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Everything posted by Lincoln
Hey Death, I think your stance is balanced. Allowing AI as an assistant, but not a full replacement, ensures content quality, developer accountability, and customer trust. Key points I’d highlight: • Transparency: I think there should be some level of transparency for disclosing AI use is fair and helps consumers make informed decisions. • Quality Control: A clear threshold, especially for paid plugins, prevents the marketplace from becoming flooded with generic or unreliable products. • Maintenance: A fully AI-generated plugin risks long-term issues, since the author might lack the skills to fix or maintain it reliably. From a consumer perspective, people pay for plugins expecting support, updates, and accountability, not just functionality. Ensuring plugin developers are genuinely skilled (and not merely AI-prompt users) protects consumers from instability and frustration. Overall, it’s not harsh—it’s responsible. However the use of AI will continue to grow regardless of what choice is made here ~ cheers
Version 1.0.5
Magic Balls Cast spells and shoot elemental magic balls at your friends or foes! Features 3 unique spell types: Fireball, Waterball, and Earthball Each spell has distinct visual effects and damage types Customizable UI position for spell display Configurable damage values and cooldowns Status effects (burning, freezing, radiation) Animal damage multiplier Spell cycling system Permission-based spell access Commands /cast - Toggle casting mode /mbc - Open UI control menu for spell text positioning. Permissions magicballs.fireball - Allows use of fireball spell magicballs.waterball - Allows use of waterball spell magicballs.earthball - Allows use of earthball spell magicballs.bypass.cooldown - Bypasses spell cooldown timer Control Systems Improved mouse Controls (Default) Left Click: Cast selected spell Right Click: Cycle through spells Empty hands required Must be in casting mode (/cast) Legacy Controls (If set to 'false' in config) Left Click: Cast selected spell R Key: Cycle through spells Empty hands required Must be in casting mode (/cast) Caveats and Disclaimers The magic balls DO NOT collide with certain layers of the map. Ground terrain Rocks Water Monuments & Monument Buildings Power Poles The magic balls DO collide with these layers of the map. NPC's (Animals, Scientists, Patrol Helicopters) Players Trees Loot and misc terrain decor. Building Blocks. Above ground entities. Note: The magic ball animations rely on server tick updates. On lower FPS servers, you may notice choppier flight paths due to less frequent position updates. A server fps of 100+ is recommended for smooth animations. Default Configuration { "Despawn Timer": 5.0, "Velocity": 100.0, "Cooldown": 1.0, "Use Improved Mouse Controls": true, "Base Damage": { "fireball": 100000.0, "waterball": 100000.0, "earthball": 100000.0 }, "Effect Duration": { "fireball": 3.0, "waterball": 4.0, "earthball": 15.0 }, "Heat Amount": 100.0, "Cold Amount": 100.0, "Radiation Amount": 100.0, "Animal Damage Multiplier": 10.0, "Magic Ball Chat Messages": true, "Show Spell UI": true, "Default UI Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.014 } } Default Data { "76561198022999999": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.014 } } Default Language { "NoPermission": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You don't have permission to cast {0}!", "Cooldown": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You must wait {0} seconds between casting spells!", "FireballCast": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You cast a <color=#FF0000>fireball</color>!", "WaterBallCast": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You cast a <color=#00BFFF>water ball</color>!", "EarthBallCast": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> You cast a <color=#00FF00>earth ball</color>!", "CastingEnabled": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> Casting Mode: <color=green>ENABLED</color>", "CastingDisabled": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> Casting Mode: <color=red>DISABLED</color>", "SpellSelected": "<color=#FFA500>[Magic Balls]</color> Selected spell: <color={0}>{1}</color>" } Support Join our Discord for support$19.99 -
Version 1.0.4
Overview Allow players to randomly spawn (plant), biome-specific trees and vegetation with intelligent spacing and terrain validation. Features both planting and removal capabilities with configurable options. Features Smart biome detection for appropriate tree selection. Configurable random tree planting across all biomes. Intelligent placement system avoiding invalid locations. Comprehensive tree removal feature. Supports all major biomes: Arctic, Tundra, Temperate, and Arid. Permissions biomeplanter.use Chat Commands /bpa [radius] - Plants trees within specified radius (default 50m) /bpr [radius] - Removes ALL trees within radius including world spawned (default 10m) Configuration { "TreeDensityMultiplier": 0.4, "DefaultRadius": 50.0, "MinimumSpacing": 5.0, "MaxRadius": 1000.0, "SpawnAttempts": 10, "EnforceBiomePlantType": true, "EnforceLocationRestriction": true } Configuration Settings Explained TreeDensityMultiplier: Controls how densely trees are planted DefaultRadius: Default planting radius when none specified MinimumSpacing: Minimum distance between planted trees SpawnAttempts: Number of attempts to find valid spawn positions EnforceBiomePlantType: When true, only spawns biome-specific trees EnforceLocationRestriction: When true, validates spawn positions Caveats and Disclaimers Using a large radius for planting or removing foliage and trees can cause server lag / FPS drop. Please use responsibly. Localization { "NoPermission": "<color=#ffc34d>[BiomePlanter]: You do not have permission to use this command.", "NoTrees": "<color=#ffc34d>[BiomePlanter]: No suitable trees found for this biome.", "CannotPlant": "<color=#ffc34d>[BiomePlanter]: You cannot plant trees here. Try a different location.", "TreesRemoved": "<color=#ffc34d>[BiomePlanter]: Removed <color=#b0fa66>{0} trees within <color=#ffcc66>{1}m radius", "TreesPlanted": "<color=#ffc34d>[BiomePlanter]: <color=#b0fa66>{0} trees planted within a <color=#ffcc66>{1}m radius!", "RadiusTooLarge": "<color=#ffc34d>[BiomePlanter]: Radius too large! Maximum allowed radius is <color=#ffcc66>{0}m" } Supported Trees by Biome Arctic: Snow-covered pines and firs Tundra: Birch and pine varieties Temperate: American beech, oak, and mixed forest trees Arid: Palm trees and cacti Support Join our Dark Side Development Discord for support and updates.$5.00 -
Version 1.0.6
Helicopter Assist Advanced helicopter control system featuring hover mode, emergency recovery, and intelligent auto-landing capabilities. Features Smart Hover Mode - Lock your helicopter in position with perfect stability Emergency Recovery - Instantly stabilize and recover from dangerous situations Intelligent Auto-Landing with obstacle, environment, and collision avoidance **Works with all player flyable helicopters that are standard in the game** Commands /ha hover | Toggle hover mode on/off /ha recover | Activate emergency recovery system /ha land | Initiate intelligent auto-landing sequence Permissions helicopterassist.use - Allows access to all helicopter assist features Caveats and Disclaimers Landing on even terrain works the best for the auto-landing feature. It will avoid common obstacles, water sources, cliffs, trees, etc. However, uneven terrain can cause the auto-landing to behave unpredictably. This will continue to be improved upon. Configuration { "MaxLandingHeight": 30.0, // Height limit to start landing "SafeLandingRadius": 20.0, // Distance to scan for landing spots "ObstacleCheckRadius": 7.5, // Range for detecting objects "LowAltitudeRadius": 12.0, // Detection range near ground "DescentSpeedHigh": 10.0, // High altitude descent rate "DescentSpeedMed": 7.0, // Mid altitude descent rate "DescentSpeedLow": 5.0, // Low altitude descent rate "DescentSpeedVeryLow": 3.0, // Very low altitude descent rate "DescentSpeedFinal": 1.0, // Landing touchdown rate "HoverMovementThreshold": 0.5, // Movement detection range "HoverCheckInterval": 0.1, // Movement check timing "RecoveryHeight": 60.0 // Emergency recovery elevation } Localization { "NoPermission": "{PREFIX}You don't have permission to use this command", "NotPiloting": "{PREFIX}You must be piloting a helicopter to use this command", "Usage": "{PREFIX}Usage: /ha <hover|recover|land>", "Controls": "{PREFIX}Helicopter Assist Commands:\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha hover</color> - Toggle hover mode\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha recover</color> - Emergency recovery\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha land</color> - Auto landing", "HoverEnabled": "{PREFIX}Hover mode <color=#b0fa66>enabled</color>", "HoverDisabled": "{PREFIX}Hover mode <color=#ff6666>disabled</color>", "RecoveryActivated": "{PREFIX}Emergency recovery system <color=#b0fa66>activated</color>", "AutoLandingInitiated": "{PREFIX}Auto-landing sequence <color=#b0fa66>initiated</color>. Hold on tight!", "AutoLandingCancelled": "{PREFIX}Auto-landing sequence <color=#ff6666>cancelled</color>", "AutoLandingComplete": "{PREFIX}Landing <color=#b0fa66>complete</color>. Welcome to solid ground!", "AboveWater": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Cannot initiate auto-landing above water</color>. Please find solid ground.", "TooHigh": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Too high to initiate auto-landing</color>. Please descend below {0}m first.", "UnsafeTerrain": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Cannot land here</color>. Surface is too steep or unstable.", "SearchingLandingZone": "{PREFIX}Searching for safe landing zone...", "LandingZoneFound": "{PREFIX}<color=#b0fa66>Safe landing zone located</color>. Beginning descent.", "ObstacleDetected": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Obstacles detected</color>. Relocating to safer area." } Support Dark Side Development Discord$7.99 -
Suggestions for Your Plugin – Excellent Work!
Lincoln replied to mrruticonos's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.0 -
Suggestions for Your Plugin – Excellent Work!
Lincoln replied to mrruticonos's Support Request in Support
Hello MrRuticonos I am so glad to hear that you are finding it useful. Thank you for your kind words. Your suggestions would be a great addition, I agree! I do in fact have a working copy with those upgraded features and I’m vetting some additional config options. As always, please keep the feedback coming, I want this to be as useful as possible, while maintaining ease of use. cheers~ Lincoln -
Version 1.0.0
Summary Entity Inspector provides detailed information about any entity in the game world. Point at an entity and use the command to get extensive details including network IDs, ownership, health status, biome information, and more. Features Detailed entity information with color-coded output Type-specific information for various entities: IOEntity (power systems) Building blocks Storage containers Doors Auto turrets Furnaces Code lock information with PIN display Biome detection Network and ownership details Class inheritance visualization Distance measurements Position and rotation data Commands /inspectent - Inspect the entity you're looking at. Permissions entityinspector.use - Allows use of the inspection tool Configuration { "EnableConsoleOutput": true, "EnableChatOutput": true, "InspectDistance": 10.0, "ColorPrimary": "#98FB98", "ColorTitle": "#ffc34d", "ColorValues": "#FFFFFF", "ShowBiomeInfo": true, "ShowDistance": true, "ShowInheritance": true, "ShowNetworkInfo": true, "ShowOwnership": true, "ShowCodeLockInfo": true, "ShowCodeLockCode": true, "ShowPosition": true, "ShowRotation": true } Lang File { "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use Entity Inspector", "NoEntity": "No entity found. Make sure you're looking at one!", "InvalidEntity": "Invalid entity.", "Title": "【 Entity Inspector 】", "ShortPrefab": "Short Prefab", "FullPrefab": "Full Prefab Path", "Position": "Position", "Rotation": "Rotation", "Health": "Health", "MaxHealth": "Max Health", "IsValid": "Is Valid", "IsBroken": "Is Broken", "NetworkID": "Network ID", "NetworkGroup": "Network Group", "OwnerID": "Owner ID", "ParentEntity": "Parent Entity", "BiomeInfo": "Biome", "Distance": "Distance", "PowerInput": "Power Input", "PowerOutput": "Power Output", "HasCodeLock": "Has CodeLock", "LockState": "Lock State", "LockCode": "Lock Code", "Inheritance": "Class Inheritance", "Grade": "Grade", "BuildingID": "Building ID", "InventorySlots": "Inventory Slots", "ItemsCount": "Items Count", "IsLocked": "Is Locked", "DoorState": "Door State", "CanOpen": "Can Open", "HasTarget": "Has Target", "IsCooking": "Is Cooking", "Temperature": "Temperature" } Recommended For Server Administrators Plugin Developers Technical Notes Inspection range configurable (default 10m) Code lock information requires specific permissions Console output automatically strips HTML formatting Class inheritance displayed last to prioritize critical information Color-coded values for power and lock states Supports both chat and console output channels Support Dark Side Development Discord$5.00 -
Version 1.0.2
Summary Move entire building structures and connected deployables. Rotate structures using left/right mouse buttons Instant revert to original position using middle mouse button Batch processing for smooth movement of larger structures & network optimization for reliable updates Terrain independent, relocate builds where ever you want (even underground or in the sky) *Please use responsibly, this is a powerful tool* Supported Entities All building blocks (foundations, walls, etc) 99% of deployable items (furnaces, boxes, etc) Permissions RelocateBuilds.use Chat Commands: /rbm - Toggle building relocation mode Controls WASD - Move structure Left Mouse - Rotate counter-clockwise Right Mouse - Rotate clockwise Middle Mouse - Revert to original position Caveats and Disclaimers Caveats and Disclaimers Moving very large structures can be detrimental to server FPS. Works the best for small to medium size builds (less than 1000 connected building blocks & deployables is optimal). If you are moving buildings too quickly, some deployables CAN break - this plugin isn't perfect. Some I/O entities will NOT move with buildings. (mainly IO wiring/piping and certain industrial items that mount to walls ) Sometime Rust clients don't sync immediately to reflect build movement changes, please be patient if you notice strange movement/placement positions. Localization ["NoPermission"] = "<color=#ffc34d>[Relocate]</color>: To use this command, you need to donate - http://discord.covert-gaming.com/", ["BuildingEnabled"] = "<color=#ffc34d>[Relocate]</color>: Building relocation <color=#b0fa66>Enabled</color>!\nTotal blocks: <color=#ffcc66>{0}</color>\nTotal deployables: <color=#ffcc66>{1}</color>", ["BuildingDisabled"] = "<color=#ffc34d>[Relocate]</color>: Building relocation <color=#ff6666>Disabled</color>", ["NoTarget"] = "<color=#ffc34d>[Relocate]</color>: No building found to relocate", ["Reverted"] = "<color=#ffc34d>[Relocate]</color>: Structure reverted to original position" Support Dark Side Development Discord$9.99 -
Version 1.0.3
Summary This will allow all grenades to explode on impact. Supported grenades are: F1 Grenades Beancans Flash Bangs Smoke Grenades Permissions ImpactGrenades.use Chat Commands /impact - To toggle impact grenades Caveats This overrides the default fuse timer and allows grenades to explode on impact. Localization { "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use impact grenades!", "Disabled": "Impact grenades disabled!", "Enabled": "Impact grenades enabled!", "Prefix": "<color=#ff0000>[Impact Grenades]</color> " } Support Dark Side Development Discord$5.00 -
Version 1.1.0
About The Fun Gun Unleash chaos and fun by shooting vehicles out of the snowball gun! Prerequisites A snowball gun in hand (no ammo required). Permissions TheFunGun.CarGun.Use TheFunGun.RhibGun.Use TheFunGun.BoatGun.Use TheFunGun.SnowGun.Use TheFunGun.RandGun.Use TheFunGun.SharkGun.Use TheFunGun.TugGun.Use TheFunGun.MiniGun.Use TheFunGun.SideCar.Use TheFunGun.Pedal.Use TheFunGun.Motor.Use TheFunGun.BypassCooldown Chat Commands /cargun - Enables the car gun (sedan). /rhibgun - Enables the RHIB gun. /boatgun - Enables the rowboat gun. /snowgun - Enables the snowmobile gun. /sharkgun - Enables the shark gun (shoots shark corpses). /minigun - Enables the minicopter gun. /sidecar - Enables the motorbike with a sidecar. /motor - Enables the motorbike without a sidecar. /tuggun - Enables the tugboat gun. /pedalgun - Enables the pedal bike gun. /randgun - Enables the random gun (spawns random vehicles). Caveats Be cautious when setting the despawn timer in the configuration. High values may result in vehicles staying on the server longer, which can lead to spam or server lag. A low despawn timer is recommended. Configuration { "Despawn Timer": 5.0, "Velocity": 75.0, "Cooldown": } Localization { "randGunEnable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#36802d>Enabled</color>", "randGunDisable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#ff6666>Disabled</color>", "noPermission": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You do not have permission to use this command", "Cooldown": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You are on a {0} second cooldown." } Customizable localization entries for each gun are available in the config file. Special Thanks A huge thank you to unboxingman for assisting in the development of this plugin! Support Dark Side Developement$5.00 -
I am currently on 3.0.7. I saw that the plugin updates say "complete rewrite of the plugin". Were any features added to 3.2.0? Is there a compelling reason to upgrade to 3.2.0 from 3.0.7? cheers