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Everything posted by Rezanow

  1. Rezanow

    Raidable Bases

    For clarification, setting this to true would only take effect after TC was auth'd/destroyed?
  2. Rezanow

    No icons, nothing on kill

    Not seeing anything other than white dmg text, and nothing at all on the kill shot. The health bar at the bottom of the screen disappears long before it would be useful to look at (although, editing the Marker Removal Time helps). Am I missing a setting?
  3. Rezanow

    Raidable Bases

    One good use of Zone Manager was setting a zone (with no flags) just to prevent RBs from spawning there. This was because a custom map had monuments there weren't registering well with RB so they were spawning nearby and players couldn't build twig off the RBs (too close to monument). It was more exact than increasing the range that RBs spawn from all monuments because space was otherwise limited. haha
  4. Rezanow

    Changing defense values

    I use SkinBox and my players can reskin a Hazmat suit to be the Space Suit. Would it be possible to give the bonuses in your plugin to only Space Suits, but to balance it (because they're so easy to acquire) with the defenses being minimal to nothing in exchange? Resistance to heat, cold, extreme radiation, but diminished resistance to projectile, melee, bite, & explosive dmg? Is that possible?
  5. Rezanow

    Raidable Bases

    I messed around with the NPC Raiders plugin. It's not something a player could do, but it was fun to watch. I had to auth on the RB's TC, which made the turrets no longer have unlimited ammo. NPC Raiders showed up to raid. The Bots ignored the NPC Raiders. But the turrets had a holiday on them. So many backpacks on the ground. haha Anyway, as a fun thing on BP wipe days where the loot doesn't matter and to give players a show. haha
  6. Rezanow

    Odd loot

    Any idea what this is? It has no name so it's difficult to figure it out so I can remove it from the loot tables.
  7. Rezanow

    Raidable Bases

    Ok, so I'd want the code to look like this? "Chance To Automatically Spawn Each Difficulty (-1 = ignore)": { "Easy": 0.35, "Medium": 0.3, "Hard": 0.2, "Expert": 0.1, "Nightmare": 0.05, "Use Cumulative Probability": true
  8. Rezanow

    Raidable Bases

    How is the "chance to automatically spawn" calculated? I get that I can mark each from 0% to 100%, but does the plugin go down the list in order? Use cumulative probability? I don't know how it works with or without it. Basically, I'd like there to be a chance profile like this for nightmare to easy = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16... Simply put, I want more Easy raids and progressively less chances for the spawning of a Nightmare raid because few are raiding at that level and there's a touch of lag when one spawns. Would these settings accomplish what I'm kinda aiming for? Would I need to reduce the Easy from 1.0 to, say, 0.8 to allow others a small chance to spawn? I think with 1.0 I'd always have four easy and *then* a chance for a single other (I have max events at 5). "Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": { "Allow Max Amount Increase From Difficulties Disabled On A Specific Day Of The Week": true, "Easy": 4, "Medium": 3, "Hard": 2, "Expert": 1, "Nightmare": 1 }, "Chance To Automatically Spawn Each Difficulty (-1 = ignore)": { "Easy": 1.0, "Medium": 0.5, "Hard": 0.25, "Expert": 0.12, "Nightmare": 0.06, "Use Cumulative Probability": true },
  9. Rezanow

    Infinite ammo

    I appreciate the response. Thank you for the wonderful plugin! Please mark this as resolved.
  10. Rezanow

    Infinite ammo

    My turrets are running out of ammo. However, this is a niche case because, as admin, I used Vanish to go inside the RB, auth on TC, and then use the NPC Raider plugin to /raidme. Would the turrets running out of ammo have anything to do with me auth'ing on the TC of your RB? Yes, the RB setting for infinite ammo is set to true.
  11. Rezanow

    Raidable Bases

    If I'm seeing floating doors after an RB despawns, would toggling this... "Include Workshop Skins": true ...to false stop that problem? It only seems to be happening with double doors. I've seen that before with workshop skins and I'm hoping that's an easy solution.
  12. I'm encountering the same at Gas Station.
  13. Rezanow

    how to use?

    As the dev noted above, it's something you'd have to put into a custom map. You'll need Rust Edit for that.
  14. Rezanow

    how to use?

    I was about to ask the same thing. If I may suggest it, please add a note to the description that this is something specifically for custom made maps, not something to be added to existing maps from in-game or something? I see now that this is in the "prefab" section, but it's highlighted from the front page so... ? It would probably save you having to answer this question again. haha
  15. Rezanow

    Custom Categories

    By the way, you know what it was...? I had forgotten to unload AlphaLoot. It was messing with things. Oops.
  16. Rezanow

    Custom Categories

    Ok, this is pissing me off. I reset to a completely new file (test1.json). "BotSpawn-test": { "enabled": true, "lootTable": "test1", "maxItems": 6, "minItems": 6, "gunsWithAmmo": false, "noGuns": false, "MaxBps": 3, "WaterPreFillPercent": 20, "ClearContainerFirst": true I set CustomLoot to give my test bots the test1 loot. I have these relevant changes. "AlwaysSpawnList": ["scrap"], "Component": { "probability": 1, "gears": { "probability": 1, "minStack": 2, "maxStack": 6, I have everything else set to 0 as it came. I am getting zero loot after reloading BotSpawn and CustomLoot. Imgur link. EDIT: Oh ffs... User error strikes again. It's working. I'm leaving this here so you can have a record of my misstep. test1.json
  17. Rezanow


    A player involuntarily disconnected which caused their mini to disappear. When they came back on, they couldn't summon their mini. Is it possible to differentiate a player voluntarily disconnecting and one that has a game crash or internet issue?
  18. Rezanow

    Custom Categories

    Oh, so it totals them? So, if it says 5, 4, 2... It's a 11 point scale? That helps. Next question: When it's picking categories (or items for that matter inside a category), is it guaranteed to pick something or is it possible to have something not picked at all? If I have two categories at 3 & 1, one of the categories should have a 75% chance of showing up and one should make up the other 25%, yes? I currently have a list set up where everything is set to 1. That should give them all equal chance to show up, right?
  19. Rezanow

    Custom Categories

    Good to hear. Thank you. Do you have a more detailed explanation on the probability weighting? It's kicking my ass. I ask because there are times where my bots have no loot. If my two custom categories have the same weight, shouldn't they always appear?
  20. Rezanow

    Custom Categories

    I've created a custom category. It works. But, I worry that there could be unforeseen issues. Screenshot "Categories": { "Test": { "probability": 1, "allowBlueprints": true }, and then this... "LootTypes": { "Test": { "supply.signal": { "probability": 1, "minStack": 1, "maxStack": 1 } }, Will this break anything, or am I clear to create my own categories?
  21. Rezanow

    Default notifications

    Each time I've done an oxide.reload RustRewards my notifications disappear and show up in the console instead. Some players see the chat notifications, others do not. I then use /rrm on and things go back to normal. "Player Default Settings": "hkopa", "PrintInConsole": "false", Is there another command I am missing? Full json attached. RustRewards.json
  22. Rezanow

    BotSpawn loot

    It is always a 1 to 10 ratio, then? I was assuming that 1 and 8 would indicate a 0-8 (nine digit) range.
  23. Rezanow


    Noting that probability is relative, and referencing the primitive crate I'm trying to mimic, everything in the primitive crate has an equal 5% chance of spawning (aside from scrap). I've not noted any circumstance where more than three items show up in the crate (one of which is scrap, which is always present). With 3 scrap always being present, then a chance for 1 or 2 more items being present, with each of the items having a 5% chance of showing up... How would I replicate this? Also, once I'm finished with these crates, would you like a copy of the different .json files to share on here? I plan on eventually replicating most of the default crate loot for different tier of bots on my server.
  24. Rezanow

    Loot categories

    Is it possible to create a custom category and enter the loot I wish to have in that single category? It will help the percentages I'm trying to mimic default loot containers.
  25. Rezanow

    BotSpawn loot

    I ask because I'm worried that a category set to 100% (like resources), but with every item in the resource list set to 0%... could that possibly mean a potential slot missed?


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