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Everything posted by shady14u

  1. shady14u

    plugin not working

    please send me a video.. you can reach me on discord
  2. shady14u

    Not Smelting Properly

    this number must be a whole number "Fuel * This = Additional Charcoal per Tick": 2.5, set it to 2 or 3
  3. shady14u

    plugin not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  4. shady14u

    plugin not working

    I changed the colors for my images for my server.. When you set symmetry do you see the spheres on the blocks? When you look at the UI do you see the colored sections for the mode your on? Make sure its not toggled off.
  5. shady14u

    Not Smelting Properly

    what does your config look like.. I am thinking you have an error in the config
  6. shady14u

    Not Smelting Properly

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. shady14u

    Not Smelting Properly

    You won’t match vanilla 1-1 as vanilla uses temps and different rates for materials. The main knobs you want to look at are the smelting tick rate in seconds this is how long a tick takes to run. Then if you add a delay of 5 it would take 5 ticks to produce an output. You can adjust charcoal amounts with the modifier currently it’s 1 charcoal per 1 wood. If you set to 3 you would get 3 charcoal per wood etc. if you don’t want to edit smelting rates at all you can set use quicksmelt to true and just get the splitting functions. hope this helps
  8. Fixed in latest release...
  9. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.8
  10. thank you for the details.. I am looking into it
  11. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  12. How did you create that? Did you place frames on one side and walls on the other? Trying to reproduce this.
  13. shady14u

    Console Error

    Changed Fixed In to 2.5.7
  14. shady14u

    Console Error

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed
  15. shady14u

    Console Error

  16. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  17. you can exclude yourself with a permission. the console command to hide is sbc_HideMostWanted and to show you can use chat command /ShowMostWanted Let me know if you have issues
  18. Its really up to you on what you prefer, you have many knobs you can control. If your just looking for a little boost I would recommend setting the "Delays Smelting by a Factor 0-25 (Used to reduce speeds below vanilla)" to 0 and see what you feel about that
  19. materials do get subtracted.
  20. shady14u

    Simple Turrets

    are you using the latest version? Those should be ignored now
  21. shady14u

    Powerless Turrets Support?

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. shady14u

    Powerless Turrets Support?

    I’ll need to check that plugin to see what I can do but they should be active when any player is in range and off when no players are in range. It checks every 5 seconds so back away and wait and see if they turn off
  23. Version 1.0.5


    Deactivates Turrets, Flame Turrets, and Gun Traps when no players in proximity to save Server Resources and Boost Server FPS Turns off any auto turret, flame turret, or gun trap when there are no players within range Auto turns items back on when players enter the target area. Conserves Server resources by lowering working queues No config or data file.. Just load the plugin and enjoy the performance gains
  24. shady14u

    Console Error

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  25. shady14u

    Console Error

    You can safely ignore that but I will correct it asap


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