SuperKitten's Wishlist
Glass Bridge Event
By Iftebinjan in Plugins
Glass Bridge is an event inspired by the famous netflix series: Squid Game
• The event consists of creating a glass bridge where players must jump over them and reach the finish line to be the winner of the game;
• However, players will have some challenges for this. The event can have PVP combat during gameplay, as well as giving random weapons to players (set by config file) so they can kill each other;
• In addition, it is possible to disable the PVP or even make it more hardcore, activating the system of dying after the fall;
★ It is possible to add a different announcement for each weapon given to the user during the course of the event!
★ UI for event entry and exit fully customizable by configuration file.
★ Give customized prizes to users, in addition to executing commands on the server when a user is the winner of the event!
★ Manage the size of the arena and define the amount of glass that will be broken for each row!
/gb start - To start a new event
/gb stop - To stop the current event
/gb join - To join the event
/gb leave - To leave the event
Demonstration video:
♯ API:
// Returns whether the event is currently active private bool IsActive(); // Returns whether a player is currently participating in the event. private bool IsPlaying(string playerId); private bool IsPlaying(ulong playerId); // Remove a player from the event private void RemovePlayer(string playerId); private void RemovePlayer(ulong playerId); // Get a list of event players private List<BasePlayer> PlayingList(); // Hook when the event is started private void OnGlassBridgeEventStarted(); // Hook when the event is finished private void OnGlassBridgeEventEnded(BasePlayer? winner);
{winner_id} - Event winner steam ID
{winner_name} - Event winner display name
Default configuration file:
{ "Commands": [ "glassbridge", "gb" ], "Permission name": "glassbridge.admin", "Allowed console commands ('*' to allow all commands)": [], "Blocked chat commands ('*' to block all commands)": [], "Event settings": { "Auto start cooldown in seconds (0 = disabled)": 3600, "Waiting duration (seconds)": 120, "Auto stop after seconds (0 = disabled)": 300, "Minimum players": 1, "Lose when fall": false, "PVP Enabled": true, "Rollback players to start point when die": true, "Spawn position": { "x": 300.0, "y": 800.0, "z": 300.0 }, "Give times": [ { "Tiem after the event started": 30.0, "Item shortname": "arrow.wooden", "Item amount": 3, "Item skin ID": 0, "Loaded ammo (0 = disabled)": 0, "Container to give (wear/belt/main)": "main", "Show warn for this item?": false, "Warn background color": "0 0.52 1 1", "Lang message key": "" }, { "Tiem after the event started": 30.0, "Item shortname": "bow.hunting", "Item amount": 1, "Item skin ID": 0, "Loaded ammo (0 = disabled)": 1, "Container to give (wear/belt/main)": "belt", "Show warn for this item?": true, "Warn background color": "0.12 0.46 0.21 1", "Lang message key": "ReceivedNewItem" }, { "Tiem after the event started": 120.0, "Item shortname": "pistol.revolver", "Item amount": 1, "Item skin ID": 0, "Loaded ammo (0 = disabled)": 4, "Container to give (wear/belt/main)": "belt", "Show warn for this item?": true, "Warn background color": "0 0.52 1 1", "Lang message key": "ReceivedNewItem" }, { "Tiem after the event started": 180.0, "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skin ID": 0, "Loaded ammo (0 = disabled)": 12, "Container to give (wear/belt/main)": "belt", "Show warn for this item?": true, "Warn background color": "0.58 0.25 0.25 1", "Lang message key": "ReceivedNewItem" } ] }, "Glasses settings": { "columns": 18, "rows": 24, "Broken glasses by row (need to be less than columns)": 9 }, "Prize settings": { "Commands to execute on server": [ "oxide.usergroup add {winner_id} glassbridge_event_winner" ], "Items to give": [ { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skin ID": 1826520371, "Custom name (empty = disabled)": "Apocalyptic Knight AK" }, { "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Item amount": 128, "Item skin ID": 0, "Custom name (empty = disabled)": "Ammo for your AK" } ] }, "UI settings": { "Join Leave UI": { "Anchor": "1 0.5 1 0.5", "Offset": "-146 -12 -12 138", "Background color": "0.18 0.17 0.18 1", "Join leave button": { "Join background color": "0.18 0.41 0.12 1", "Leave background color": "0.41 0.12 0.12 1" } }, "Event status UI": { "Anchor": "0.5 1 0.5 1", "Offset": "-48 -100 48 -36", "Remaining players": { "Background color": "1 1 1 0.5", "Anchor": "0 0 1 0", "Offset": "0 0 0 24", "Icon URL": "", "Icon anchor": "0 0 0 1", "Icon offset": "4 4 20 -4" }, "Remaining time": { "Background color": "1 1 1 0.5", "Anchor": "0 0 1 1", "Offset": "0 28 0 0" } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 6, "Patch": 0 } }
- #event
- #glass bridge
- (and 5 more)
60 RaidableBases
This pack contains 60 raid bases, each of which is hand-built.
These bases are complete, with automatic turrets, traps, loot boxes, etc. Some base designs are built in PVP mode, and some are anti-human designs! Excellent!
They all run on my own server and are loved by players!
🟢 1 Easy Bases.
🟢 19 Hard Bases.
🟢 8 Medium Bases.
🟢 9 Expert Bases.
🟢 23 Nightmare Bases.
Time is money, you don't have to waste a lot of time during installation, just copy and paste the files I provided to you onto the server! Including bases and spoils!
Zombie Rocks
By Krungh Crow in Plugins
When running in the forest on the quest of finding some ore nodes and finally hitting the rock to get some valuable resources , there can be a zombie sleeping under the rock
Features :
Set configurable chance of a [Rock Zombie] spawning after a ore node is depleted (last hit) Set configurable chance of a [Ore/Wood Zombie] spawning after a ore or wood spawn is picked up Set configurable chance of a [Tree Zombie] spawning after a tree is cut down Configurable NPC (HP, Damage scaling, spawn amount and more) Support for Kits. The NPC can drop a backpack (internal lootprofile through configuration) The npc can only spawn on the surface (no support for tunnel/cave nodes) npc has 2 starter outfits and changes weapon each time it spawns out of the box (or when assigned kit(s) is not found) Ore/Wood zombies use their Stone and Tree zombie kits Permissions :
zombierocks.pickup : Assign to players/groups to trigger the resource pickup mini event zombierocks.nodestone : Assign to players/groups to trigger stone mining mini event zombierocks.nodeiron : Assign to players/groups to trigger the iron mining mini event zombierocks.nodesulfur : Assign to players/groups to trigger the sulfur mining mini event zombierocks.tree: Assign to players/groups to trigger the tree cutting mini event Pickup items :
On resource pickups only 1 npc can spawn
Wood stones iron sulfur Commands :
/zrinfo : Replies plugin info and version to chat Configuration :
To make a item spawn as a blueprint add .bp behind the shortname (for example ammo.pistol.bp) Probability from value 0 to 1 is the spawn chance of any item Usage of custom naming is now possible (> v1.2.4) Example of custom items like the ExtendedRecycler plugins recycler item.
{ "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 },
{ "Use Debug": true, "Only Trigger at Night Time": true, "Night start": 20, "Night end": 8, "Tree spawns": { "Can spawn from trees": true, "Spawn chance (1-100%)": 40.0 }, "Pickup spawns": { "Can spawn from resource pickups": true, "Spawn chance (1-100%)": 10.0 }, "Node spawns": { "Stone Nodes": { "Can spawn from stone nodes": true, "Spawn chance (1-100%)": 50.0 }, "Sulfur Nodes": { "Can spawn from sulfur nodes": true, "Spawn chance (1-100%)": 40.0 }, "Metal Nodes": { "Can spawn from metal nodes": true, "Spawn chance (1-100%)": 40.0 } }, "NPC Settings": { "Spawn Amount": 1, "Health": 250, "Max Roam Distance": 20, "Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Lifetime (minutes)": 10.0, "Use kit (clothing)": true, "Kit ID Rock Zombie": [ "RockZombie-01", "RockZombie-02", "RockZombie-03" ], "Kit ID Tree Zombie": [ "TreeZombie-01", "TreeZombie-02", "TreeZombie-03" ], "Show messages": true, "NPC drop a Backpack with loot": true, "Use Random Skins": true, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [ { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.rifle", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.rifle.hv", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.rifle.incendiary", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.shotgun", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 8, "amount": 12 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "explosive.timed", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "explosives", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "pistol.m92", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "shotgun.spas12", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "pickaxe", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "hatchet", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "can.beans", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 3 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "can.tuna", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 3 }, { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "black.raspberries", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 3, "amount": 5 } ] } } Localisation :
English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
{ "Zombie_Spawn": "Braaains", "Zombie_Dropped_Backpack": "{npc} dropped his old Backpack !", "Prefix": "[<color=green>Rock Zombie</color>] : ", "infoRock": "The diffrent stone/sulfur/metal rocks can hide a Zombie that can ressurect from their rocky grave.", "infoTree": "When cutting down Trees a Zombie can ressurect from under their roots.", "infoPickup": "When picking up resources a Zombie can sneak up behind you.", "Nodes": "<<color=orange>Nodes</color>> ", "Trees": "<<color=green>Trees</color>> ", "Pickups": "<<color=orange>Pickups</color>> " } API :
bool IsZombieRocksNpc(global::HumanNPC npc) example call :
object OnEntityDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { if (npc == null) return null; if (ZombieRocks.Call<bool>("IsZombieRocksNpc", npc)) { Puts($"Target : {npc} net.ID : [{}] Event : ZombieRocks NPC"); } return null; }
- #zombie
- #krungh crow
(and 5 more)
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Loot Reroll
Dive into a world of enhanced gameplay with the Loot Reroll plugin, which introduces a dynamic element to looting crates. This plugin empowers players with the appropriate permissions to exercise a unique gameplay mechanic—rerolling the contents of crates. By leveraging this innovative feature, players can potentially uncover better rewards and loot items, elevating their experience within the game.
Tailor your server's experience by configuring the frequency at which players can reroll crates. This allows for fine-tuning of daily reroll limits, providing an avenue for players to strategically manage their loot rerolls. If desired, you can also set up a tantalizing incentive: daily free rerolls. By specifying an allotted number of free rerolls, you can encourage players to engage with the feature without spending currency. If a more controlled environment suits your server better, you have the flexibility to disable free rerolls entirely.
Currency takes center stage in the Loot Reroll plugin, with each crate's reroll operation entailing a specific cost. Both regular players and VIPs are catered to, as the plugin supports distinct costs for each group. VIPs can access a unique pricing structure, fostering a sense of exclusivity and incentivizing player engagement.
Each container is assigned its own reroll costs. The possibility to enable or disable specific containers for rerolls offers complete control over the gameplay experience. With the power to shape the availability of rerolls on a container-by-container basis, you can curate a diverse and engaging looting environment that aligns with your server's theme and objectives.
/rerolls - This will show the player the amount of free/daily rerolls available.
Admin/Console Commands
Chat - /addrolls playername daily/free quantity (example: /addrolls sinkohh daily 5 will give me 5 daily rolls)
Console - addrolls playername daily/free quantity (example: addrolls sinkohh free 5 will give me 5 daily rolls)
- A crate can only be rerolled ONE time.
- If you exit the container prior to rerolling it you CANNOT reroll if afterwards.
- If you move an item in the container you CANNOT reroll it.
- Only the FIRST player to loot the container can reroll it.
Default Config
{ "Currency type": "ServerRewards", "Free Rerolls (Daily)": 3, "Daily Reroll Limit": 20, "Free Rerolls VIP (Daily)": 5, "Daily Reroll Limit VIP": 20, "Crates that can be rerolled": [ { "crateName": "crate_elite", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "supply_drop", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "heli_crate", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "bradley_crate", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "codelockedhackablecrate", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "wagon_crate_normal_2", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "wagon_crate_normal", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_tools", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_underwater_advanced", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_normal_2", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_normal", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_normal_2_food", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_food_1", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_food_2", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "wagon_crate_normal_2_food", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_normal_2_medical", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_medical", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "wagon_crate_normal_2_medical", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_underwater_basic", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_basic", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_mine", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_ammunition", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "crate_fuel", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 }, { "crateName": "wooden_crate_gingerbread", "enabled": true, "rerollCost": 10, "rerollCostVIP": 5 } ] }
[Pack2] 60 Raidable Bases Different Designs From Easy To Nightmare Difficulty
Have a lovely day if your reading this!
If you don't have time to build your own Raidable Bases you can use those bases to add on your server for everyone to love and hate at the same time! 😇😈
This time around i added more misleading pathways and fake doors with no loot behind them.
This pack has 12 bases of each difficulty, ready to be added onto the server and used with "Raidable Bases" plugin.
All have cupboards, chests, furnaces for loot to be distributed into and all kinds of traps to not make it too easy for players.
There's no loot in the walls! They are bases that could be used by players and all loot is accessible, some are just hidden behind other items like Grills/Windows/Workbenches or Fireplaces
Some of the bases are build in Fortify but theres no double walls/floors!
Each difficulty requires different amount of sulfur/explosives to get all the boxes knowing the best path - that can be changed by adding/removing doors you can make changes as your heart desires.
Easy - 18-24 satchels
Medium - 55-68 satchels
Hard - 55-70k sulfur
Expert - 85-90k sulfur
Nightmare - 105-120k sulfur
To remove turret limitation you need to add this command to your server config: sentry.maxinterference 999
Your free to use any loottables with those bases, all boxes/furnaces and cupboards are empty.
For the turrets, they need to be set to Requires Power Source (false) in the plugin config since they are not connected to a powersource.
Unzip the "JsonPack2" file (copy the files, not the whole folder) and place them in your oxide/data/copypaste directory.
Suggested keeping the stability setting for Raidable Bases to False.
I wanted to create a feeling those bases were used by players so they are decorated - some more than others 💛
If you have any questions just send me a message!
- #bases raideables
- #bases
(and 4 more)
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