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Chill Roleplay's Wishlist

  1. More information about "High Quality Fuel"


    High Quality Fuel

    ⛽ This plugin adds a new fuel for furnaces, it allows the furnace to work longer, but it is radioactive and it will be dangerous to transfer it.
    My other plugins
    ⛔ Does not work with:
    Simple Splitter; ❔ New fuel can be extracted from certain containers, a list of which is specified in the configuration. You can turn it off, you can also turn off fuel recycling.
    ⚠️ While you have this fuel in your inventory, your radiation meter increases.
    There is also a FuelAmountMultiple parameter that is responsible for the duration of 1 piece of fuel. Calculation formula, 1 point = ~2.2 seconds:
    Time in seconds = FuelAmountMultiple * 2.2 / 60 (by default it is set ~7m 20s); 📄 Console commands:
    give.nuclear.fuel PLAYER (example: give.nuclear.fuel DAez); ⚙️ Configuration:
    "Fuel": { "Name": "Nuclear fuel", "SkinID": 3047814399, "FuelAmountMultiple": 200.0, "CanLootSpawn": true, "LootSpawnChance": 10.0, "WhichContainers": [ "oil_barrel", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "crate_normal_2" ], "CanRecycle": true, "PossibleItemsAfterRecycler": [ { "ShortName": "sulfur", "Name": "default", "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 300 }, { "ShortName": "charcoal", "Name": "default", "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 1000 } ], "IncreaseRadiation": 2, "RadiationDelay": 3 }
  2. More information about "AR Glasses HUD"


    AR Glasses HUD

    With AR Glasses V1, you can now make the boring old Sunglasses play a vital role in information when your players roam your Server.
    When equipped, the AR Glasses can trigger Preset Commands, and even Custom Commands, for example, set a custom image and command to a button, and have it run whatever you like.
    Preset commands are able to be set on Cooldown.
    When a Preset command is ran, it can send crucial data such as existing loot crates in the configurable range, but to combat this being OP, we introduce reducing the items condition and range, This is also configurable.
    Commands can be ran via chat or via AR Panel Button
    /arn - Shows NPCs within a specified range.
    /arl - Marks all loot containers within a specified range.
    /arp - Displays nearby online players.
    /arore - Highlights ore nodes within a specified range.
    /ara - Detects animals within a specified range.
    /ArServer - Shows current server statistics.
    /arglasses - Grants the player a pair of AR glasses. - IF PLAYER HAS PERMISSION
    /arinfo - Displays information about available AR commands and functionalities.

    For Suggestions Send a PM or contact me at 

    { "AR Glasses Shortname": "sunglasses", "AR Glasses SkinID": 3145620332, "AR Panel Transparency": 0.0, "AR Text Size": 40.0, "AR Text Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 2.0, "z": 0.8 }, "AR Command Cooldown": 30.0, "Decrease Ar Glasses Durability By This Much Per AR Command Use": 15, "Ore Detection Range": 15.0, "NPC Detection Range": 15.0, "Animal Detection Range": 15.0, "Loot Container Detection Range": 15.0, "Online Player Detection Range": 15.0, "Custom Button 1 Enabled?": true, "Custom Button 1 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 1 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sdqlio0olwmgufpji8g8u/Jouw-alineatekst-14.png?rlkey=u5y04yzdeu7a7hwyd8pzh2tdk&dl=1", "Custom Button 2 Enabled?": true, "Custom Button 2 Command": "chat.say /st", "Custom Button 2 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zkp4v3eiaq2u41fsy2mum/Jouw-alineatekst-15.png?rlkey=o22av5hjzzknvdunor0suaws0&dl=1", "Custom Button 3 Enabled?": true, "Custom Button 3 Command": "chat.say /buyraid", "Custom Button 3 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a6z8v707y5de2686mkci3/Jouw-alineatekst-19.png?rlkey=b5n2og71tutz8ex0k3z0phw70&dl=1", "Custom Button 4 Enabled?": true, "Custom Button 4 Command": "chat.say /menu", "Custom Button 4 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x5m8tsl3khs37wct5romx/Jouw-alineatekst-20.png?rlkey=9ffguqa2p9vkdgl41kcqyygal&dl=1", "Custom Button 5 Enabled?": true, "Custom Button 5 Command": "chat.say /shop", "Custom Button 5 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0sgjpz4n9aus7elav6ad9/Jouw-alineatekst-18.png?rlkey=hn87giieoepjp9axb3dleitwm&dl=1", "Custom Button 6 Enabled?": true, "Custom Button 6 Command": "chat.say /Kit.vip", "Custom Button 6 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wwkrmp5mc5vc68pkwteqx/Jouw-alineatekst-16.png?rlkey=5yt7404jo72hxgebkpsqobscv&dl=1", "Custom Button 7 Enabled?": true, "Custom Button 7 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 7 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/efrntq7p43m8zpf5ly26a/Jouw-alineatekst-21.png?rlkey=gpwmbdcbj732xho3qixv8jez3&dl=1" }  
  3. More information about "FoodSpoil for PVE/RP [*works with Raidable Bases]"


    FoodSpoil for PVE/RP [*works with Raidable Bases]


    Add another option to your RP/PVE server to make life in Rust even more realistic.
    Let your players use a fridge. If they don't, their food will mould and decay.
    With this plugin you can automate this.
    Set the time when something spoils in boxes.
    You can also customise the list according to your needs. So if you prefer to have horses measuring, just replace this in your config! 🌟🍀🚀
    Add the user group this plugin applies to:
    After you have successfully started the plugin, you can define everything yourself in /oxide/config/FoodSpoil.json!
    load, run, enjoy 💝

    Support Discord
  4. More information about "UAV: Radar Enemies Detection"


    UAV: Radar Enemies Detection

    UAV: Radar Enemies Detection call a F15 to that will activate a radar during a certain period of time where you can be able to see where are the enemies located.

    This enemies can be represented with different colors and symbols that you can change in the configuration.

    You have three types of marks

    - Team mates
    - NPCs
    - Other Players (Enemies)

    The plugin is fully configurable


    Chat Command
    /uav and /uav {steamId} You can send an UAV  to you (if you are an admin) or to a player given the Steam Id 
    Console Command 
    uav {steamId} You can send an UAV to a player given the Steam Id 
    Configuration example 
    { "Jet Configuration": { "Altitude (Over 200 is the recommended)": 200.0, "Seconds after spawn to destroy the jet": 15.0, "Spawn Distance from target": 500.0 }, "UAV Main configuration": { "Duration of the Sonar detection": 30.0, "Radius of the Radar": 40.0, "Seconds between throwing the signal, and the radar start showing players around": 5.0, "Skind Id for the supply signal (Need to be unique in the server)": "2791030040" } }  
    Ideas on how to make the UAV Spawn in your server 
    1. Add The UAV in the Market if you have one 
    2. Add as a part of the Loot in the Raidable Bases or Custom loot 
    3. Add as a Skill in the Skill Tree Plugin More here
    4. Make the UAV part of the /kits 
    5. Add the UAV in vending machines 
    Skins from the community that you are free to use 
    @Dead Nasty https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248306153
    @Mabel https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3233756487
    @Mr.Wild https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3247990388

  5. More information about "Bot Purge Event"


    Bot Purge Event

    Supports Economics & Server Rewards
    You can use either or,  both at the same time if needed, or both set to false.
    The Event
    Challenge your players and have them compete for the most amount of NPC/Bot kills for the duration of the event.
    The highest scoring player will earn the loot and bragging rights. 
    Headshot "Crunch" Lets your players know its time to take out some bots.
    Leaderboard tracker, counts kills of your top players, and also counts down the time.
    (Kill counter sits on right side of compass.)
    Tie breaker implemented to randomly decide a winner, on delay for Dramatics 😉
    At the end the winner will receive whatever loot you specified in the table. (Skinning and Custom names in config)
    And now you can reward them Economics balance or Server Rewards Points.
    /Purge - Manually Starts the event
    /PurgeEnd - Manually End
    /BotKills - Track kills if needed, counter is also on UI when participating.
    Start and end can be executed from Rcon

    Your color and Icon taste may differ.
    Feel free to Change it.
    , { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnBotPurgeEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnBotPurgeEventEnd", "Name": "BotPurgeEvent", "Active color": "#f02020", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1131387423838961747/1149341840391278642/BOTPURGEEVENTICON.png", "Color": "#A020F0", "Enable": true }  
    HUD .cs File Custom Events ADDITION 
            private void OnBotPurgeEventStart() => OnEventTouch(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);                  private void OnBotPurgeEventEnd() => OnEventTouch(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);  
    Use {id} to target your player who won.
    Config ex.
    { "BotPurgeEndCommand": "purgeend", "BotPurgeStartCommand": "purge", "ChatCountdownEnabled": true, "ChatCountdownInterval(Minutes)": 1, "EconomicRewards": 1000, "EnableEconomicRewards": true, "EnableLootTable": true, "EnableScheduledEvents": true, "EnableServerRewards": true, "EnableStartSFX": true, "EnableWinnerCommands": true, "EventDuration(Seconds)": 600, "LeaderboardUIAnchorMax": "0.5 1", "LeaderboardUIAnchorMin": "0.5 1", "LeaderboardUIOffsetMax": "450 0", "LeaderboardUIOffsetMin": "250 -150", "MaximumTimeBetweenEvents(Seconds)": 7200, "Minimum Players To Start": 2, "MinimumTimeBetweenEvents(Seconds)": 3600, "RandomItemsMax": 3, "RandomItemsMin": 1, "ServerRewards": 1000, "WinnerCommands": [ { "Command": "inventory.giveto {id} stones 100" }, { "Command": "inventory.giveto {id} wood 100" } ], "WinnerRewards": [ { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "Blood Money", "shortname": "paper", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "scrap", "skinid": null } ] }  
    Lang ex.
    { "EventStarted": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] The Bot Purge Event has started! <color=#884808>Kill</color> as many bots as you can!", "EventAlreadyRunning": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] The Event is already running.", "EventNotRunning": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] The Event is not currently running.", "NoPermissionStart": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] You don't have permission to start the Bot Purge Event.", "NoPermissionEnd": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] You don't have permission to end the Bot Purge Event.", "ManuallyEnded": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] The Event was manually Ended.", "NoParticipants": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] The Event has ended! Unfortunately, no one participated.", "CountdownText": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] The Bot Purge Event will end in <color=#880808>{0}</color> minute(s).", "TieMessage": "The Bot Purge Event has ended! There was a tie among <color=#880808>{0}</color> players with <color=#880808>{1}</color> kills.", "TieWinnerMessage": "The winner was randomly selected: <color=#880808>{0}</color> with <color=#880808>{1}</color> kills!", "WinnerAnnounce": "[<color=#880808>BOT PURGE EVENT</color>] {0}", "HasEnded": "The Bot Purge Event Has Ended!", "EndMessage": "\n\nThe Bot Purge Event has ended!\n\nThe winner is <color=#880888>{0}</color> with <color=#884808>{1}</color> kill(s)!", "RewardMessage": "\n<color=#880848>{0}</color> <color=#888808>x</color> <color=#088848>{1}</color>", "EconomicRewardMessage": "\n<color=#880888>{0}</color> received <color=#bb9b65>$</color><color=#85bb65>{1}</color>!", "ServerRewardsMessage": "\n<color=#880888>{0}</color> also received <color=#85bb65>{1}</color><color=#bb9b65> RP</color>!", "PlayerEarnedMessage": "\n<color=#880888>{0}</color> earned:\n{1}" }  
    Thank you!
    Any questions or suggestions feel free to reach out, thank you for viewing - Wrecks


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