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Version 0.1.5
Big Wheel Game UI statistics. Collecting statistics of a Big Wheel Game. And abillity to display statistics through UI with scrolling of content. Note: To make players avatars available, in the ImageLibrary config file you need to: set true in the "Avatars - Store player avatars"; set API key in the "Steam API key (get one here". bigwheelstats.use - Provides access to use UI. It works if the parameter "Is it worth checking permissions for using the UI interface?" is enabled in the config file. bigwheelstats.admin - Provides the same permissions as bigwheelstats.use. Additionally, it allows changing the name of the BigWheelGame directly in the UI. { "Is it worth checking permissions for using the UI interface?": false, "Is it worth clearing statistics during a wipe?": true, "Big Wheel Game - Default name": "BIG WHEEL GAME", "Big Wheel Game - New best player announce effect prefab name": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/advent_calendar/effects/open_advent.prefab", "UI. Text - Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Hud - Icon Url": "", "Hud - Icon Color": "#808080", "Hud - Icon Transparency": 0.5, "Hud - Icon Is Raw Image": false, "Hud - Icon AnchorMin": "1 0", "Hud - Icon AnchorMax": "1 0", "Hud - Icon OffsetMin": "-250 15", "Hud - Icon OffsetMax": "-220 45", "Panel - Main Background Color": "#1A1A1A", "Panel - Main Background Transparency": 0.95, "Hit - Yellow Color": "#BFBF40", "Hit - Yellow Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Green Color": "#408C8C", "Hit - Green Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Blue Color": "#03598C", "Hit - Blue Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Purple Color": "#8026CC", "Hit - Purple Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Red Color": "#B24C59", "Hit - Red Transparency": 0.4, "Panel - Close Url": "", "Panel - Close Color": "#D94026", "Panel - Close Transparency": 0.6, "Panel - Close Is Raw Image": false, "Panel - Close AnchorMin": "1 0", "Panel - Close AnchorMax": "1 0", "Panel - Close OffsetMin": "-250 15", "Panel - Close OffsetMax": "-220 45", "Panel - 404 Image Url": "", "Panel - 404 Icon Color": "#000000", "Panel - 404 Icon Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - 404 Font Size": 24, "Panel - 404 Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "Panel - 404 Font Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - Background Color": "#4C4C4C", "Panel - Background Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - OffsetMin": "-320 -255", "Panel - OffsetMax": "320 255", "Menu - Font Size": 18, "Menu Buttons - Color": "#808080", "Menu Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "Menu Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "Menu Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "Menu Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "Menu Buttons - Font Transparency": 0.5, "Menu Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Menu Buttons - Font Active Transparency": 1.0, "Wheel - Image Url": "", "Wheel Info - Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info - Transparency": 0.4, "Wheel Info - Font Size": 16, "Wheel Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Wheel Info Card - Background Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "Wheel Info Card - Title Font Size": 12, "Wheel Info Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info Card - Value Font Size": 16, "Wheel Info Card - Value Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Wheel Info Card - Percentage Font Size": 12, "Wheel Info Card - Percentage Font Color": "#808080", "Personal Info - Online Color": "#CCFFB2", "Personal Info - Online Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info - Offline Color": "#FF0000", "Personal Info - Offline Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info - Font Size": 16, "Personal Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Personal Info Card - Background Color": "#808080", "Personal Info Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info Card - Title Font Size": 12, "Personal Info Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "Personal Info Card - Value Font Size": 16, "Personal Info Card - Value Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Header - Color": "#4C4C4C", "Column Header - Transparency": 1.0, "Column Header - Active Color": "#595959", "Column Header - Active Transparency": 1.0, "Column Header - Font Size": 16, "Column Header - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Header - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Column Item - Font Size": 16, "Column Item - Color": "#808080", "Column Item - Transparency": 0.3, "Column Item - Even Color": "#808080", "Column Item - Even Transparency": 0.6, "Column Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Item - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Wheel HitsList Item - Font Size": 18, "Wheel HitsList Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Personal HitsList - Win Color": "#CCFFB2", "Personal HitsList - Win Transparency": 0.4, "Personal HitsList - Lose Color": "#E6004C", "Personal HitsList - Lose Transparency": 0.4, "Players List - Name Font Size": 12, "Players List - ID Font Size": 10, "Players List - ID Font Color": "#808080", "BWGs List - Name Font Size": 12, "BWGs List - ID Font Size": 10, "BWGs List - ID Font Color": "#808080", "Footer - Color": "#4C4C4C", "Footer - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer - Font Size": 16, "Footer Buttons - Between Button Text": "...", "Footer Buttons - Color": "#808080", "Footer Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "Footer Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "Footer Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Footer Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Footer Custom Button - Command(Leave empty to disable)": "", "Footer Custom Button - Color": "#808080", "Footer Custom Button - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer Text - Font Size": 12, "Footer Text - Font Color": "#808080", "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 5 } } EN: { "MsgMenuPersonal": "My stats", "MsgMenuPlayersList": "Top players", "MsgMenuBWGsList": "Wheel list", "MsgHitYellow": "Yellow", "MsgHitGreen": "Green", "MsgHitBlue": "Blue", "MsgHitPurple": "Purple", "MsgHitRed": "Red", "MsgFooterCustomButton": "My button", "MsgFooterText": "Showing {0} to {1} of {2}", "Msg404Player": "Player {0} not found", "Msg404PlayersList": "Players list is empty", "Msg404BigWheelGame": "Big Wheel Game {0} not found", "Msg404BWGsList": "Big Wheel Games list is empty", "MsgPersonalCardTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgPersonalCardWinSpins": "Win spins", "MsgPersonalCardLoseSpins": "Lose spins", "MsgPersonalCardScrapSpend": "Scrap spend", "MsgPersonalCardScrapWin": "Scrap win", "MsgPersonalCardScrapResult": "Scrap result", "MsgPersonalCardScrapRecordBid": "Scrap record bid", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastBid": "Scrap last bid", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastWin": "Scrap last win", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderItem": "Item", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderHit": "Hit", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderBidAmount": "Bid amount", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderResultAmount": "Result", "MsgPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Player", "MsgPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Total", "MsgPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Loses", "MsgPlayersListHeaderWins": "Wins", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Record bid", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Record win", "MsgPlayersListHeaderResult": "Result", "MsgBWGsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Big wheel game", "MsgBWGsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgBWGsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Current session spins", "MsgBWGCardBestPlayer": "Best player", "MsgBWGCardDefaultBestPlayer": "Empty", "MsgBWGCardCurrentSpins": "Current session spins", "MsgBWGCardTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgBWGCardTotalYellow": "Yellow", "MsgBWGCardTotalGreen": "Green", "MsgBWGCardTotalBlue": "Blue", "MsgBWGCardTotalPurple": "Purple", "MsgBWGCardTotalRed": "Red" } RU: { "MsgMenuPersonal": "Моя статистика", "MsgMenuPlayersList": "Топ игроков", "MsgMenuBWGsList": "Список игр", "MsgHitYellow": "Желтый", "MsgHitGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgHitBlue": "Синий", "MsgHitPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgHitRed": "Красный", "MsgFooterCustomButton": "Моя кнопка", "MsgFooterText": "Отображены с {0} по {1} из {2}", "Msg404Player": "Игрок {0} не найден", "Msg404PlayersList": "Список игроков пуст", "Msg404BigWheelGame": "Игра {0} не найдена", "Msg404BWGsList": "Список игр пуст", "MsgPersonalCardTotalSpins": "Всего ставок", "MsgPersonalCardWinSpins": "Выигрышные ставки", "MsgPersonalCardLoseSpins": "Проигрышные ставки", "MsgPersonalCardScrapSpend": "Потрачено скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapWin": "Выиграно скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapResult": "Итог скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastBid": "Последняя ставка", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastWin": "Последний выигрыш", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderItem": "Предмет", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderHit": "Число", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderBidAmount": "Ставка", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderResultAmount": "Итог", "MsgPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Игрок", "MsgPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Всего", "MsgPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Проигрышей", "MsgPlayersListHeaderWins": "Выигрышей", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Рекордный выигрыш", "MsgPlayersListHeaderResult": "Итог", "MsgBWGsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Игра", "MsgBWGsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgBWGsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Вращений за сессию", "MsgBWGCardBestPlayer": "Лучший игрок", "MsgBWGCardDefaultBestPlayer": "Пусто", "MsgBWGCardCurrentSpins": "Вращений за сессию", "MsgBWGCardTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgBWGCardTotalYellow": "Желтый", "MsgBWGCardTotalGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgBWGCardTotalBlue": "Синий", "MsgBWGCardTotalPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgBWGCardTotalRed": "Красный" } BWG_HUD_show - Shows HUD. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required. BWG_Panel_open - Opens UI panel. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required.$14.99- 15 comments
- #rust
- #banditcamp
- (and 22 more)