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Everything posted by Duff

  1. Duff


    Preview Video added
  2. Duff


    Currently updating the plugin, when i am done then i will post a video of a preview
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Small Preview Video Enhance your Rust server experience with PlayerEffectsPlus! This powerful plugin allows server administrators to apply a variety of engaging effects to players during combat interactions, including melee, ranged, and explosion damage. From fiery explosions to mesmerizing particles, PlayerEffectsPlus creates dynamic gameplay that keeps players engaged and entertained. Key Features Diverse Effects: Apply a wide range of effects such as fire, explosions, blood spurts, and more based on the type of damage inflicted. Effects can be activated using commands, allowing players to trigger them while walking, running, or standing still. Customizable Permissions: Fine-tune your players' experiences with specific permissions, allowing for tailored effects depending on their actions. WIP Section Cooldowns: Configurable cooldowns for melee, ranged, and explosion effects to manage how frequently players can trigger effects. Duration: Configurable durations for melee, ranged, and explosion effects to control how long each effect lasts. Permissions To get the most out of PlayerEffectsPlus, assign the following permissions to your players: Use Permissions: PlayerEffectsPlus.a.use: Grants players the ability to use the plugin's effects while running or walking around. PlayerEffectsPlus.effects.a.ranged: Triggers a ranged effect based on player permissions. PlayerEffectsPlus.effects.a.melee: Triggers a melee effect based on player permissions. PlayerEffectsPlus.a.explode: Grants players the ability to trigger explosion effects on target players. Effect Permissions: PlayerEffectsPlus.gold_open: Triggers a gold open effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.on_fire: Triggers a fire effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.landmine_explosion: Triggers a landmine explosion effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.jump_in_water: Triggers a jump in water effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.ricochet: Triggers a ricochet effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.survey_charge: Triggers a survey charge effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.mid_air_splash: Triggers a mid-air splash effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.beartrap_fire: Triggers a bear trap fire effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.dig: Triggers a dig effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.barricade_spawn: Triggers a barricade spawn effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.explosion_01: Triggers explosion effect 01 on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.explosion_02: Triggers explosion effect 02 on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.explosion_03: Triggers explosion effect 03 on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.water_bomb: Triggers a water bomb effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.gas_explosion: Triggers a gas explosion effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.fire_v2: Triggers a fire effect v2 on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.fire_v3: Triggers a fire effect v3 on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.fire_explosion: Triggers a fire explosion effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.ore_break: Triggers an ore break effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.bloodspurt: Triggers a blood spurt effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.howl: Triggers a howl effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.gutshot: Triggers a gutshot scream effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.promote_metal: Triggers a promote metal effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.promote_stone: Triggers a promote stone effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.promote_toptier: Triggers a promote top tier effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.promote_wood: Triggers a promote wood effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.impact_explosion: Triggers an impact explosion effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.impact_fire: Triggers an impact fire effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.survey_explosion: Triggers a survey explosion effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.impact_bullet_gingerbread: Triggers an impact bullet gingerbread effect on the target player. PlayerEffectsPlus.effects.missingCubes: Triggers a missing effect on the target player. How to Use Simply install the plugin on your Rust server and assign the desired permissions to your players. The commands below are specifically used for activating effects on players while they are running, walking, or standing still. For effects to trigger on damage dealt, the relevant effect permissions need to be assigned to the player or VIP groups. You can always use the command /peplus help if you need help with commands from within the game Use the following commands to trigger effects on players: /peplus 0 or disable: Disable any active effect. /peplus 1 or particles: Activate particles effect. /peplus 2 or smoke: Activate smoke effect. /peplus 3 or fire: Activate fire effect. /peplus 4 or goldopen: Activate the gold open effect. /peplus 5 or onfire: Activate the on fire effect. /peplus 6 or landmine: Activate the landmine explosion effect. /peplus 7 or jumpwater: Activate the jump in water effect. /peplus 8 or ricochet: Activate the ricochet effect. /peplus 9 or surveycharge: Activate the survey charge effect. /peplus 10 or midsplash: Activate the mid-air splash effect. /peplus 11 or beartrapfire: Activate the bear trap fire effect. /peplus 12 or dig: Activate the dig effect. /peplus 13 or explosion01: Activate explosion effect 01. /peplus 14 or explosion02: Activate explosion effect 02. /peplus 15 or explosion03: Activate explosion effect 03. /peplus 16 or waterbomb: Activate the water bomb effect. /peplus 17 or gas: Activate the gas explosion effect. /peplus 18 or firev2: Activate fire effect v2. /peplus 19 or firev3: Activate fire effect v3. /peplus 20 or fireexplosion: Activate fire explosion effect. /peplus 21 or orebreak: Activate ore break effect. /peplus 22 or bloodspurt: Activate blood spurt effect. /peplus 23 or howl: Activate howl effect. /peplus 24 or gutshot: Activate gutshot scream effect. /peplus 25 or promotemetal: Activate promote metal effect. /peplus 26 or promotestone: Activate promote stone effect. /peplus 27 or promotetoptier: Activate promote top tier effect. /peplus 28 or promotewood: Activate promote wood effect. /peplus 29 or impactexplosion: Activate impact explosion effect. /peplus 30 or impactfire: Activate impact fire effect. /peplus 31 or surveyexplosion: Activate survey explosion effect. /peplus 32 or impactbulletgingerbread: Activate impact bullet gingerbread effect. Why Choose PlayerEffectsPlus? PlayerEffectsPlus is a game-changer for your Rust server! It brings a whole new level of excitement to gameplay with stunning visual effects that keep things fresh and fun. As a server administrator, you have the power to customize these effects to fit your community's vibe perfectly. With a range of permissions and effects to choose from, your players will dive into an immersive experience every time they log in. Whether it's fiery explosions or cool particle effects, PlayerEffectsPlus adds that extra spark that makes every moment in the game memorable. Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your server—bring PlayerEffectsPlus on board and let your players enjoy the thrilling variety of effects it offers! Plugins By Duff https://discord.gg/2KBPH7hXb7
  4. Duff

    Skin Bug Report

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  5. Duff

    Skin Bug Report

    Iv fixed this, uploading a update now
  6. Duff


    Version 1.0.7


    The NoDetect plugin prevents players with the "NoDetect" permissions from being targeted or detected by various hostile entities in Rust, including SAM sites, turrets, scientists, and animals. This provides players with a unique advantage, allowing them to navigate the game world with reduced threats from NPCs and automated defenses. Perfect For PVE & PVP Servers Plugin Preview Features Protection from NPCs: Players with the appropriate permissions can avoid detection and attacks from hostile NPCs, including scientists and animals. SAM Site Protection: Players can become undetectable by SAM sites, preventing them from being targeted by these automated defenses. Turret and Trap Immunity: Players can avoid triggering turrets, traps, and mines, ensuring safe passage in dangerous areas. Dynamic Command Activation: Players can activate or deactivate their States status with simple chat commands. Commands Activate Commands /startscientist: Activates the NPC targeting logic specifically for scientists. When this command is active, scientists will not attack the player. Only players with the "nodetect.scientists" permission can use this command. /startanimal: Activates the animal targeting logic. When this command is active, animals will not attack the player. Only players with the "nodetect.animals" permission can use this command. Deactivate Commands /stopscientist: Deactivates the NPC targeting logic for scientists. When this command is inactive, scientists will attack the player again. /stopanimal: Deactivates the animal targeting logic. When this command is inactive, animals will attack the player again. How to Use the Plugin Permissions: Ensure that players have the required permissions assigned to them. nodetect.sams nodetect.turrets nodetect.animals nodetect.scientists nodetect.flameturret nodetect.shotguntrap nodetect.mines nodetect.beartrap nodetect.bradley nodetect.heli nodetect.nohostile nodetect.nocommandanimals - all players with this permission do not need to type the /stopanimal or /startanimal - Animals will automatically ignore the players nodetect.nocommandscientists - all players with this permission do not need to type command to benefit from the Nodetection for Scientist they will now automatically ignore the player nodetect.nocommandallnpc - all players with this permission do not need to type command to benefit from NoDetection for Any NPC - includes BetterNPC npcs Commands for Managing NPC Interactions: /startscientist: Prevents scientists from attacking you, allowing for a safer exploration /stopscientist: Re-enables attacks from scientists, allowing for challenges within the game. /startanimal: Prevents animals from attacking you, giving you the freedom to explore without fear of the animals that at times can be very annoying /stopanimal: Permits animals to attack once again, ensuring that players can enjoy the thrill of hunting and survival. Plugins By Duff https://discord.gg/2KBPH7hXb7
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Preview Video NoFallDamagePlus is an innovative plugin designed for Rust that allows players to reduce fall damage based on permissions while also triggering unique effects and sounds when fall damage occurs. This plugin enhances gameplay by providing customizable fall damage management, enabling a more enjoyable experience for players. Perfect For PVE & PVP Servers Features: Dynamic Fall Damage Reduction: Players can reduce fall damage based on specific permissions, allowing for a tailored experience. Custom Effects: Trigger a variety of visual and sound effects upon taking fall damage, enhancing the immersive experience in the game. Configurable Effect Range: Admins can adjust the distance from which effects can be seen by other players, allowing for better management of visual clutter. Statistics Tracking: Keep track of fall damage taken, total damage negated, and average fall damage per player. Message Toggling: Players can enable or disable message notifications for fall damage interactions, providing greater control over in-game notifications. How to Use: Installation: Download the NoFallDamagePlus plugin file and place it in the oxide/plugins directory on your Rust server. Ensure the plugin is loaded correctly by checking the server logs for any errors. Configuration: Modify the NoFallDamagePlus.json file in the oxide/config directory to customize damage reduction percentages, effect ranges, and other settings to suit your server's needs. Permissions can be set up using the Oxide permissions system. Permissions: Players will need specific permissions to access fall damage reduction and effects. Use the following commands to assign permissions: Or you can add permissions to players or groups with the plugin PermissionManager Use Permissions: oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.nodamage - Grants complete fall damage immunity. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce10 - Grants 10% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce20 - Grants 20% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce30 - Grants 30% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce40 - Grants 40% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce50 - Grants 50% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce60 - Grants 60% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce70 - Grants 70% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce80 - Grants 80% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce90 - Grants 90% damage reduction. Effect Permissions: Players must also have the respective effect permission to trigger the associated effect when taking fall damage. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectGoldenStars - Grants permission to trigger the Golden Stars effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire - Grants permission to trigger the Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWater - Grants permission to trigger the Water effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectRichochet - Grants permission to trigger the Ricochet effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSurvey - Grants permission to trigger the Survey effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWater - Grants permission to trigger the Water Splash effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectBearTrap - Grants permission to trigger the Bear Trap Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectDig - Grants permission to trigger the Digging effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSpawn - Grants permission to trigger the Barricade Spawn effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion1 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 1. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion2 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 2. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion3 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 3. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWaterExplosion - Grants permission to trigger Water Bomb Explosion. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire1 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 1. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire2 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 2. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire3 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 3. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire4 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 4. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectRockSpawn - Grants permission to trigger the Rock Spawn effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBlood - Grants permission to trigger the Blood effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectHowl - Grants permission to trigger the Howl sound effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectHurt - Grants permission to trigger the Hurt sound effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeMetal - Grants permission to trigger the Metal Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeStone - Grants permission to trigger the Stone Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeToptier - Grants permission to trigger the Top-tier Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeWood - Grants permission to trigger the Wood Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBulletExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Bullet Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBulletFire - Grants permission to trigger the Bullet Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectDigSiteExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Dig Site Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSand - Grants permission to trigger the Sand effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectMissingCubes - Grants permission to trigger the MissingCube effect. Commands: /fallstats - Displays the total fall damage taken, average damage per fall, and fall count. /fallnegatedstats - Shows total negated fall damage, average damage negated per fall, and fall count. /fallnoti - Toggles message notifications related to fall damage on and off. /fallhelp - Displays help information about the plugin. Effect List: The following effects can be triggered based on player permissions when they hit the ground from falling: Golden Stars Effect Fire Effect Explosion Effect Water Effect Ricochet Effect Survey Effect Water Splash Effect Bear Trap Fire Effect Digging Effect Barricade Spawn Effect Explosion Effect 1 Explosion Effect 2 Explosion Effect 3 Water Bomb Explosion Effect Gas Explosion Effect Fire V2 Effect Fire V3 Effect Fire Explosion Effect Ore Break Effect Bloodspurt Effect Howl Sound Effect Hurt Sound Effect Metal Upgrade Effect Stone Upgrade Effect Top-tier Upgrade Effect Wood Upgrade Effect Bullet Explosion Effect Bullet Fire Effect Dig Site Explosion Effect Sand Effect Plugins By Duff https://discord.gg/2KBPH7hXb7
  8. Duff

    Skin Bug Report

    i will take a look
  9. Duff

    Skin Bug Report

    is it skins from a plugin or skins from default rust thats applied to them?
  10. Duff

    Skin Bug Report

    The video is private i cannot see it
  11. Duff


    Im glad that this resolved your issue :)! Yes this update also seem to have worsened the state of anti hack when you try to build bases or if your pvping and u need the pvp walls.. hopefully they will make a hotfix to fix the issues.. iv seen many screenshots of insane map glitches lol
  12. Duff


    set it on my WIP list
  13. Duff


    You got to download the new update yet? just made a update here not long ago. by swapping to right click instead of left it should resove ur issue with turrets
  14. Duff


    did you download the updated version that uses right click instead of left click?
  15. Duff


    when your placing a sentry turret from the sentry turret plugin my plugin will place a turret at the bottom of that turret aswell? just for clarification
  16. Duff


    Yes so there is no problem with my plugin correct? 是的,所以我的插件没有问题吗?
  17. Duff


    i understand can you recreate the error and send me full picture of console, from what i see ur issue is related to a EMPGrenade plugin and not placery. so please recreate the error and send a full picture of console for me or add me on discord duff8298
  18. Duff


    Does it break the plugin? can you futher tell me what happens and what caused the issue to happen? is it a custom plugin that triggers something that breaks placery?
  19. Duff


    Like that you can place it on defined areas? Example you specify in ur placement for roof,Foundations, etc then with wallpaper your able to place this on theese locations? Also you made a comment last night about Carbon Compatability you seem to have removed this message?
  20. Duff

    Conflicts with UberTool

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  21. Duff

    Conflicts with UberTool

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  22. Duff

    Conflicts with UberTool

    Make a new ticket if anything else pops up. also new update will come out today Take care!
  23. Duff

    Conflicts with UberTool

    Also if you dont mind, as a new guy on the blok i would highly apriciate if you wanted to maybe give my plugin a review, its not recommended of you and if you dont want to its fine with me, it would just mean alot to me
  24. Duff

    Conflicts with UberTool

    Do you have any other issues or anything else or can i close the ticket?
  25. Duff

    Conflicts with UberTool

    i can still try and look into Ubertool conflicts and i have in WIP to get all deployables correctly placed with the plugin but most deployables works correctly


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