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About Me

  1. Version 1.0.1


    In the "Bases" Folder you will find 60 bases total that you can add to your server. They are ranked easy, medium, hard, expert and nightmare. They are all Unique and fun to raid. There are simple raid bases like you would see on a normal rust server. But there are alot of maze / puzzle bases in there, with secret loot rooms and hidden tc's. Watch out for the special traps that are placed, on places you wouldn't care to look! Never a doll moment when you see one of my raidbases, they are all tested on an active server and everyone loves to see my raidbases. You can't go wrong with this pack! 6 Easy 9 Medium 18 Hard 16 Expert 11 Nightmare Loot Tables: As said on Raidable Bases plugin you need your own loot tables. The plugin comes with some very basic items (Default_Loot.json) that only serve as a demo loot list for you to either delete or expand upon. In order to make any use of the plugin (beyond demonstration) you will have to create your own loot lists instead. These are al made on Enchanted.gg server. Made with for pluggins: https://umod.org/plugins/copy-paste
  2. Version 1.9.4


    Optional Dependency Raidable Bases - https://codefling.com/plugins/raidable-bases Optional Dependency Custom Loot - https://codefling.com/plugins/custom-loot How To Call In Random Raids Randomly calls in npc raids with options for Mlrs and Attack Hele Set a configurable timer and chance to auto call in raid With Raidable bases plugin set a chance with configurable options for the npc's to come back and attack the raiders at one of there bases. After a certain amount of npc kills have a random chance. With item found in loot containers or given in shops by admins. SEE ALL CONFIG SETTINGS! Chat Command - Permission = randomraids.admin /randomraid -- Will display command usage. /randomraid item list - will display list of raid item for admin to give them self. /randomraid item <type> - example config types = easy, medium, hard Server command randomraid <playerid> <type> - Gives player raid item to start a raid. { "Random settings": { "GUI AnchorMin": "0.807 0.96", "GUI AnchorMax": "0.996 0.99", "GUI2 AnchorMin": "0.807 0.92", "GUI2 AnchorMax": "0.996 0.95", "GameTip display time in seconds": 2.0, "Total raids allowed at once": 10, "A player on the tc must be online": true, "Use random raid timer": false, "Random raid timer time": 3600, "Chance of random raid at time (1-100)": 10, "Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440, "The maximum amount of time a rocket will fly before exploding": 4.0, "Npc spawn damage delay": 2.0, "Display global chat message on raid start": true, "Display global map marker on raid start": true, "Display Gui to base owners": false, "Use GameTip announcement to player": false, "Disable radio chatter": false, "Wait until all NPC are dead before sending in next wave": false, "Player must have randomraids.use inorder to get raided": false, "Use world text to show base location": false, "World text display time": 60.0, "Use discord Webhook": false, "Discord Webhook URL": "", "Discord Avatar URL": "http://images.myvector.xyz/discordimage.png" }, "All Random Raid Types": { "Random raid types": { "easy": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 1, "Total npcs per wave": 10, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": false, "Total event time in seconds": 640, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 100.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ], "Surrender costs": 200 }, "medium": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 2, "Total npcs per wave": 15, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 900, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 200.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ], "Surrender costs": 400 }, "hard": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 3, "Total npcs per wave": 20, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 1200, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ], "Surrender costs": 600 }, "expert": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 4, "Total npcs per wave": 30, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 1500, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "medium" ], "Surrender costs": 800 }, "nightmare": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 5, "Total npcs per wave": 30, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 2100, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names": [], "AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "medium" ], "Surrender costs": 1000 } } }, "AttackCopter profiles": { "Profile Names": { "easy": { "Heli float health": 1000.0, "Total crates to drop": 2, "Heli strafe cooldown": 50.0, "Heli can strafe x times": 3 } } }, "Block Random raid in colider": { "Blocked": [ "iceberg", "ice_berg", "ice_sheet", "icesheet", "cliff", "cave" ] }, "Raidable Base plugin settings": { "Raid player on Raidable Base Completed": false, "Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": false, "Raidable Base Settings": { "0": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "1": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium" ] }, "2": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium" ] }, "3": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium", "hard" ] }, "4": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "hard", "expert", "nightmare" ] } } }, "Trigger by npc kills": { "Enable log kills and random raid on kills": false, "Reset npc kills on player raided.": false, "Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": false, "Use total players on tc check on type": false, "Enable combine npc kills list": false, "Combine npc kills list": [ "scientistnpc_patrol", "scientistnpc_oilrig", "scientistnpc_heavy", "sentry.scientist.barge", "sentry.scientist.barge.static", "sentry.scientist.static", "heavyscientist_youtooz.deployed", "ch47scientists.entity", "scientist_corpse", "scientistnpc_arena", "scientistnpc_cargo", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300", "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner", "scientistnpc_excavator", "scientistnpc_full_any", "scientistnpc_full_lr300", "scientistnpc_full_mp5", "scientistnpc_full_pistol", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "scientistnpc_junkpile", "sientistnpc_peacekeeper", "scientistnpc_roam", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant", "scientistnpc_roamtethered", "npc_tunneldweller", "npc_tunneldwellerspawned", "npc_underwaterdweller", "scarecrow" ], "Combine Profile to use": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 70, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "Npc kills settings": { "scientistnpc_heavy": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_junkpile": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Reset kill count after chance happened": false, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] } } }, "Juggernaut profiles": { "easy": { "Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": { "1": 1 }, "Spawn health of the juggernaut": 500.0, "Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0, "juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0, "Names to give the juggernaut": [ "Juggernaut Raider" ], "Spawn kits for the juggernaut": [] }, "medium": { "Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": { "1": 2 }, "Spawn health of the juggernaut": 700.0, "Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0, "juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0, "Names to give the juggernaut": [ "Juggernaut Raider" ], "Spawn kits for the juggernaut": [] } }, "Item profiles": { "easy": { "Raid call item skin": 2893480896, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 1", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "medium": { "Raid call item skin": 2893480635, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 2", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2", "heli_crate" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "hard": { "Raid call item skin": 2893481009, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 3", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "expert": { "Raid call item skin": 2893481137, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 4", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 }, "nightmare": { "Raid call item skin": 2893482048, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 5", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": false, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 7, "Patch": 7 } }
  3. Version 1.0.1


    8 Medium RaidBases Each base comes pre-equipped with items such as chests, furnaces, lockers, and more, eliminating the need for you to populate loot locations yourself! Installation Guide Unzip the file and place them in your oxide/data/copypaste directory. Make sure to copy only the files, not the entire folder. Type in console this command: rb.config add "Medium Bases" dmedium1 dmedium2 dmedium3 dmedium4 dmedium5 dmedium6 dmedium7 dmedium8 restart RB plugin or use the "rb.reloadconfig" command Deutsch: 8 Medium RaidBasen Jede Basis ist bereits mit Gegenständen wie Truhen, Öfen, Schließfächern und mehr ausgestattet, sodass du diese nicht platzieren musst. Installationsanleitung Entpacke die Datei und platziere sie in deinem oxide/data/copypaste-Verzeichnis. Achte darauf, nur die Dateien und nicht den gesamten Ordner zu kopieren. Gib diesen Befehl in der Konsole ein: rb.config add "Medium Bases" dmedium1 dmedium2 dmedium3 dmedium4 dmedium5 dmedium6 dmedium7 dmedium8 Starte das RB-Plugin neu oder verwende den Befehl "rb.reloadconfig".
  4. Version 1.0.2


    4 Expert RaidBases Each base comes pre-equipped with items such as chests, furnaces, lockers, and more, eliminating the need for you to populate loot locations yourself! Installation Guide Unzip the file and place them in your oxide/data/copypaste directory. Make sure to copy only the files, not the entire folder. Type in console this command: rb.config add "Expert Bases" dexpert1 dexpert2 dexpert3 dexpert4 restart RB plugin or use the "rb.reloadconfig" command Deutsch: 4 Expert RaidBases Jede Basis ist bereits mit Gegenständen wie Truhen, Öfen, Schließfächern und mehr ausgestattet, sodass du diese nicht platzieren musst. Installationsanleitung Entpacke die Datei und platziere sie in deinem oxide/data/copypaste-Verzeichnis. Achte darauf, nur die Dateien und nicht den gesamten Ordner zu kopieren. Gib diesen Befehl in der Konsole ein: rb.config add "Expert Bases" dexpert1 dexpert2 dexpert3 dexpert4 Starte das RB-Plugin neu oder verwende den Befehl "rb.reloadconfig".
  5. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This raid base is rated as Expert on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  6. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Pack of 10 Raidable Bases rated on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. 1x Easy Raid Base 2x Medium Raid Base 3x Hard Raid Base 3x Expert Raid Base 1x Nightmare Raid Base made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  7. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This raid base is rated as Expert on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. The ground floor in this raid is a maze full of doors and hidden traps, and you need to find the stairs to get on the 1st floor.. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  8. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This raid base is rated as Hard on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This raid base is rated as Easy on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  10. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This raid base is rated as Nightmare on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  11. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This raid base is rated as Hard on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This raid base is rated as Hard on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect
  13. Version 1.0.0


    *Warning* If you have bought (60 Raidable Bases MrTrixy 2nd Pack) then don't buy this one. "60 Raidable Bases MrTrixy 2nd Pack - Buildings - Codefling" These are 12 Easy Raidable Bases out of the bigger pack. In the "Bases" Folder you will find 12 bases total that you can add to your server. They are all Unique and fun to raid. There are simple raid bases like you would see on a normal rust server. But there are alot of maze / puzzle bases in there, with secret loot rooms and hidden tc's. Watch out for the special traps that are placed, on places you wouldn't care to look! Never a doll moment when you see one of my raidbases, they are all tested on an active server and everyone loves to see my raidbases. You can't go wrong with this pack! Loot Tables: As said on Raidable Bases plugin you need your own loot tables. The plugin comes with some very basic items (Default_Loot.json) that only serve as a demo loot list for you to either delete or expand upon. In order to make any use of the plugin (beyond demonstration) you will have to create your own loot lists instead. These are al made on Enchanted.gg server.
  14. Antonio


    Version 1.0.0


    Built in Rust. 100% functional. +100 turrets with m249, 5 sams, big loot room, some players have tried to raid, without success... Supports multiple modifications. I hope you enjoy it. Codelock: 7496
  15. Version 1.0.1


    PACK-1 40 RAIDABLE BASES Don't have time to create your own Incursion bases? With this fun base pack your players will have a great time. Just put it in your copy and paste folder and set up your profiles. the pack contains photos of the 40 bases to get to know them better Raidable 40 Bases | 8 Easy Bases. | 8 Medium Bases. | 8 Hard Bases. | 8 Expert Bases. | 8 Nightmare Bases.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    No time to make your own Raid bases ? With this fun halloween bases pack your players will have a great time. Just put it in your copy/paste folder and set up your profiles Raidable 12 Bases | 3 Easy Bases. | 3 Medium Bases. | 2 Hard Bases. | 2 Expert Bases. | 2 Nightmare Bases.
  17. PT EliRival


    Version 1.0.1


    Presenting 4500 custom map that was made in World Creator and then finished in Rust Edit. Map has all main monuments, caves etc. You will get 2 versions of the map, they are the same except that one of them "PortsIsland Raid Islands" has 12 small islands 120 meters diameter for spawning raid bases. Spawn points could be added in the middle of those islands so players could raid them without any issues and main island stays cleaner and fps friendly. Underground rail system is connected with each Oil rig for more interesting travel and fights. Surface train system has some custom monuments "Rail-Shelter" where you can find not only barrels and crates but recycler and blackjack tables to. Deep in woods you can come across the "Swamp Camp" it has all kind of stuff, from barrels to crates. By the shore in desert biome standing "Nova Industries" custom harbor, it has blue card room and lots of places to wonder a round, but be careful, its guarded by scientists. Custom Monuments!!! 1. Rail Shelter- Its total six of them that are located a long side with train tracks. They have same function as road monuments, recycler/crates/barrels and plus blackjack can be found inside. 2. Swamp Camp- 3 of them are standing hidden in the woods, they have barrels/crates waiting to be collected. 3. Nova Industries- Biggest custom monument in the map, train tracks go through it. But choose wise your stop because it's guarded by scientists. Monument have barrels/different kind of crates and completed with blue card room. Original Monuments!!! 1. Airfield 2. Giant excavator pit 3. Military Tunnel 4. Launch site 5. Water treatment plant 6. Power plant 7. Train yard 8. Abandoned military base 9. Sewer branch 10. Junkyard 11. Satellite dish 12. Arctic research base 13. Harbor 1 14. Harbor 2 15. Outpost 16. Bandit Camp 17. Large barn 18. Ranch 19. Fishing village 1.2.3 20. Lighthouse 3 21. Road monuments 22. Oil rig 1 23. Oil rig 2 24. Different size caves Customer can modify map; password will be included into Zip file. Be aware of the TOS-Restrictions, map can't be sold or transferred to 3rd parties If you going to have some questions, contact me: PT EliRival (Eli) #9320
  18. Mabel


    Version 1.0.0


    Medium/Hard Raidable Base
  19. tynearia

    Ant Raid Base

    Version 1.0.0


    This was something i built a long time ago, before i was able to rate raidbases. I have since created a way to rate raidbases for myself, and so far the rating system has not failed me. This cute little ant works best in no stability raids, i have not tried it on a stability server. I rated this raid as between hard and expert on a five tier raidable bases model. It includes a hidden TC, and loot rooms featuring 84 coffins for loot to be dispersed into, 78 autoturrets without a gun, 71 shotgun traps, and 8 flame turrets. Some of the walls are meant to be destroyed, but they are unmarked, and the tc is well hidden on its head. Happy raiding.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Contains 6 bases intended to be used with the RaideableBases plugin. Expert Level You may need to rename the files according to your plug-in configuration. Semi description : ExpertBase1 , - 5 box large + 1 tool cupboard - 4 flame turret + 7 shotgun trap + 21 tesla coil + 2 SAM site + 29 auto turret ExpertBase2 , - 5 box large + 1 tool cupboard - 4 flame turret + 3 shotgun trap + 33 testa coil + 4 SAM site + 16 auto turret ExpertBase3 , - 1 box large + 4 box + 1 tool cupboard - 12 tesla coil + 2 SAM site + 38 auto turret ExpertBase4 , - 4 box large + 2 box + 1 tool cupboard - 88 snap trap + 2 flame turret + 12 shotgun trap + 13 tesla coil + 4 SAM site + 52 auto turret ExpertBase5 , - 3 box large + 1 tool cupboard - 2 flame turret + 6 shotgun trap + 24 tesla coil + 6 SAM site + 46 auto turret ExpertBase6 , - 8 box large + 1 tool cupboard - 2 flame turret + 4 shotgun trap + 51 tesla coil + 10 SAM site + 73 auto turret
  21. Pret0riaN


    Version 1.0.0


    Raidable Base Medium level , no doors. 202 item Part List include : loot: -2 box -1 box large -1 tool cupboard Passive defense : -10 barridade wood Active defense: -6 flame turret -1 shotgun trap - 6 tesla coil - 2 auto turret
  22. Pret0riaN


    Version 1.0.0


    *This base is fully functional (electrical + music) Raidable Base Medium level , with doors ** 196 item Part List include : loot: -2 box -4 large box -1 tool cupboard Passive defense : -10 barridade metal Active defense: -7 Shotgun trap *You can use this base with copy/paste plugin , this base is really funcional Deployables are included: Entertainment: -1 chippy arcade -sofa -computer station -Boom box -disco floor -2 fogger -1 strobe light Electrical installation: -4 battery large -3 root combiner - 2 siren light -4 solar panel large -2 splitter -1 storage monitor -3 ceeling light ** code doors : 1111
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Christmas sell {{{{{This is not a plugin}}}} Base pic's >>> https://imgur.com/a/9ea7yuV ========================what is in this Gold pack===================================== (bases) 5-easy-5-medium-5-Hard-5-expert---soon to come Nightmare (loot table) easy and medium and Hard and expert----soon to come Nightmare (profiles) for all raidbases note... you must own the paid raidbase plugin for this to work this does not include the plugin at all
  24. Version 1.0.0


    large raidable sky base, all loot boxes etc full of loot, secret loot rooms, high security. code 5008 PLEASE NOTE - stability must be turned off in your server for this base! you can paste it right up in the clouds
  25. Mabel


    Version 1.0.0


    Medium Raidable Base


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