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Everything posted by Exoidus

  1. I would like to see support added for these thank you. 1.) Survival arena by im the new guy since it does not use zonemanager or make a zone , Im the new guy suggested hooks hooks to identify participants [HookMethod("IsEventPlayer")] public object IsEventPlayer(BasePlayer player) var hook = Interface.CallHook("OnEventJoin", player, this.Name); 2.) Friends by MrBlue https://umod.org/plugins/friends 3.) Gunships by TGWA
  2. Exoidus

    Fix for October 3rd 2024

    failed to compile, needs patching for the Octobers update.
  3. Exoidus

    Fix for October 3rd 2024

    as the title says , needs fixing for Octobers patch fails to compile .
  4. Discord no longer uses ! to issue bot commands .. its started using / for all commands could you adjust the bot to use / instead of ! thanks.
  5. Exoidus

    Uber Gun

    Fun to use, REALLY fun! Runs well, doesn't impact performance from what I can tell. Super easy to configure. Good for admin abuse, just really fun to have. Developer that responds to messages and is pleasant to chat with.
  6. Exoidus

    Heli Signals

    Adds great function, Awesome as rewards / great as challenges / fits into "almost any" use case for any server. Easy to configure, supports eco / server rewards. Creator has great response times for messages. Patches all their content in a timely manner. A must-have, really good spend!
  7. sadly at the moment This plugin has a Game Breaking Glitch and will have to be removed from the server until this is addressed. it had worked fine up until the may the 4th update. or we had not noticed any issues with it until that time. then after that we would get things like this : Failed to run command '/locker' on plugin 'PortableLocker'. (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.PortableLocker.GetLocker (BasePlayer player) [0x00044] in <3e9c20d7b989498e9bdd1c051e8baa39>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PortableLocker.OpenLocker (BasePlayer player, System.String[] args) [0x000ae] in <3e9c20d7b989498e9bdd1c051e8baa39>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PortableLocker.<InstallCommands>m__0 (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <3e9c20d7b989498e9bdd1c051e8baa39>:0 at Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries.Command+ChatCommand.HandleCommand (BasePlayer sender, System.String name, System.String[] args) [0x0001b] in <2e42bcb8b6c540e196e3cbc2e511f958>:0 at Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries.Command.HandleChatCommand (BasePlayer sender, System.String name, System.String[] args) [0x00015] in <2e42bcb8b6c540e196e3cbc2e511f958>:0 at Oxide.Game.Rust.RustCore.IOnPlayerCommand (BasePlayer basePlayer, System.String message) [0x000db] in <2e42bcb8b6c540e196e3cbc2e511f958>:0 we suspect that what breaks the lockers are : the placing of other storage items like bags with contents inside of them were it has to remember the content of that bag nested inside the locker .. Sidenote: would like to see that feature added where it remembers the contests of itself and as well as any type of bag that could be located inside the locker.
    A must-have for any server owner. These bags of holding are really a game changer for any server [PvP or PvE]. Works out the box, with useful features that can be toggled, Easy to adjust and follow along config. Adds more depth to the player experience, gives server owners many options. Some could be: -can be used as a reward. -found in the wild. -supports perms. -could be locked behind pay wall Versatile options. Has plugin support for a lot of the other commonly used plugins that are a standard in the community. My experience with this plugin has been 100% positive. ABSOLUTELY ZERO regrets getting this plugin. It is worth every cent! SIDENOTE: A developer that loves his work goes above and beyond answering questions, goes out of their way to even assist other devs. Lightning quick on support, really easy to talk to, In all my experiences and conversations that I have had, have been super professional. I am left with a great feeling, knowing that my money was well spent. I am sure that if you commit to getting this amazing plugin, that you will not regret it.
  8. players have bags already going into the tournament .. they enter the tournament, bag get taken? .. there was a instance that a player a bag on them .. won the tournament and they get taken .They have clip . but I have to trim it and screen shot the moment on the left is BEFORE THEY ENTER on the right is AFTER THEY WON/EXITED
  9. Awesome, thank you very much. , hope your weekend goes well. will be looking forward to the fixes. Everyone On my server loves this plugin, keep up the great work
  10. So player(s) have reported that when entering the arena while they have more then one "Bag of Holding" The Arena out rights deletes the bag and contents of said bag and does not return said bag or the items in the bag to player(s) after they participate in the arena.
  11. trying to buy Fishing contest


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