", "UI_RULERS": "RULERS", "UI_KING": "KING", "UI_BECOMEAKING": "CLICK TO\nBECOME A KING", "UI_TAX": "TAX", "UI_LORD": "LORD", "UI_TOBECOMEALORD": "CLICK TO\nBECOME A LORD", "UI_INVENTORY": "INVENTORY", "UI_APPLY": "APPLY", "UI_LEAVE": "<size=15>STOP BEING A RULER</size>" }
  4. More information about "Launch Pad"


    Launch Pad

    Launch Pad   is a plugin that gives players a PAD to launch and deploy Parachutes at height
    Note : there is a few times that this will not work . almost all you get a message . but when on building block (PAD placement blue) rust overrides this code and a normal pad spawns without warning you, looking into that)
    LaunchPad.use     ---    gives player ability to use PAD
    LaunchPad.spawn  ---  allows player to spawn pad with chat command
    launchpad  <playername>    --- gives player the PAD
    { "1. Max Launch hight": 200.0, // normal hight deploy (can never be mor that 900 "2. Use pad only once": false, "3. Return Pad to player after Launch": true, "4. Always full health Parachute": false, "5. Use chute health Limit": false, "6. Chute heath limit": 50.0, "7. LaunchPad SkinID": "2478929353", "8. Allow quick release of parachute": true, // pressing primary fire will stop launch and deploy Chute "9. Quick release Max hight": 500.0 // if player dont release it will auto release at this hight (can never be more than 900), "A. Allow ParaChutes to be Persistant": true, "B. Allow only Pad Placer to use pad": false, "B. Pad placement cooldown time in minutes (0 meens disabled)": 0 }  
    Lang File
    { "NoChute": "You dont have a Chute Equiped", "NoPerm": "You dont have the Permission to use this", "NoUnderRoof": "You cant Deploy Under a Roof, Ceiling, Underground, in water or in radiation", "NoVanish": "You cant Do this in Vanish", "ChuteHealth": "Chute to broken to use", "NoEscape": "You cant Do this While being raided or Combat Blocked", "CooldownMessage": "The Pad Placement is on a cooldown for you . {timeremaining} remaining from {cooldowntotal} Min's" }  
  5. More information about "Submerged Railway Pack"


    Submerged Railway Pack

    It is a large kit of underwater railway modular parts designed for you to easily add submerged railways to any map by simply snapping each part into place.
    Parts are available in twin railway lines.     
    It took me so long to complete and I am pleased that it has finally been released.
    known issues: Sometimes a fish swims into the tunnel and you turn right to go left on the split track
    I will be adding more parts and snap-on decor packs to this in the coming weeks.

    Tunnels ~ UnderWater Moonpool 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Diver Access 3x 18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x72 (Twin).prefab Underwater Bend 45 (Twin).prefab Underwater Smooth Incline Bottom (Twin).prefab Underwater Smooth Incline Top (Twin).prefab UnderWater Entrance 3x54 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x47 Siding (Twin).prefab UnderWater Split 3x72 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x47 Build Area (Twin).prefab UnderWater End 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Tunnel Ventilation 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Switch 3x54 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Blast Door Auto 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x216 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x144 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Entrance To Land (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x72 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x18 (Twin).prefab Snap-ons ~ Diver Access Gear Locker.prefab Tunnel NPC Guards.prefab Blastdoor Checkpoint Guards.prefab Build Zone Locomotive Spawn.prefab Build Zone Workcart Spawn.prefab Lights 2 3x18.prefab Build Zone S.prefab Build Zone L.prefab Build Zone M.prefab Repair Team End 3x36.prefab Hydraulic Seal Open.prefab Workcart Spawns End 3x36.prefab Sunken Tug End 3x36.prefab Sunken Tug+Loot End 3x36.prefab Leaks+Sparks End 3x36.prefab Hydraulic Seal Closed.prefab Backup Air Supply.prefab Overgrown Ocean Plants.prefab Moonpool Duo Sub Guard+loot 3x36.prefab Moonpool Duo Sub 3x36.prefab Moonpool Solo Sub Guard+loot 3x36.prefab Moonpool Solo Sub 3x36.prefab




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