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Found 2 results

  1. Mevent

    Car Sharing

    Version 1.1.7


    Adds to your server the ability to rent a car and ride it all over the map. You can also install bots in which you can rent a car. Commands share.ferrari [targetId] (give a Ferrari) share.mazda [targetId] (give a Mazda) share.skoda [targetId] (give a Skoda) share.opel [targetId] (give an Opel) Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (example: carsharing.use)": "carsharing.use", Config { "Commands": [ "rent", "carsharing" ], "Permission (example: carsharing.use)": "", "Work with Notify?": true, "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, "Vehicle call item settings": { "Display Name": "RUSTSharing {carname}", "ShortName": "box.wooden.large", "Skin": 2591806406 }, "Cars": [ { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.ferrari", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/0GvWGOv.png", "Name": "Ferrari", "Cost per minute": 25.0, "Car class": "Luxe", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.mazda", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/fAuuZIS.png", "Name": "Mazda", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Comfort", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.skoda", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/u07yAdY.png", "Name": "Skoda", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Comfort", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.opel", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/fEzJjIm.png", "Name": "Opel", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Comfort", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } } ], "Bots": { "8833355776": { "Car Classes (* - all)": [ "Comfort" ] }, "1317845641": { "Car Classes (* - all)": [ "Luxe", "Comfort" ] } } } VIDEO
  2. Version 2.0.4


    Removes 99% of Face Punches Debug Code/Spam & Removes Borked NPC/Animals From NavMesh Custom Built Log Manager Patch that Ties Into FacePunche's Log-Handler to fix Oxides system breaking it resulting in more spam then normal. Note Remove the: 'NavMeshErrorFix' plugin from umod if you use it! 'NoSunGlare' plugin from umod if you use it! 'PersonalNPC' <causes duplication msg's> disable this in config “Clear console of ‘ownerPlayer is not player’ spam" To stop the double output of logs in console for 'PersonalNPC' Patched the Following Methods 1. Base Navigator Place On Nav Mesh ( Fixed Default logic not killing the npcs/animals resulting in repeated spam ) 2. Base Navigator Validate Next Position ( Logic works fine by default but now no longer spams console each time they Delete an NPC/Animal.. ) 3. Base Entity On Invalid Position ( Logic works fine by default but now no longer spams console ) 4. Base Networkable Send Network Group Change ( Fixed it's Spam ) HOW TO UPDATE: 1. in console type': o.unload ConsoleSpamCleaner 2. Delete cs file 3. Add New cs file 4. in console type': o.load ConsoleSpamCleaner The following spam should no longer be an issue: ( Some Additional Ones Not On List Have Also Been Patched Out ) "Invalid NavAgent Position: prefab entity pos destroying", "failed to sample navmesh at position ", "changed its network group to null", "Bone error in SkeletonProperties.BuildDictionary for ", "HandleD3DDeviceLost", "ResetD3DDevice", "dev->Reset", "D3Dwindow device not lost anymore", "D3D device reset", "group < 0xfff", "Mesh can not have more than 65000 vert", "Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for)", "Coroutine continue failure", "No texture data available to upload", "Trying to reload asset from disk that is not", "Unable to find shaders used for the terrain engine.", "Canvas element contains more than 65535 vertices", "RectTransform.set_anchorMin", "FMOD failed to initialize the output device", "Cannot create FMOD::Sound", "invalid utf-16 sequence", "missing surrogate tail", "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the Nav", "user-provided triangle mesh descriptor is invalid", "Releasing render texture that is set as", "AngryAnt Behave version", "alphamapResolution is clamped to the range of", "api.facepunch.com/api/public/manifest/", "Checking for new Steam Item Definitions..", "Floating point textures aren't supported on this device", "HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe", "Image Effects are not supported on this platform", "Loading Prefab Bundle", "Missing shader in", "Missing projectileID", "Motion vectors not supported on a platform that does not support", "SwitchParent Missed", "saddletest", "The image effect Main Camera", "The image effect effect -", "The referenced script", "Unsupported encoding: 'utf8'", "Warning, null renderer for ScaleRenderer!", "[AmplifyColor]", "[AmplifyOcclusion]", "[CoverageQueries] Disabled due to unsupported", "[CustomProbe]", "[Manifest] URI IS", "[SpawnHandler] populationCounts", ", disk("


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