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Found 4 results

  1. fermens

    Skill Rates

    Version 2.0.1


    Skill system for your server Chat command /skill Console command set.lvl steamid lvl skill skill: 0 - miner, 1 - alchemist, 2 - woodcutter, 3 - hunter, 4 - marauder, 5 - technicist, 6 - jeweler, 7 - dustman Ex. set.lvl 76561198125444659 10 5 - ADD 10 levels for player skill (technicist) Screenshot Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH PLUGIN | false - РУССКИЙ ПЛАГИН // 18 line in cs file Config { "Level generation": { // Generator exp for lvls "Maximal lvl": 100, "Exp - 0 lvl": 1.0, "Magnification": 1.05 // "Exp - 0 lvl" * "Magnification" * nextlevel + level.exp [Ex. 1 lvl = 1.05; 2 lvl = 1.05 * 2 + 1.05 = 3.15] }, "Quary rates - static": 5.0, // in next updates add to skills "Additional boxes from helicopter and tank": { "Enable?": true, "Amount crates": 2 }, "Messages": { "uplevel": "The skill <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> has been upgraded to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\nYour new bonuses:\n{bonuses}\n\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color> - list of available skills and their bonuses", "welcome": "Welcome to the server.\nThere is a skill leveling system on the server, command <color=#ccff66>/skill</color>.", "broadcast": "<size=11>Player <color=#ccff99>{name}</color> upgraded <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color></size>" }, "Skills - setting": { "miner": { "Name": "MINER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> stone mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> iron ore mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{2}</color> mining of high quality iron ore", "Clue": "mine stone and iron ore", "Bonuses": { "STONE": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "METAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "HQM": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl } } }, "alchemist": { "Name": "ALCHEMIST", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> sulfur mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> melting speed in furnaces", "Clue": "mine sulfur ore", "Bonuses": { "SULFUR": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 10.0 }, "REMELTINGSPEED": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "woodcutter": { "Name": "WOODCUTTER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> wood mining\n<color=#5da86c>{1}%</color> chance of coal from a tree", "Clue": "chop down trees", "Bonuses": { "WOOD": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "COALSHANCE": { "First lvl": 0.75, "Last lvl": 1.0 } } }, "hunter": { "Name": "HUNTER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> resource from fleshed animals\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> animal damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to animals", "Clue": "kill animals and fleshed them", "Bonuses": { "ANIMAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ANIMALARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "ANIMALDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.5 } } }, "marauder": { "Name": "MARAUDER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from bots\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> bot damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage against bots", "Clue": "kill bots and loot them", "Bonuses": { "NPC": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "NPCARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 }, "NPCDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 } } }, "technicist": { "Name": "TECHNICIAN", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from tank and helicopter\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> reduced damage from tanks and helicopters\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to tanks and helicopters", "Clue": "destroy bradley and helicopter and loot it", "Bonuses": { "MECH": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "MECHARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "MECHDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 } } }, "jeweler": { "Name": "JEWELER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from supply drops\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from locked boxes\n<color=#7773b4>x{2}</color> loot from elite crates", "Clue": "loot airdrops, elite and locked crates", "Bonuses": { "AIR": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "LOCKEDCRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ELITE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "dustman": { "Name": "SCAVENGER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from barrels\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from regular crates and trash cans", "Clue": "loot barrels, trash cans and regular crates", "Bonuses": { "BARREL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "CRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } } }, "Exp": { // experience for completed activities "Barrel": 1.5, "Regular box": 2.0, "Stone - mined": 1.5, "Metal - mined": 1.5, "Sulfur - mined": 2.0, "Tree - downed": 2.0, "Helicopter - downed": 50.0, "Stone - picked up": 0.1, "Metal - picked up": 0.1, "Sulfur - picked up": 0.1, "Wood - picked up": 0.1, "Bradley - exploded": 25.0, "Bradley - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - crate": 2.0, "Bradley - crate": 2.0, "Wolf - killed": 1.0, "Boar - killed": 0.75, "Horse - killed": 0.75, "Riding horse - killed": 0.1, "Stag - killed": 0.75, "Chicken - killed": 0.2, "Bear - killed": 1.5, "Supply crate": 2.0, "Locked crate": 10.0, "Elit crate": 3.5, "Wolf - fleshed": 1.5, "Horse - fleshed": 1.25, "Boar - fleshed": 1.25, "Stag - fleshed": 1.25, "Chicken - fleshed": 0.4, "Bear - fleshed": 3.0, "NPC - killed": 1.5, "NPC - looted": 1.0 }, "Show progress of other players in global chat": false, "Exp boosters : permissions": { // increase experience rates for player "skillrates.x3boost": 3.0, "skillrates.x2boost": 2.0 }, "Gather/loot boosters : permissions": { "skillrates.x3": 3.0, "skillrates.x2": 2.0 } }
  2. fermens


    Version 2.0.1


    You can set up rates both for everyone and for privileges: - Rates of pick up resources - Rates of gather resources - Rates from boxes and barrels - Rates from NPC bots - Quarry rates - Smelting speed in furnaces - Length of day and night - Vote skip night - Night rates Chat Command /rate - find out personal loot rates Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH | false - РУССКИЙ // 18 line in cs file Hints If the player has several privileges, then the one below in the config is taken! Config { "Experimental. Do not touch": false, "Disable accelerated melting": false, "Furnace prefabs (where accelerated smelting will work)": [ "furnace", "furnace.large" ], "Default rates": { "Collectible & growable": 2.0, "Gather": 2.0, "Sulfur": 2.0, "Quarry": 2.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 2.0, "Bradley crates": 2.0, "Locked crates": 2.0, "Supply crates": 2.0, "Elite crates": 2.0, "Regular crates": 2.0, "Barrels": 2.0 }, "Scientists": 2.0, "Melting speed": 2.0 }, "Adjusting the length of day and night": { "Enable?": true, "Night length": 10.0, "Day length": 50.0, "Autoskip night": false, "Voteskip night": false, "Nightly increase in rates (ex. 1.0 - increase by 100% , 0 - disable)": 0.0 }, "Premium rates [permission|setting]": { "xrate.x3": { "Collectible & growable": 3.0, "Gather": 3.0, "Sulfur": 2.5, "Quarry": 3.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 3.0, "Bradley crates": 3.0, "Locked crates": 3.0, "Supply crates": 3.0, "Elite crates": 3.0, "Regular crates": 3.0, "Barrels": 3.0 }, "Scientists": 3.0, "Melting speed": 4.0 }, "xrate.x4": { "Collectible & growable": 4.0, "Gather": 4.0, "Sulfur": 2.5, "Quarry": 4.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 4.0, "Bradley crates": 4.0, "Locked crates": 4.0, "Supply crates": 4.0, "Elite crates": 4.0, "Regular crates": 4.0, "Barrels": 4.0 }, "Scientists": 4.0, "Melting speed": 4.0 } }, "Blacklist, for what won't work": [ "sticks", "flare" ], "Messages []": { "NightHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>Night has fallen</color>, gather and loot rates increased by <color=#ccff33>{num}%</color>!</size>\n<size=10><color =#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>", "DayHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>The day has come</color>, gather and loot rates are back!</size>\n<size=10><color=#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>", "INFORMATION": "<color=#ccff33>INFORMATION | {name}</color>\nPick up: x<color=#F0E68C>{0}</color>\nGather: x<color=#F0E68C>{1}</color> <size=10>(sulfur: x <color=#F0E68C>{6}</color>)</size>\nQuarry: x<color=#F0E68C>{2}</color>\nCrates/barrels: x<color=#F0E68C>{3} </color>\nLoot from the scientist: x<color=#F0E68C>{4}</color>\nSmelting Speed: x<color=#F0E68C>{5}</color>", "SkipNight": "<color=yellow>The majority voted for the day. Let's skip the night...</color>", "NoSkipNight": "<color=yellow>—Let there be light! - said the electrician and cut the wires.</color>", "NoActive": "<color=yellow>VOTING IS NOT ACTIVE!</color>", "Voted": "<color=yellow>YOU ALREADY VOTE!</color>", "Night": "<color=yellow>Vote for NIGHT successfully received.</color>", "Day": "<color=yellow>Vote for the DAY successfully received.</color>" } }
  3. Monster


    Version 1.0.2


    XFarmRoom - farm room of ores for your server. Good donate for players. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XFarmRoom - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - In the room is forbidden: pick up prefabs that are in the room, install anything in the room, damage the room, use console/chat commands ( customizing commands in the config ). - Teleport from a room to the place you teleported from. [ Teleportation from the room works correctly when: leaving the room, death, disconnecting from the server, unloading the plugin, restarting the server ] - A player is automatically teleported out of the farm room if his permission to access the farm room is revoken away. - Setting the CD to teleport into a room. [ Permission can be granted to disable the CD.] - Automatically clear data after a wipe. [ Configure in config ] - Ability to display room spawn points on the map. [ Administrator only ] - Ability to set a limit of simultaneously active(occupied rooms) for optimization. - Ability to customize how many items a player can take into a room. - The player chooses his own ores from the available ones to mine. [ For example: the player has all ores available, but in the UI menu he selects a stone and mines only it ] - Ores can be given out individually, any number on command. [ For example: for sale in the store ] - The ability to make the ores unlimited for the player. [ Permissions and number of ores are configurable in the config. Ores can be updated once every N seconds or once per wipe ] - Room prefabs are spawn without third party plugins. - Notifications to chat when grant and revoke permission/group with permission to access farm room functionality. Permissions xfarmroom.use - access to the room/commands. xfarmroom.nocdtp - allow teleporting into a room without a CD. Commands /roomtp - to join the room. /roomleave - to leave the room. /roomspawns - display spawn points of farming rooms. [ Administrator only ] xfarmroom_give_ore <SteamID> <ore - [ sulfur-ore | metal-ore | stone-ore ]> <amount - [ 10 | -10 ]> - give ores to the player. xfarmroom_clear_ore <SteamID> - reset the player available ores to zero. API bool API_PlayerInRoom(ulong userID) - return TRUE/FALSE if the player is in the room. Config { "General settings": { "Button placement. [ True - 1 | False - 2 ]": true, "Option to update available ores. ( only with permission to update ). [ True - once per wipe | False - once every N seconds ]": false, "Clear the data after a wipe": true, "Limit the number of items that can be taken into a room": true, "Use UI button to leave the room": true, "Every how many sec. update the number of available ores. ( it is checked only when the player tries to/falls into the room )": 3600, "How many maximum simultaneously active rooms can there be. ( for optimization )": 10, "How many maximum items can be taken into a room": 6, "Room teleportation break sec.": 90, "Chat prefix": "<size=12><color=#FFFFFF50>[</color> <color=#00FF0050>XFarmRoom</color> <color=#FFFFFF50>]</color></size>\n", "Notify the player when he has been granted or revoked away access to the farm room functionality": false, "SteamID profile for custom avatar": 0, "List of allowed console commands in farm room": [ "global.farm_ore" ], "List of allowed chat commands in farm room": [ "roomtp", "roomleave" ] }, "Permission - number of ores. [ Only the value and permission can be changed ]": { "xfarmroom.300": { "sulfur-ore": 300, "metal-ore": 300, "stone-ore": 300 }, "xfarmroom.100": { "sulfur-ore": 100, "metal-ore": 100, "stone-ore": 100 } } }
  4. Monster


    Version 1.1.003


    XGatherUP - increase in rates for XP. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XGatherUP - There is a lang ru/en. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Configuring the issuance of XP. [ Loot, kill, break barrels, open crates, pick from the ground, harvest ] - Setting up starting rates for each category. - Setting up bonus rates for each category according to the permit. [ Multiple permissions can be configured ] - Setting up permissions to access the upgrading of a certain category. - Mini-panel with XP quantity. [ You can hide ] - Customization of categories for which you can increase rates. [ Bonus mining, mining, picking from the ground, components, harvesting ] - Setting the maximum level, XP for upgraging one level, rates for one upgraded level, a list of resources/components for which the rates will be increased. -> Overview - YouTube <- Shortnames for config settings. Commands /rate - open the menu to upgrading rates. xp_give <SteamID> <Amount> - give ХР. Config { "General settings": { "Use plugin balance to increase rates [ Default, XShop, Economics ]": "Default" }, "GUI settings": { "Number of categories per line": 6, "OffsetMin - menu": "-475 -255", "OffsetMax - menu": "475 180" }, "Setting up permissions and additional rates": { "xgatherup.default": { "Resource": 1.5, "Harvest": 2.0, "Loot": 0.75 } }, "ХР settings | Shortname : ValueXP": { "ХР for pickup resources": { "stones": 10.0, "sulfur.ore": 15.0, "metal.ore": 12.5 }, "ХР for harvesting": { "potato.entity": 2.5, "corn.entity": 1.75, "hemp.emtity": 0.25 }, "ХР for bonus gather": { "stones": 5.0, "sulfur.ore": 10.0, "metal.ore": 7.5 }, "ХР for kill / breaking barrels": { "boar": 10.0, "loot-barrel-1": 7.5, "heavyscientist": 2.5 }, "ХР for open crates": { "crate_normal": 5.0, "crate_normal_2": 1.0, "crate_tools": 3.5 } }, "Category settings": { "Resource": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "wood", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "wood", "charcoal" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "stones", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "stones" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metal.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metal.ore", "metal.fragments" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "sulfur.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "sulfur.ore", "sulfur" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "hq.metal.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 5.5, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "hq.metal.ore", "metal.refined" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "mushroom", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 0.5, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "mushroom" ] } ], "Harvest": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "pumpkin", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "pumpkin" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "corn", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "corn" ] } ], "Loot": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "semibody", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "semibody" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalpipe", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metalpipe" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalblade", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metalblade" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "scrap", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "scrap" ] } ] } }


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