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Version 2.5.1
AutoRestart is an advanced and fully configurable plugin to facilitate automatic restarts of Rust servers, ensuring consistent performance and minimizing downtime through effective scheduling and notifications. The plugin has been tested in Pterodactyl and Wisp without problems. Windows could have problems due to how each administrator has configured their bat file and that may cause the plugin to not be able to start the server again. Main Features Interactive UI: Includes an interactive UI that allows administrators to modify all plugin settings easily. Scheduled Restarts: Configures automatic server restarts at defined intervals using UTC timezone for uniform scheduling. Discord Integration: Sends notifications to designated Discord channels to keep the community informed about restarts and server availability. Player Alerts: Notifies in-game through both UI and chat, with configurable countdowns (e.g., 60, 30, 10 minutes), including a visible final-minute countdown. Sound Alerts: Provides optional auditory notifications to accompany visual or chat alerts. Manual Admin Restarts: Administrators can initiate manual restarts with the /restart [seconds] command, including real-time alerts. Cancel Restarts: Allows administrators to cancel or reschedule restarts using the /restartstop command. Player Limit Protection: Prevents restarts during high player activity by setting a player count threshold. uMod Update Support: Automates checking for and applying uMod updates, followed by a server restart. Rewards System: Comprehensive reward system for players who connect after server restarts, supporting Economics, ServerRewards, and custom item rewards. Multilanguage messages: English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Portugues. Permissions autorestart.use: Grants administrative privileges to execute manual restarts, cancel scheduled or manual restarts, modify restart settings, and access the configuration UI. Chat Commands /crestart: Opens the main configuration UI. /crestart rewards: Opens the main configuration rewards UI. /restart 30s/5m/1h: Initiate manual restarts. /restartstop: Cancel or reschedule both administrator made restarts or programmed restarts. Console Commands restart.list: Shows upcoming scheduled restarts. Config { "Version": "2.5.0", "Restart": { "RestartTimes": [ "15:10" ], "AlertSound": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.lock.prefab", "UseSound": true, "UseChatAlerts": true, "UseQuitCommand": true, "SkipWipeDays": false, "WipeDays": [] }, "PlayerRestrictions": { "MaxPlayersBeforeCancel": 10, "RestrictPlayerCount": false }, "Alerts": { "InGameWarningTimes": [], "DiscordWarningTimes": [] }, "UpdateCheck": { "CheckForUpdates": false, "CheckInterval": 600 }, "UI": { "UseCustomUI": false, "UseRustUI": true, "CustomUI": { "AnchorMin": "0 0.5", "AnchorMax": "0 0.5", "OffsetMin": "10 -45.9695", "OffsetMax": "177.325 46.7435", "CheckIcon": "✓", "CrossIcon": "✗", "CheckIconColor": "0.5568627 0.7764706 0.1843137 1", "CrossIconColor": "0.7764706 0.5137255 0.4196078 1", "BackgroundColorHex": "#5095C4", "TitleFontSize": 12, "MessageFontSize": 10 } }, "Discord": { "WebhookUrl": "", "ServerName": "Rust Server", "DiscordNotifications": false, "UseFullMinuteCountdown": false }, "DisableDiscordCountdownMessages": false, "Rewards": { "EnableRewards": true, "UseEconomics": false, "UseServerRewards": false, "ItemRewards": { "explosive.timed": 5, "rifle.ak": 1, "knife.bone": 4 }, "EconomicsAmount": 500.0, "ServerRewardsPoints": 0, "RewardTimeLimit": 300 } } Lang { "Version": "2.5.0", "ChatRestartAlert": "Server restart scheduled in {0}.", "ChatRestartCanceled": "The server restart has been canceled.", "ChatRestartNow": "RESTARTING...", "ChatRestartCanceledTooManyPlayers": "Restart canceled due to too many players.", "NoRestartScheduled": "No restart is currently scheduled.", "RustUITitle": "SCHEDULED SERVER RESTART", "RustUIMessage": "The server will restart in {0}.", "CustomUITitle": "SCHEDULED SERVER RESTART", "CustomUIMessage": "The server will restart in {0}.", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.", "Usage": "Usage: /restart <seconds>", "InvalidNumber": "Invalid number of seconds provided.", "UpdateDetected": "A uMod update has been detected. The server will restart to apply the update.", "DiscordRestartAlert": " **SERVER RESTART**\nServer will restart in {0}.", "DiscordRestarting": " **RESTARTING**\nServer is restarting now. Please wait 5 minutes for the server to be back online.", "DiscordOnline": " **SERVER ONLINE**\nServer is now online and ready to play!", "TimeMinute": "minute", "TimeMinutes": "minutes", "TimeHour": "hour", "TimeHours": "hours", "TimeSecond": "second", "TimeSeconds": "seconds", "RewardEconomicsReceived": "You received ${0} from Economics reward!", "RewardPointsReceived": "You received {0} RP from ServerRewards!", "RewardItemReceived": "You received {0}x {1} from Item rewards!", "RewardTimeLeft": "You received rewards for connecting during server restart. Rewards will be available for {0} more.", "RewardPeriodEnded": "The reward period has ended." }$8.99- 46 comments
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- #restart
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Version 1.0.3
XRestartUI - beautiful restart notification UI. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects. - There is an automatic restart schedule. [ Any commands can be scheduled ] - There is a warning N minutes before the start of the restart. - Logs restart/warnings in the server console. - Ability to skip restart if more than N players are online. -> Overview - YouTube <- Commands restart <time> <description key from langs> [ If there is no key, then the default description will be used ] Config { "General settings": { "Use chat messages": true, "Use UI notifications": true, "Use GameTip notifications": false, "Use the tick effect": true, "Use warning effect": true, "Tick effect used": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/loot.drag.dropsuccess.fx.prefab", "Warning effect used": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/item_unlock.prefab", "SteamID of the profile for the custom avatar": 0, "Skip restart if there are more than N players online. [ Restart warnings are disabled ]": false, "Number of online players - to skip restart": 100 }, "GUI settings": { "AnchorMin": "0 0.85", "AnchorMax": "1 0.85", "OffsetMin": "0 -25", "OffsetMax": "0 25" }, "List of unique names(keys) of restart reasons - [ Setting up text in lang ]": [ "M_DEFAULT", "M_1", "M_2" ], "Configuring scheduled restarts [ Any command can be scheduled at any time ]": { "08:00": "restart 300", "21:00": "restart 300 M_1" }, "Setting warnings N minutes before restart": [ 60, 45, 30, 15, 10, 5 ] }$8.59- 37 comments
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- #restart
- #autorestart
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Version 1.0.0
Discord2Ptero allows you to start, kill, restart or save your Rust servers straight from a Discord channel. 1. Create a client API key @ and place it in .env file - application key will NOT work! 2. Include link to in .env file (no trailing slash) 3. Add bot token, channel IDs etc... to .env file 4. Add servers to servers.json (you can find server ID under 'UUID / Docker Container ID' in server details) 5. Enjoy! Requires a Python bot environment & full administration access on a Pterodactyl panel to functionFree-
- #pterodactyl
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Version 1.0.1
Features Restart your server when you want (SET_TIME or COOLDOWN) Restart your server when an update is available (UpdateNotice plugin required) Dependencies THIS PLUGIN REQUIRE THE DISCORD EXTENTION TO WORK! Compatible with Update Notice for restart on update CarbonUpdate OxideUpdate ServerUpdate Permissions rebootscheduler.admin - Allows player to use the plugin commands Commands rs cancel - Cancel the ongoing restart rs discord - Send a test message to discord rs help - Display the help message rs restart <time in seconds> - Initiate a restart (10s if no time given) rs status - Display the current restart status Configuration Default configuration: { "Default chat avatar": 0, "Enable UpdateNotice plugin (required for hooks)": true, "Hooks configuration (require UpdateNotice)": { "When the Server Restart (COOLDOWN | DAILY_TIME)": "COOLDOWN", "Cooldown time before restart (in seconds)": 300, "Enable restart OnCarbonUpdate": false, "Enable restart OnOxideUpdate": true, "Enable restart OnServerUpdate": true }, "Restart messages cooldown": [ 3600, 1800, 900, 300, 120, 60, 30, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ], "Enable daily restart": false, "Daily restart time (13:30:00 as example for 1:30 pm UTC)": "04:00:00", "Daily restart cooldown (for message visibility)": 300, "Enable discord notifications": false, "Discord webhook url": "", "Discord role id to mention (0 = no mention)": 0 } Default chat avatar - SteamID of the avatar to use for the chat messages Enable UpdateNotice plugin (required for hooks) - Enable the UpdateNotice plugin hooks Hooks configuration (require UpdateNotice) - Configuration for the UpdateNotice plugin hooks When the Server Restart (COOLDOWN | DAILY_TIME) - When the server should restart (on hook triggered) COOLDOWN - Restart when the cooldown time is reached DAILY_TIME - Restart on the daily restart time (even if not activated) Cooldown time before restart (in seconds) - Cooldown time before restart (only if the **COOLDOWN** is selected) Enable restart OnCarbonUpdate - Initiate restart when CarbonUpdate is triggered Enable restart OnOxideUpdate - Initiate restart when OxideUpdate is triggered Enable restart OnServerUpdate - Initiate restart when ServerUpdate is triggered Restart messages cooldown - Cooldown time for chat messages (in seconds) Enable daily restart - Enable daily restart Daily restart time (13:30:00 as example for 1:30 pm UTC) - Time of the daily restart (in UTC) Daily restart cooldown (for message visibility) - Cooldown time for chat messages (in seconds) Enable discord notifications - Enable discord notifications (restartCancelled, restartInitiated, restartIminent) Discord webhook url - Discord webhook url ( Discord role id to mention (0 = no mention) - Discord roleId for mention on message embed Localization Default localization: { "Help": "\nCommands:\t\t\t\tExplanations:\n\n- rs cancel\t\t\t\tCancel the ongoing restart\n- rs discord\t\t\t\tSend a test message to discord\n- rs help\t\t\t\tDisplay the help message\n- rs restart <time in seconds>\t\tInitiate a restart (10s if no time given)\n- rs status\t\t\t\tDisplay the current restart status", "KickReason": "The server is restarting for update.", "NativeRestartCancel": "Native restart was cancelled.", "NoPermission": "You are not allowed to run this command!", "NoRestartOnGoing": "There is no restart on going!", "RestartCancelMessage": "The restart has been cancelled.", "RestartGlobalMessage": "The server is restarting in {0} due to {1}!", "RestartGlobalMessageShort": "The server is restarting in {0}!", "RestartInitialized": "Restart has been initialize.", "Status": "Status: {0}", "StatusWithTime": "Status: {0} - {1}", "UnknownCommand": "Unknown command!", "UpdateNoticeMissing": "The plugin \"UpdateMissing\" was not found. Check on UMod:", "WrongNumberOfElements": "Wrong number of elements! Please check the help command.", "WrongTimeFormat": "Wrong time format! Please use \"hh:mm:ss\" for a planned time OR xxx (in seconds) for a cooldown" } PLEASE MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE {x} PARAMETERS STARTING FROM 0 AND INCREASING WITH THE ASCENDING ORDER!! Credits Inspired from SmoothRestarter HandyS11 - AuthorFree