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  1. it is actually may wipe, but yes, its not working now, fails to compile likely due to harmony changes
  2. plugin just stops working, no errors in console, stops asking questions after some random period of time. upon reload it works fine for an unknown length.
  3. tacman1981

    Team Info

    this, is an example of what is happening currently with this plugin. the images have since loaded, my api key was apparently wrong, maybe they changed the system or something. but cant seem to get the health bar to stop increasing on the display, while having only 100 hp
  4. tacman1981

    Supply drops not helis

    it seems likely, after testing myself, that it was from heli signals that were distributed through loottable plugin, inside locked crates. i removed them today and have tested the signals using hsgive, and they call correctly. this was a valid method of distribution until maybe this months update before it caused NRE on throwing 1 of them, effectively stopping the plugin with the above error. however, ive sent you my config in a pm just to be sure
  5. tacman1981

    Supply drops not helis

    HeliSignals - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. this is the same issue, it actually crashed the plugin when someone threw a heli signal
  6. tacman1981

    Heli Waves

    same issue here, it worked somewhat last wipe, where it would sometimes progress through them and stop whenever it felt like. now it just doesnt spawn any more after the first 1 of a wave.
  7. this here is a reason why i kept rewriting to use assets from the game files instead of external links
  8. ok, then can we at least have it possible to see the whole text in the name? it currently shows a few characters and then ...
  9. since the update, the raids that spawn in, display "A vending machine" as their name, with no timer or owner name. they function as normal but the display is broken
  10. Error while compiling AbandonedBases: Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<ProtoBuf.PlayerNameID>' and 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ProtoBuf.PlayerNameID>' | Line: 3370, Pos: 37
  11. this should be taken down while i try to figure it out. i just do not have the time to do full testing right now.
  12. there is language support from what i can see. so you are able to add your own language files without affecting anything
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.5.1
  14. loottable for multiplier doesnt technically create a multiplier, but seems to hard lock the value, refusing any further boosting. as far as i know, loottable has always done this, is why i use gather manager for gather rate increase instead


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