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  1. RustyB

    MLRS uses all raid points

    Hey! That's very strange. I'm not going to edit the distance because that wouldn't change the issue that after the MLRS hit, it would still cost one raid point more when attacking the base with C4 and rockets. The expected scenario is that the MLRS start the raid and you don't spend additional raid points when you progress the raid with C4, you can see in my video at the end the raid is not even considered started. For the moment I'm just going to exclude the MLRS from the raid limit with the code I posted. The thing is I had many players reporting this issue on both my servers using the plugin, and I doubt there was elevation every time. I haven't tested with only one TC because I assumed both TC were the reason for losing both raid point, but I will try tomorrow.... I'm trying to think about what could cause that, like a conflict with another plugin but I only have admin plugins like vanish, admin radar, discord tools... nothing affecting TCs or MLRS at all. And you've made sure your test is with the latest version of the plugin? And made with oxide, not carbon? (in case it matters somehow)
  2. RustyB

    MLRS uses all raid points

    Here is the video. I've reproduced this on a vanilla server as well As you can see I have all my raid points. I place 2 TCs, I make sure to remove all privileges and check that trying to damage the wall give me the raid notification. I then go to fire the MLRS All my raid points are gone, trying to hit the walls doesn't even let me progress an ongoing raid but tells me I don't have enough points. This is the latest plugin version. Here is my config file: { "LimitResetTimes": [ "4:50" ], "AllowRevengeRaidForFree": true, "CanTwigTriggerRaid": false, "BroadcastReset": true, "LogResetInConsole": true, "SyncTeams": true, "SyncClans": true, "ClearBonusesOnReset": true, "BuildingDamageThreshold": 10.0, "PreventEarlyDamage": true, "CombineStackedPrivs": true, "RaidLimit": 2, "SaveOnServerSave": true, "IgnoredEntities": [ "sleepingbag_leather_deployed", "barricade.cover.wood", "beartrap", "campfire", "drone.deployed", "guntrap.deployed", "landmine", "sign.huge.wood", "sign.large.wood", "sign.medium.wood", "sign.post.double", "sign.post.single", "sign.post.town", "sign.post.town.roof", "sign.small.wood", "small_stash_deployed", "spikes.floor", "survivalfishtrap.deployed", "autoturret_deployed", "beachtowel.deployed" ], "Messages": { "ShowChatMessages": true, "MessageIconSteamId": 76561198339262834 }, "SimpleStatus": { "Enabled": true, "BackgroundColor": "0.77255 0.23922 0.15686 1", "TitleColor": "1 0.82353 0.44706 1", "TextColor": "1 0.82353 0.44706 1", "IconColor": "1 0.82353 0.44706 1", "IconSprite": "assets/icons/explosion_sprite.png" }, "UI": { "Enabled": false, "Width": 130, "Height": 34, "BackgroundColor": "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7", "TextColor": "1 1 1 1", "TextSize": 12, "ShowSprite": true, "Sprite": "assets/icons/explosion_sprite.png", "SpriteColor": "1 1 1 1", "SpriteSize": 24, "OffsetX": -146, "OffsetY": 340, "AnchorX": 1.0, "AnchorY": 0.0 } }
  3. RustyB

    MLRS uses all raid points

    - No plugin affecting TC ownership or MLRS, except for being 2x and limiting raids, it's vanilla. I've reproduced it on 2 different servers - Yes - Yes - I will try to do it again today and record a video
  4. RustyB

    MLRS uses all raid points

    Yes I have verified this following scenario: - Player A has a base - Player B (not A) has full raid points - Player B attacks Player A's base with the MLRS rockets - This attack causes Player B (not A) to lose all their Raid Points In the test scenario the base had an external TC, very close to the main base, as in stacked privileges. (so 2 TCs total)
  5. RustyB

    MLRS uses all raid points

    Also, after the MLRS has shot the base, if I refund the raid point, attacking the base with rockets/C4 will cost a new raid point, meaning the MLRS didn't register a raid starting on that base. For now I've done this but that's not a great solution: void OnEntityTakeDamage(DecayEntity entity, HitInfo info) { var canTrigger = EntityCanTriggerRaid(entity); if (info == null || !canTrigger) { return; } // Check if the damage is from an MLRS rocket if (IsMlrsDamage(info)) { // Allow MLRS damage to proceed without affecting raid limits return; } if (info.InitiatorPlayer == null) { return; } var result = CanAllowRaid(entity, info.InitiatorPlayer, info); if (!result.AllowRaid) { if (config.PreventEarlyDamage || !result.EarlyDamage) { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0); } } } bool IsMlrsDamage(HitInfo info) { if (info == null) return false; // Check if the damage is from an MLRS rocket return info.WeaponPrefab != null && info.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName.Contains("rocket_mlrs"); }
  6. RustyB

    Raid Limits

    No worries, Done https://codefling.com/files/support/17401-mlrs-uses-all-raid-points/
  7. RustyB

    MLRS uses all raid points

    Using MLRS uses all the raid points in one go it seems. Despite "CombineStackedPrivs": true
  8. RustyB

    Raid Limits

    Despite "CombineStackedPrivs": true
  9. RustyB

    Raid Limits

    Using MLRS uses all the raid points in one go it seems.
  10. RustyB

    Vehicle Hud

    Does it work with the new bikes?
  11. Being able to place wallpaper on both sides of a wall, not only soft side. I think that would be a popular plugin
  12. RustyB

    Server Panel

    Here is what happened step by step. I went though install process, and replaced the default qr codes with mine. At first it was png 512x512 I went in the contacts pop up and the qr code are not displaying, it only shows the black rust logo. I edited the elements (the ones with the URL to the image at the bottom) and updated them with links to 256x256 images. Still not working... so I'm thinking maybe it doesn't take png, I tried with jpeg... still not showing. So I'm thinking, is it imgur not allowing the server to display them (but it display my logo and banner so I doubt it) I tried to add the default image hosted on gitlab... and it doesn't display either. So I'm thinking if even the default image can't be displayed, the issue may not be my image file.
  13. RustyB

    Server Panel

    I have issues displaying the QR code image. I tried in jpg, I tried in png, I made sure they were 256x256 like the placeholder QR code When I tried to add the placeholder QR code ( gitlab.com/TheMevent/PluginsStorage/raw/main/Images/ServerPanel/serverpanel-qr-rust-ds.png) it doesn't display either. It's template 1.1 Is there an issue with the template or am I doing something wrong?1 Here is my qr code: i.imgur.com/HxslvB3.png


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