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US Apocalypse

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Everything posted by US Apocalypse

  1. US Apocalypse


    thank you for your response. I am not sure what you mean You need to test this on your end. Your backpack does not work. Alphaloot will skin the backpack but the backpack remains default size
  2. US Apocalypse


    Hello this dosent seem to work with alphaloot. When i put a backpack in an elite crate. The default size always shows and never change. Is there a way to get this fix?
  3. US Apocalypse

    consol error

    Hello khan thanks for the response. Yes my test server is on the staging branch
  4. US Apocalypse

    consol error

    Hello Khan im getting this error at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <8ce0bd04a7a04b4b9395538239d3fdd8>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.StackModifier.GenerateConfig () [0x000b9] in <d172f03fac0c44539b76485bead26725>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.StackModifier.Init () [0x00053] in <d172f03fac0c44539b76485bead26725>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.StackModifier.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00d75] in <d172f03fac0c44539b76485bead26725>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00043] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 [03:19:16] > Unloaded plugin Stack Modifier v2.5.91 by Khan [03:19:16] > No previous version to rollback plugin: StackModifier any suggestions?
  5. Helicopter spawns when 5 players are online - I have one player online and heli still flys around. I have it set to fly only on Saturdays - so that's not working There will always be FP helicopters flying around? - Even though its only set to Saturdays every 4 hours. Because its not Saturday and its flying around now. Good to know. This isn't working. So you are saying that regardless of my settings, the heli will still fly around irrespective of how many people are online. Because that's what it's doing now. My understanding your program will manage the heli. My apologies. My understanding is that the Event Manager will control the events You can close the ticket. This is not what we are looking for.
  6. sir did you even look at the config? The attack heli shows up when its not supposed to show up. Attack heli is set to show up when 5 players are online. The attack heli still shows up when 1 player online. "Time Entries": { "362ec14f-b894-48ae-a95e-5bd89a750cb3": { "GUID": "362ec14f-b894-48ae-a95e-5bd89a750cb3", "Name": "Helicopter", "StaticTime": false, "Hour": 4, "Minute": 0, "MinPlayers": 5, "LastRun": "2024-08-05T21:20:49.8733714-07:00", "DaysActive": { "1": false, "2": false, "3": false, "4": false, "5": false, "6": true, "0": false },
  7. here is my config and data EventManager.json events.json
  8. US Apocalypse

    Heli keeps showing up

    Hello keeps showing up even though I have it only show up. I have it set every 4 hours on Sunday. But today it showed up at least 4 times. How to fix this?
  9. US Apocalypse

    Stop Event

  10. US Apocalypse

    Stop Event

    Do what? "NO". I dont understand what you said
  11. US Apocalypse

    Stop Event

    How do I stop a event?
  12. Thank you Mevent for your reply. I did what you suggested but not to sure what to do with this info. How do I sell the gene inside my shop?
  13. Thank you. Will wait for your example
  14. I see this question was not answered, instead of me opening another ticket. I am wondering if this is possible. I'm not able to figure out how to add genes to the shop so players can buy. Is this possible? thanks
  15. I see what i did wrong. Thank you Razor for your response. You can close the ticket
  16. Hello sir I am trying to activate the loot containers. I am not able to figure this out. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here is what I have and my config file "Item profiles": { "easy": { "Raid call item skin": 2893480896, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 1", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": true, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2", "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2", "heli_crate", "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 100.0 }, RandomRaids.json
  17. Hello I'm not able to remove parts of the base do to message states. The entityy was build more then 10 hours ago? How do i remove this? I dont want a time on the removal tool
  18. Thank you will test this and report if any issues come up
  19. US Apocalypse

    Found Issue maybe?

    On my test server, I wiped Rust and noticed all items are still in inventory. "Work with Notify?": true, "Work with LangAPI?": true, "Wipe on new map save": true, Am I missing something here?
  20. US Apocalypse

    Is this possible?

    Hello, Is it possible the players have to destroy the TC and loot all containers before they get the reward? If so what part of the config do I need to set up? Or are the settings in the profiles? thanks
  21. US Apocalypse

    HUD Not Working

    Hud not showing active convoy and not showing active sputnik
  22. "Permission (ex: dailyrewards.use)": "dailyrewards.use", "Daily reset settings": { "Time to reset (hh:mm)": "00:00", "Time Zone": "Pacific Standard Time" Does the time accept military time? I been playing on my server for over an hour. Rewards does not unlock. This doesn't seem to work correctly. Any help on this please. Dailyrewards.use is set to default members
  23. US Apocalypse

    How to change the time

    Hello How do I change the time that says 0500 utc? My server is in USA PST Time. How do I change it to PST time Not UTC thanks


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