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Everything posted by daniel

  1. daniel

    Player rank stats

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. daniel

    Player rank stats

    Apologies for the late response. Just recently got power back due to hurricane Ian. If you still need it, send me a message on discord. Asian#1100
  3. daniel

    Player Ranks

    Hey, I recently private it and now working on a better free version. I should have it up hopefully soon
  4. Version 1.1.0


    Customizable Website Template For Rust. Easily edit the template with the included configuration files. You will need a php server to run this site. Editable options - Header Items - Server Items - FAQ Section - Footer Items - Custom Theme - Togglable sections Need Support? Feel free to add me on discord, Asian#1100
  5. daniel

    Server img

    Should work fine now in version 1.33
  6. daniel

    Server img

    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.3
  7. daniel


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce
  8. daniel


    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  9. daniel


    What's the issue? Is the database not connecting? The server name and ips just show it on the home page, it's not used to make connections.
  10. daniel


    Just the name of your server, there will be a variable for the iP with port underneath it somewhere.
  11. daniel

    Server img

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug
  12. daniel

    Server img

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  13. daniel

    Server img

    Hello! Sorry for the late response. Make sure your file extension ends in .PNG
  14. Spectality's Premium Server Support! Q: Can you do discord integration setups? Like reports, pop bot, verify rewards, and cheat detection (stashtraps, recoil) A: Yes absoultly! Just tell me what you need done and I can make it happen! Q: Are you able to set my server up from scratch? A: Yes! Let me know what specifications you need! Q: Can you setup a vip store for me? A: Yes! Ill set you up with tebex and have automatic commands that will give the customer the package in game. Discord: https://discord.gg/HzDQZwGqnb
    Very great plugin, love the MYSQL integration.
  15. daniel

    Export the table to a website

    Still need help?


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