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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Razor

    Land Flood

    All users will be moved before site closure.
  2. Razor

    Rust League

    No you dont need a map just build an arena like a base add me on discord rust_razor
  3. Razor

    Rust League

    You need to create a zone with zone manager the zone is used to keep the ball in play so it does not go out of bounds. you can use any map and build a arena with the in game building items. and the arena can be built anywhere as long as you add the zone around the arena. Most people use copy paste to save there arena for map changes if they do not have a built in one in the map.
  4. Razor

    Rust League

    Version 1.2.1


    Create a Game event using cars and a ball 2 to 6 players . See video for gameplay. Grant yourself permission "rustleague.admin" Build your arena and use zonemanager to put a zone around the arena. the zone will be used to bounce your ball off of if tryed to fly out top of arena. in the center of your arena type /rl center Where you want red to score /rl red you can adjust size in config. Where you want blue to score /rl blue you can adjust size in config. in config set your zoneID of the zone you created around the arena. Currently this is in bata so i want admins to monitor the event so for now to start event. /rl open will wait 60 seconds for players 2 to 6 if not then will wait 60 again. It will take players in 2's so 2 4 6. event will auto close after rounds numbers you set in config. you can close event with /rl close players join event with /rl You can set cost and prize for event. dismount button will shoot rockets and amount can be set in config for per round. swap seats will push the car useful if car is flipped. Video By Supporters { "Settings": { "PermissionAdmin": "rustleague.admin", "RoundSeconds": 120.0, "MaxRounds": 4, "WinPoints": 5, "ArenaZoneID": "", "autoEvents": false, "nextEventSeconds": 320, "playersOnlineNeeded": 2 }, "Ball Settings": { "BallMaxvelocity": { "x": 100.0, "y": 108.0, "z": 100.0 } }, "Item settings": { "winItemEnable": false, "winItem": -932201673, "winItemAmount": 100, "joinItemEnable": false, "joinItem": -932201673, "joinItemAmount": 50 }, "Car information": { "totalRockets": 2, "carFrame": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/car_chassis_2module.entity.prefab", "carSlot0": 1559779253, "carSlot1": -1501451746, "carSlot2": 0, "carSlot3": 0, "tierFixUp": 2 }, "Event Location information": { "eventCenter": { "x": 1167.33386, "y": 3.69761777, "z": 1592.65881 }, "RedZone": { "x": 1165.883, "y": 3.07808065, "z": 1489.669 }, "RedZoneSize": { "x": 20.0, "y": 18.0, "z": 3.0 }, "RedZoneRotation": 357.8081, "BlueZone": { "x": 1167.10522, "y": 4.46679068, "z": 1694.1842 }, "BlueZoneSize": { "x": 20.0, "y": 18.0, "z": 3.0 }, "BlueZoneRotation": 184.378128 }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 26 } }
  5. Razor

    Land Flood

    Version 1.2.1


    Flood your map slowly over the time to wipe, Or create a storm event and flood the land. If flooding over time you will not be able to use the storm event. See config for options. While updating config values unload the plugin or they will not save. Set "AlarmSoundTime": 0.0 in the config to disable alarm sound. Chat/Counsel commands: startstorm // Starts the storm endstorm // End the storm Permissions: thestorm.admin // Needed to start stop Storms Storm will auto end or you can manually end it . UNLOAD THE PLUGIN TO EDIT THE CONFIG OR IT WILL NOT SAVE. { "Settings": { "Permission": "thestorm.admin", "AutoEnabled": false, "BlockUnderWaterItemsSpawning": true, "Chance_Per_Tick_1_To_100": 5, "Tick_Seconds": 320.0, "StartTime": "00:00", "EndTime": "23:59", "Do_Not_Flood_Again_Untell_Pass": 7200.0, "Flood_End_Time_When_Flooded_Seconds": 180.0, "RaiseLevel": 20.0, "RaiseAmountPerTick": 0.01, "RaiseAmountTickSeconds": 0.01, "LowerAmountPerTick": 0.01, "LowerAmountTickSeconds": 0.01, "AlarmSoundTime": 15.0, "UseMessages": true, "Clouds": 1.5, "Fog": 0.8, "Wind": 1.5, "Rain": 1.5, "Thunder": 1.0, "Clouds_Brightness": 0.05, "Atmosphere_Brightness": 0.05 }, "Storm Extras": { "GiveItems": false, "ItemIds": [ -697981032, 2052270186 ] }, "Flood over time": { "Active": false, "RaiseLevelMax": 60.0, "RaiseAmountTime": 3600.0, "CurrentLevel": 0.0 }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } }
  6. Version 1.5.3


    Spawn Bradly at some monuments. Current monuments supported are. Airfield, Trainyard, and WaterTreatment. You can create custom paths for custom monuments with the path tool. Permissions needed bradley.admin Chat Commands. /bradley activate // activated the controller tool for creating a path. /bradley deactivate // deactivated the controller tool for creating a path. /bradley new <PathName> // activate creating a new path use the USE key to set path points at your location /bradley edit <PathName> // edit the path to add more paths.. /bradley move <pathName> <PathNumber> // moves the path number to your position.. /bradley delete <pathName> // deletes the path. /bradley health <pathName> <newHealth>// default is 1000 set to 0 to disable. When you add a path or edit a path it will show the PathNumbers and locations. once you are done creating a path and deactivated your controller reload the plugin and Bradley should spawn on your path. if you press the use key at the same point it will add 10 second stop to Bradley per press up to 60 seconds. if you press the reload key it will modify Bradley's speed. Note the speed will remain the same as set for each path set after.
  7. Razor

    Combat Turrets

    Version 1.3.2


    Throw down a turret while in battle. Config the time and ammo amount. Permissions dropturret.use //permission is needed to get a turret via command Commands /dropturret // Get your self a drop turret dropturret <playerID> // Gives a player a drop turret via counsel command { "Default": { "Seconds to stay alive": 20, "Can toss when in air": false, "Turret Spawn No Less then 4.0 seconds after tossed": 4.0, "Ammunition amount": 128, "Turret SkinID": 1800326923, "Cooldown before command usage again": 0, "Cooldown before turret placement": 0, "Turret Gun ID": 1545779598 }, "Vip settings": { "VipInfo": { "dropturret.vip": { "live": 20, "spawnTime": 4.0, "ammo": 128, "cooldownTime": 0, "cooldownTimeturret": 0, "TurretGun": -1812555177 } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 10 } }
  8. Razor

    Npc Horses

    Version 3.0.7


    Spawn Scientists that are ridding horses auto around the map.. You can Create custom spawn points for scientist to roam around. Or auto spawn them around the map randomly See Config for all current options. { "Horse And Npc Profiles": { "HorseAndNpc": { "easy": { "Total number of this type to spawn": 10, "Respawn time in minutes": 5, "Breed of the horse 0-9": 0, "Start health of the horse": 100.0, "Start health of the rider": 100.0, "How far can rider see": 30.0, "Riders aim cone": 2.0, "Rider Can target sleepers": false, "Rider should only target hostile players": false, "Kit to give the rider": [], "Names the rider can have": [ "Cowboy Bill" ], "Run speed of the horse": 5.0, "Horse & rider can roam": true, "How far the horse and raider can roam": 250.0, "Disable rider raido chatter": true, "Prefab to use for npc": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_full_any.prefab", "Horse armor items": [ "horse.shoes.basic", "horse.armor.wood" ], "Allowed Topologies this horse and rider can spawn on": [ "Field", "Summit", "Forest", "Forestside", "Monument", "Road", "Roadside", "Swamp", "Lakeside", "Plain", "Clutter", "Mainland" ] }, "medium": { "Total number of this type to spawn": 10, "Respawn time in minutes": 5, "Breed of the horse 0-9": 5, "Start health of the horse": 100.0, "Start health of the rider": 100.0, "How far can rider see": 30.0, "Riders aim cone": 2.0, "Rider Can target sleepers": false, "Rider should only target hostile players": false, "Kit to give the rider": [], "Names the rider can have": [ "Cowboy Bill" ], "Run speed of the horse": 5.0, "Horse & rider can roam": true, "How far the horse and raider can roam": 250.0, "Disable rider raido chatter": true, "Prefab to use for npc": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_full_any.prefab", "Horse armor items": [ "horse.shoes.basic", "horse.armor.roadsign" ], "Allowed Topologies this horse and rider can spawn on": [ "Field", "Summit", "Forest", "Forestside", "Monument", "Road", "Roadside", "Swamp", "Lakeside", "Plain", "Clutter", "Mainland", "tier1" ] }, "hard": { "Total number of this type to spawn": 10, "Respawn time in minutes": 5, "Breed of the horse 0-9": 9, "Start health of the horse": 100.0, "Start health of the rider": 100.0, "How far can rider see": 30.0, "Riders aim cone": 2.0, "Rider Can target sleepers": false, "Rider should only target hostile players": false, "Kit to give the rider": [], "Names the rider can have": [ "Cowboy Bill" ], "Run speed of the horse": 5.0, "Horse & rider can roam": true, "How far the horse and raider can roam": 250.0, "Disable rider raido chatter": true, "Prefab to use for npc": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_full_any.prefab", "Horse armor items": [ "horse.shoes.advanced", "horse.armor.roadsign" ], "Allowed Topologies this horse and rider can spawn on": [ "Field", "Summit", "Forest", "Forestside", "Monument", "Road", "Roadside", "Swamp", "Lakeside", "Plain", "Clutter", "Mainland", "tier2" ] } } }, "Version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } }
  9. Version 1.2.0


    Suck Up some poo on the ground with options to add Industrial adapters to Composter & Trough.... Perm: farmeraddons.vacuum Command: poovacuum { "Settings": { "PooVacuum SkinID": 2994321494, "Allow adding storageadapter to Trough": false, "Allow adding storageadapter to Composter": false, "PooVacuum Trigger Size": { "x": 2.8, "y": 2.0, "z": 2.8 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } }
  10. Razor

    Talking Npc Vendors

    Fixed in 1.3.4
  11. Razor

    Talking Npc Vendors

    Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins Changed Fixed In to 1.3.4
  12. Razor


    the planter can now be breakable. first set "Sprinkler needs water hookup to work": false, With this set to false the following logic can be run. "Large Box Sprinkler On Soil Saturation Level": 5100, <--- When below this number sprinklers turn on "Large Box Sprinkler OFF Soil Saturation Level": 6000, <--- When above this number sprinklers turn off I hope this clears things up.
  13. Razor

    Monument Music

    first run /mmc monument to add the boom box (or /mmc mylocation, /mmcmaponly) then hit the boom box with a hammer, next run /mmc extend this will add a speaker at your feet. ( you can run /mmc extend to Multiple locations) next, reload the pluging. hitting the Speaker or boom box three times with the hammer will remove them.
  14. Razor


    This plugin does not make planter boxes indestructible. The stashes on the planter boxes are indestructible to prevent players from breaking their auto farms. If the planter boxes are indestructible on your server that must be caused by another plug-in. Could you test this on a test server and then try unloading plugins to see which one is conflicting?
  15. Razor

    Skin Spray

    Could you please link me a copy of your data file?
  16. Razor

    Skin Spray

    I have just tested this and it seems to work on my end. Can you verify the version that you have? Perhaps you have an outdated data file. If you archive and or delete your data file and reload the plugin to generate a new data file this will give you an updated data file.. If it's still not working could you please give a little bit more detail of the problems that you're experiencing? Is the plugging compiling? If so what aspect of the plugin is not working?
  17. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    I can see you bought the Attack Helicopter Modifier https://codefling.com/plugins/attack-helicopter-modifier
  18. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    Ya ill add that in next update. Witch messages?
  19. Razor

    Talking Npc Vendors 1.3.3

    Is there NPC there where the shops are? If so you can /talking_npc remove <the npc's name> If not you may need to reload plugin or reboot
  20. Razor


    remove the 0 usage ones "1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 1, "7": 0, "8": 1, "9": 0, "10": 1 to "6": 1, "8": 1, "10": 1
  21. I May be able to do something ill look into this on next update.
  22. Razor

    use bean cans

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  23. Razor

    use bean cans

    Glad ya got it working.
  24. Witch guns do you have in there kits?
  25. Razor

    Homing Targets

    Version 1.0.3


    Adds homing target component to entity's that you currently can not lock onto with the lock on rocket launcher. { "Component Settings": { "EntityTypes": { "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradleyapc.prefab": { "Enabled": false, "Damage Scale - Default 1.0": 1.0, "Center Point Offset y": 0.0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab": { "Enabled": false, "Damage Scale - Default 1.0": 1.0, "Center Point Offset y": 2.0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab": { "Enabled": false, "Damage Scale - Default 1.0": 1.0, "Center Point Offset y": 0.0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/autoturret_deployed.prefab": { "Enabled": false, "Damage Scale - Default 1.0": 1.0, "Center Point Offset y": 0.0 } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }


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