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  1. More information about "Sam Site Limiter"


    Sam Site Limiter

    SamSiteLimiter allows you to change the SAM site turret limit for the individual player or for the entire CLAN/TEAM, based on the configurations and assigned roles. You can limit the number of SAM site turrets per TC (Tool Cupboard) or by range.

    You can configure the plugin to disable all server and/or player SAM site turrets with the ability to bypass these limitations via roles and/or configurations. It also offers commands to view SAM site turret statistics and the ability to turn SAM site turrets on and off via commands.

    Basically, 4 groups are configured: Default, VIP1, VIP2, VIP3, in this way you can decide the limit of the SAM site turrets based on the TC (Tool Cupboard) or the radius, based on the group assigned to the player or CLAN/TEAM.

    samsitelimiter.admin - Allows you to execute some commands reserved for administrators samsitelimiter.bypass.force - Allows you to bypass limits forcibly, regardless of configuration samsitelimiter.default - Assign configurations: Default samsitelimiter.vip1 - Assign configurations: VIP1 samsitelimiter.vip2 - Assign configurations: VIP2 samsitelimiter.vip3 — Assign configurations: VIP3 COMMANDS

    Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), or from console.
    /ssl status or /ssl st — This command allows the player to see his SAM site turret statistics and limits /ssl status <steamID> or /ssl st <steamID> — This command allows the administrator to see another player's SAM site turret and limit statistics. To use this command you must have permission: samsitelimiter.admin /ssl start or /ssl stop — This command allows the player to turn all of your SAM site turrets ON or OFF. To use this command, you must enable the AllowCommandsToStartAndStop = true property in your configuration or have permission: samsitelimiter.admin /ssl start <steamID> or /ssl stop <steamID> — This command allows you to turn ON or OFF all SAM site turrets of a player based on its SteamID. To use this command you must have permission: samsitelimiter.admin NB: The commands start or stop turns all player SAM site turrets ON or OFF. If the player is part of a clan/team, all SAM site turrets of all members of the clan/team will be turned ON or OFF. Commands can be added or modified in the configuration file: /oxide/config/SamSiteLimiter.json Command output example (/ssl status or /ssl st)


    If you are part of a clan/team and there are 1 more members who have the VIP/ROLE, then all members of the clan/team will benefit.

    Example: a clan/team member has the VIP/ROLE to be able to place 5 SAM site turrets, in this case all clan/team members will be able to place 5 SAM site turrets, but this does not mean that the total number of turrets you can place are added, the limit in in this case there are still 5 SAM site turrets, but they can be positioned by all members of the clan/team, rather than just the player who has the VIP/ROLE (in this case we assumed that the VIP/ROLE limited to 5 SAM site turrets).

    If there are multiple clan/team members who have different VIPs/ROLEs, the best VIP/ROLE will be taken, usually VIP3
    The settings and options can be configured in the SamSiteLimiter under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.   { "DisableAllServerSamSite (Disables all server SAM Site turrets). Default False.)": false, "DisableAllPlayerSamSite (Disables all player SAM Site turrets). Default False.)": false, "AllowAdminBypass (Allows admin to bypass SAM Site turret limitations). Default False.)": false, "PlayerShowSamSiteCountInfoMessage (Show the player, when he places a SAM site, a message with the number of turrets that are placed in the TC range or Radius he is in. Default true.)": true, "AllowCommandsToStartAndStop (If set to TRUE, enables commands to allow the player or clan/team to turn their all SAM site ON or OFF. Default FALSE)": false, "EnableMessageInfo (If set to TRUE, it shows a message info to the player, when he takes hold of an electricity cable or SAM Site, of the commands that the plugin makes available to him)": true, "Chat Command": [ "ssl", "samsitelimiter" ], "RolePermission": { "default": { "Type of limitation, TC-based or Radius-based. Value [Tc | Radius] (Default RADIUS)": "Tc", "SAM Site limit for TC-based limitation": 2, "SAM Site limit for Radius-based limitation": 0, "Radius (meters) within which the system checks for other SAM Site (lower = more SAM sites in the same area) (Default 40)": 0 }, "vip1": { "Type of limitation, TC-based or Radius-based. Value [Tc | Radius] (Default RADIUS)": "Radius", "SAM Site limit for TC-based limitation": 0, "SAM Site limit for Radius-based limitation": 4, "Radius (meters) within which the system checks for other SAM Site (lower = more SAM sites in the same area) (Default 40)": 40 }, "vip2": { "Type of limitation, TC-based or Radius-based. Value [Tc | Radius] (Default RADIUS)": "Radius", "SAM Site limit for TC-based limitation": 0, "SAM Site limit for Radius-based limitation": 8, "Radius (meters) within which the system checks for other SAM Site (lower = more SAM sites in the same area) (Default 40)": 40 }, "vip3": { "Type of limitation, TC-based or Radius-based. Value [Tc | Radius] (Default RADIUS)": "Radius", "SAM Site limit for TC-based limitation": 0, "SAM Site limit for Radius-based limitation": 10, "Radius (meters) within which the system checks for other SAM Site (lower = more SAM sites in the same area) (Default 40)": 20 } }, "VersionNumber": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }  
    DisableAllServerSamSite (Disables all server SAM Site turrets). Default False.): Disables all server SAM site turrets but not player SAM turrets. Default: FALSE DisableAllPlayerSamSite (Disables all player SAM Site turrets). Default False.): Disables all player SAM site turrets. Default: FALSE AllowAdminBypass (Allows admin to bypass SAM Site turret limitations). Default False.): If enabled you can bypass the SAM site turret limit with the role: samsitelimiter.admin. However, if you have the samsitelimiter.bypass.force role, you can forcibly bypass the SAM site turret limit, regardless of this configuration. Default: FALSE PlayerShowSamSiteCountInfoMessage (Show the player, when he places a SAM site, a message with the number of turrets that are placed in the TC range or Radius he is in. Default true.): Show the player, when he places a SAM site turret, a message with the number of SAM site turrets that are placed. Default: TRUE. AllowCommandsToStartAndStop (If set to TRUE, enables commands to allow the player or clan/team to turn their all SAM site ON or OFF. Default FALSE): If set to TRUE, enables commands to allow the player or clan/team to turn their all SAM site turrets ON or OFF. Default FALSE. EnableMessageInfo (If set to TRUE, it shows a message info to the player, when he takes hold of an electricity cable or SAM Site, of the commands that the plugin makes available to him): If set to TRUE, it shows a message info to the player, when he takes hold of an electricity cable or SAM site turret, of the commands that the plugin makes available to him. Default: TRUE. Chat Command: Here you can add, edit or delete Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), or from console. RolePermission Type of limitation, TC-based or Radius-based. Value [Tc | Radius] (Default RADIUS): Specify the type of limitation: enable limitation based on TC (Tool Cupboard) or Radius. SAM Site limit for TC-based limitation: If TC (Tool Cupboard) limit is enabled, specifies how many SAM site turrets can be placed around that TC (the entire building covered by the TC). SAM Site limit for Radius-based limitation: If Radius Limiting is enabled, specifies how many SAM site turrets can be placed in that specific Radius. Radius (meters) within which the system checks for other SAM Site (lower = more SAM sites in the same area) (Default 40): Set the radius size in meters.
        PlayerShowSamSiteCountInfoMessage EXAMPLE:

    EnableMessageInfo EXAMPLE:


    The plugin, therefore the automatic messages and statistics, are translated into the following languages:
    English Italian Spanish French German Dutch Turkish Russian Ukrainian
      Translation files are located in the /oxide/lang folder, here is an example of a /oxide/lang/en/SamSiteLimiter.json translation file. You can add translations for other languages by adding them to the folder: /oxide/lang
  2. More information about "Skill Rates"


    Skill Rates

    Skill system for your server

    Chat command
    Console command
    set.lvl steamid lvl skill skill: 0 - miner, 1 - alchemist, 2 - woodcutter, 3 - hunter, 4 - marauder, 5 - technicist, 6 - jeweler, 7 - dustman  Ex. set.lvl 76561198125444659 10 5 - ADD 10 levels for player skill (technicist)  

    const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH PLUGIN | false - РУССКИЙ ПЛАГИН // 18 line in cs file  
    { "Level generation": { // Generator exp for lvls "Maximal lvl": 100, "Exp - 0 lvl": 1.0, "Magnification": 1.05 // "Exp - 0 lvl" * "Magnification" * nextlevel + level.exp [Ex. 1 lvl = 1.05; 2 lvl = 1.05 * 2 + 1.05 = 3.15] }, "Quary rates - static": 5.0, // in next updates add to skills "Additional boxes from helicopter and tank": { "Enable?": true, "Amount crates": 2 }, "Messages": { "uplevel": "The skill <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> has been upgraded to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\nYour new bonuses:\n{bonuses}\n\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color> - list of available skills and their bonuses", "welcome": "Welcome to the server.\nThere is a skill leveling system on the server, command <color=#ccff66>/skill</color>.", "broadcast": "<size=11>Player <color=#ccff99>{name}</color> upgraded <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color></size>" }, "Skills - setting": { "miner": { "Name": "MINER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> stone mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> iron ore mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{2}</color> mining of high quality iron ore", "Clue": "mine stone and iron ore", "Bonuses": { "STONE": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "METAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "HQM": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl } } }, "alchemist": { "Name": "ALCHEMIST", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> sulfur mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> melting speed in furnaces", "Clue": "mine sulfur ore", "Bonuses": { "SULFUR": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 10.0 }, "REMELTINGSPEED": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "woodcutter": { "Name": "WOODCUTTER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> wood mining\n<color=#5da86c>{1}%</color> chance of coal from a tree", "Clue": "chop down trees", "Bonuses": { "WOOD": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "COALSHANCE": { "First lvl": 0.75, "Last lvl": 1.0 } } }, "hunter": { "Name": "HUNTER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> resource from fleshed animals\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> animal damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to animals", "Clue": "kill animals and fleshed them", "Bonuses": { "ANIMAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ANIMALARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "ANIMALDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.5 } } }, "marauder": { "Name": "MARAUDER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from bots\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> bot damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage against bots", "Clue": "kill bots and loot them", "Bonuses": { "NPC": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "NPCARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 }, "NPCDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 } } }, "technicist": { "Name": "TECHNICIAN", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from tank and helicopter\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> reduced damage from tanks and helicopters\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to tanks and helicopters", "Clue": "destroy bradley and helicopter and loot it", "Bonuses": { "MECH": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "MECHARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "MECHDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 } } }, "jeweler": { "Name": "JEWELER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from supply drops\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from locked boxes\n<color=#7773b4>x{2}</color> loot from elite crates", "Clue": "loot airdrops, elite and locked crates", "Bonuses": { "AIR": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "LOCKEDCRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ELITE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "dustman": { "Name": "SCAVENGER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from barrels\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from regular crates and trash cans", "Clue": "loot barrels, trash cans and regular crates", "Bonuses": { "BARREL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "CRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } } }, "Exp": { // experience for completed activities "Barrel": 1.5, "Regular box": 2.0, "Stone - mined": 1.5, "Metal - mined": 1.5, "Sulfur - mined": 2.0, "Tree - downed": 2.0, "Helicopter - downed": 50.0, "Stone - picked up": 0.1, "Metal - picked up": 0.1, "Sulfur - picked up": 0.1, "Wood - picked up": 0.1, "Bradley - exploded": 25.0, "Bradley - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - crate": 2.0, "Bradley - crate": 2.0, "Wolf - killed": 1.0, "Boar - killed": 0.75, "Horse - killed": 0.75, "Riding horse - killed": 0.1, "Stag - killed": 0.75, "Chicken - killed": 0.2, "Bear - killed": 1.5, "Supply crate": 2.0, "Locked crate": 10.0, "Elit crate": 3.5, "Wolf - fleshed": 1.5, "Horse - fleshed": 1.25, "Boar - fleshed": 1.25, "Stag - fleshed": 1.25, "Chicken - fleshed": 0.4, "Bear - fleshed": 3.0, "NPC - killed": 1.5, "NPC - looted": 1.0 }, "Show progress of other players in global chat": false, "Exp boosters : permissions": { // increase experience rates for player "skillrates.x3boost": 3.0, "skillrates.x2boost": 2.0 }, "Gather/loot boosters : permissions": { "skillrates.x3": 3.0, "skillrates.x2": 2.0 } }  
  3. More information about "Admin Eye"

    $20.00 $12.99

    Admin Eye

    This plugin adds logs of players action and convenient control panel for viewing them.
    Logs KIlls + Destruction of buildings (detailed description of the killed / destroyed, distance and what killed 'weapon, damage type etc.') Death (detailed description of the killer, the distance and how player was killed 'weapon, damage type etc.') Respawn (location of respawn and on the sleeping bag or not) Teams (create, invite, accept, leave) Loot (crates, personal boxes, wounded players and all other "lootable" entities) Authorization (in code locks, tool cups, turrets) Construction (everything that builds) Transport (the moment of boarding the transport) Convenient and functional control panel Convenient search for online players Search by name or steam ID throughout the database The ability to conveniently select the date and time, as well as view individual categories of logs Teleport to the log location and its visualization (available only for admins) The history of searching and viewing profiles Save of all the nicknames of the player with whom he logged into the server The first and last connection The database is optimized as much as possible, the data is split, which allows you to store a large number of logs for a long time The ability to clear the database on wipe and players who have not logged on server for a long time, in automatic mode The ability to turn off the log globally and turn it on for certain players The plugin is fully localized for EN and RU languages Permission
    admineye.usemenu - for open and use panel Command
    /ae - for open panel Time Zones
    Time zone its different time between 0 UTC and player time UTC.
    You need add to configuration all time zones of your admins in seconds.
    How do it? Go to site UTC Time Standart select city, then you will get the difference in hours
    behind  its + ahead its - Then you need multiply hours to second ( -6 * 3600 )
    Done - its difference between zones. Write in config  "Washington" : -21600
    Then administrator must select (only once) his zone in menu "Time Zones", else plugin use default time zone config
    At first you must create and copy discord Webhook, then paste url at config (you can use different channels)

    if you want change color, choose Colors, copy 0xNNNNNN, then paste Here, copy number and paste at config ^_^
    Future plans
    Add console commands for search logs Add discord support for send logs (implemented) Add more logs I am waiting for your suggestions for improvement in the discussions
    { "Main settings": { "Enable delete all data on wipe": false, "Delete old players data every X hours [0 - off](It works on server startup or plugin reload)": 40, "After how many days the player's data is considered old": 14, "Time zone difference in seconds (set automatically by server zone)": 10800.0, "Time zone of counties (in seconds)": { "New York": -18000, "Moscow": 10800, "Berlin": 3600, "Paris": 3600, "Canberra": 39600, "London": 0, "Beijing": 28800, "Rome": 3600, "Washington": -21600 }, "Permission for use menu": "admineye.usemenu" }, "Log settings": { "Enable logging of kill for all": true, "Enable logging of death for all": true, "Enable logging of respawn for all": true, "Enable logging of team for all": true, "Enable logging of loot for all": true, "Enable logging of auth for all": true, "Enable logging of buildings for all": true, "Enable logging of mount for all": true, "Discord webhooks for logs": { "kills": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 15105570 }, "deaths": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 15548997 }, "respawns": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 2067276 }, "teams": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 3066993 }, "loots": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 3447003 }, "auths": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 9807270 }, "builts": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 15658993 }, "mounts": { "Webhook url": "", "Color": 10181046 } } }, "Config version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 0 } }  


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