I'm using the RealPVE MOD.
Regarding maintained events,
they always pop up as PVE areas.
And NPCs don't take damage.
Buildings don't take damage either.
buyraids are PVP areas without any problems,
and can be played without any problems.
Which setting is wrong?
"Maintained Events": {
"Always Maintain Max Events": true,
"Max Maintained Events": 2,
"Enable X Hours After Wipe (0 = immediately)": {
"Easy": -1.0,
"Medium": 0.0,
"Hard": 6.0,
"Expert": 12.0,
"Nightmare": -1.0
"Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 1.0,
"Include PVE Bases": false,
"Include PVP Bases": true,
"Minimum Required Players Online": 1,
"Maximum Limit Of Players Online": 100,
"Permission To Ignore With Players Online Limit": "",
"Time To Wait Between Spawns": 45.0,
"Convert PVE To PVP": true, "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
"Ignore Safe Checks": false,
"Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
"Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false,
"Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 200.0,
"Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none"