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Everything posted by 0xF

  1. 0xF

    Issue with the right clic

    I have one last guess. You may have set the "Open the admin menu instead of the action menu" parameter to true. Try setting it to false and try again
  2. 0xF

    Issue with the right clic

    Probably if the interface does not open, then there must be an error in the console, please provide it
  3. 0xF

    Issue with the right clic

    Hello, I need more information. Send me logs, maybe a video
  4. Download the update
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.11
  6. You're doing everything right, but you're probably trying it in the wrong place. This parameter works only for those places where items are collected by vanilla methods, i.e. vanilla crafting, building a building and its improvement and plugins that use the same method, but usually plugins do not use it due to the impossibility of specifying skin id
  7. 0xF

    Wipe Timer Status

    I will send you a link to the documentation, it is described in detail, and also at the very bottom you can select the language https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-timespan-format-strings
  8. 0xF

    Wipe Timer Status

    Use in conjunction with SimpleStatus
  9. 0xF


    Ну как навалит такой же легендарный хайп, то можно и добавить) Спасибо за поддержку
  10. 0xF

    cant remove spectate

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. 0xF

    cant remove spectate

    Vanilla command to disable spectate: respawn OR Just press R button (RELOAD) (AdminMenu feature)
  12. 0xF

    Create Blueprints

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. 0xF

    Create Blueprints

    This field is only responsible for the creation blueprint in the industrial crafter; if you need to craft any of the items, you can use any of the crafting plugins. I also have my own: https://codefling.com/plugins/simplecraftsystem
  14. 0xF


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. 0xF


    By default, the admin menu is only in English, but you can translate it into any language, just copy the lang file to your language folder and make the changes. On my discord server, in pinned messages there is a translation into Russian (a little outdated, but most of it has been translated), if you are interested in another language, you can ask in the chat.
  16. 0xF

    Better Backpacks

    Always compatible
  17. 0xF

    no permissions

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  18. 0xF

    no permissions

    For everyone who faces similar problems. There are no permissions because the plugin was not loaded, look in the console and in most cases it will say why. If there is a compilation error or similar in the console, create a new support request indicating the logs from the console.
  19. 0xF

    Plugin cant be loaded after update

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.7
  20. 0xF

    Admin Map

    It will not be added to the admin map for the player to see anything, this plugin only focuses on admins. If you need such functionality - I can write you a similar plugin, write me in discord(preferably) or in private messages codefling
  21. 0xF

    Better Backpacks

    This hook is responsible for taking items from your backpack as payment for an action in the game, this is normal behavior
  22. 0xF

    no permissions

    You probably didn't have the plugin loaded, send me the error when loading it
  23. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Yes it works
  24. 0xF

    Admin Map

  25. Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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