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Everything posted by NEXT

  1. NEXT

    drone water base

    If you place a raidable base on water, the drone will fall into the ocean once the base is built.
  2. NEXT


    Is it okay to ignore all 「On object hook」 error logs?
  3. NEXT


    Will role reselection be triggered every time a new player connects, so that role swaps happen without waiting 3600 seconds?
  4. NEXT

    random raid error

    Failed to call hook 'OnPlayerDeath' on plugin 'RandomRaids v1.9.4' (InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.) at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () [0x00013] in :0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () [0x0004a] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.RandomRaids.CallRaidOnNpcKills (BasePlayer p, System.String Rtype, Oxide.Plugins.RandomRaids+NPCConfig config, System.Boolean combined) [0x002e4] in <1831676b35314d49af7bc307d52e6f70>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RandomRaids.OnPlayerDeath (BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) [0x00311] in <1831676b35314d49af7bc307d52e6f70>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RandomRaids.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00c2e] in <1831676b35314d49af7bc307d52e6f70>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <9c80d821d00a44c9a24497c73ad2d20d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0
  5. NEXT


    The role will be transferred to another player within an hour, so the notification chat will be frequent.
  6. NEXT


    Calling hook OnPlayerDropActiveItem resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: RealPVE - False (Boolean), RaidableBases (True (Boolean)) Calling hook OnInterferenceUpdate resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: RealPVE - False (Boolean), IQGuardianDrone (True (Boolean)) this is ok?
  7. ok I contacted
  8. IQGuardianDrone "Drone SkinID (if you sell the drone through a store or NPC - set the same SkinID there)": 3036002096, skybase "SkinID": 3142103802, "SkinID": 3142106108,
  9. no. no change
  10. NEXT


    oh nice!! thank you
  11. Calling hook CanPickupEntity resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: IQDronePatrol - True (Boolean), IQGuardianDrone (False (Boolean)) [SkyBase] Error found settings to floor 3036002096
  12. Calling hook CanPickupEntity resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: IQDronePatrol - True (Boolean), IQGuardianDrone (False (Boolean)) [SkyBase] Error found settings to floor 3036002096 Calling hook OnInterferenceUpdate resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: RealPVE - False (Boolean), IQGuardianDrone (True (Boolean))
  13. NEXT


    OnTurretTarget フックを呼び出すと、次のプラグイン間で競合が発生しました: TargetableDrones - True (Boolean)、IQDronePatrol (False (Boolean))
  14. NEXT


    Maybe when there are less than 3 people. Anyway, the 3600 isn't working properly. It's changing every 20-40 minutes. The chat display is very fast.
  15. NEXT

    spawn point

    thank you i understand
  16. NEXT


    The outbreak occurs suddenly Not replaced at 3600 KingNMerc.json
  17. NEXT

    no command

    no problem thank you
  18. NEXT


    no problem thank you
  19. NEXT

    no command

    Look at the Biplane.json file. "biplane_default" is entered, but can you specify an item with "biplane_default"? Isn't it "biplane_itemdefault"?
  20. NEXT


    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.Biplane+BiplaneComponent.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <49dba6ad595940c689cfd4b105b83998>:0
  21. NEXT

    what is this?

    Thank you. I will contact the realPVE developer.
  22. NEXT

    spawn point

    "Buyable Events": { "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 200.0, "Spawns Database File (Optional)": { "Easy": "none", "Medium": "none", "Hard": "none", "Expert": "none", "Nightmare": "nightmare_spawns" } } "Maintained Events": { "Max Maintained Events": 2, "Spawns Database File (Optional)": { "Easy": "none", "Medium": "none", "Hard": "none", "Expert": "none", "Nightmare": "nightmare_spawns" } Is it okay to use this method? spawns_data.json Nightmare_Bases_Ship_N2.json
  23. NEXT


    Modify RealPVE to Ignore Convoy Events Modify RealPVE's OnEntityTakeDamage method to exclude convoy-related entities. Find the method in RealPVE.cs: object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) Before blocking damage, add a condition to check if the entity is part of a convoy: if (ConvoyPathVehicle.GetVehicleByNetId(entity.net.ID.Value) != null) return null; // Allow damage for Convoy entities This ensures that RealPVE does not block damage for convoy-related objects, resolving the conflict. Please avoid conflict with Convoy MOD.
  24. NEXT

    Better Deployables

    Place prefab (2 small boxes will be placed) Remove small box Take prefab Place prefab again (2 small boxes will be placed) Remove small box Take prefab Place prefab again (2 small boxes will be placed) Loop Plz you will get many small boxes
  25. NEXT

    what is this?

    Even if there are conflicts, it seems like the event can be executed without any problems. In what part does the problem occur? I would like to request support for real PVE, which is a paid MOD.


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