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War Mode PVP/PVE 1.3.7

   (9 reviews)
Message added by Mr01sam,

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Can you add support for Advanced Status on Codefling?



whats to stop someone being in pvp mode then raiding someone - then when they come under attack they switch back to PVE mode ????



6 minutes ago, TomHud said:

whats to stop someone being in pvp mode then raiding someone - then when they come under attack they switch back to PVE mode ????

You can configure a cool down in the settings so that you can't switch back after until a certain amount of time has passed. You can also configure a restriction so that players need to be in a safe zone to make the switch, and if they just raided someone, they will be considered hostile to safe zone areas.

If more restrictions need to be added I'm open to suggestions that I can add.

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1 hour ago, Snaplatack said:

Can you add support for Advanced Status on Codefling?

I can look into supporting that yes.

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58 minutes ago, Mr01sam said:

You can configure a cool down in the settings so that you can't switch back after until a certain amount of time has passed. You can also configure a restriction so that players need to be in a safe zone to make the switch, and if they just raided someone, they will be considered hostile to safe zone areas.

If more restrictions need to be added I'm open to suggestions that I can add.

When I wanted a custom one made, I had it set so that the player could t even change their mode once they chose it. When they are on a team, I had it auto switch everyone in the team to PVP of 1 person in the team was PVP. Also had it the same way for the TC. If anyone in the TC auth list was PVP, it switched everyone to PVP that is authed. It ofc gave the player a message in chat saying why it happened. Could add it to also have a UI come up asking if they are sure they want to and if they do, they would be switched to PVP. 

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so if someone switches to PVE mode are they unable to kill anyone or do any damage to any buildings or fixtures ?



50 minutes ago, TomHud said:

so if someone switches to PVE mode are they unable to kill anyone or do any damage to any buildings or fixtures ?

Correct, by default, someone who is flagged as PVE cannot attack, raid, or loot other players and they also cannot have those things done to them. All of that is configurable under the PVE section of the config. Players can also type /rules to see a UI showing all these details (this UI is also configurable)




1 hour ago, Snaplatack said:

When I wanted a custom one made, I had it set so that the player could t even change their mode once they chose it. When they are on a team, I had it auto switch everyone in the team to PVP of 1 person in the team was PVP. Also had it the same way for the TC. If anyone in the TC auth list was PVP, it switched everyone to PVP that is authed. It ofc gave the player a message in chat saying why it happened. Could add it to also have a UI come up asking if they are sure they want to and if they do, they would be switched to PVP. 

So currently this plugin has a little bit of what you're asking. If you don't want players to be able to change their mode on the fly, you can do that, all you need to do is just not give them the warmode.flag permission and then they won't be able to change it themselves.

As for setting the entire team/clan to PvP if one is PvP this plugin doesn't do that for the players themselves. However it does do that for buildings. If a TC has atleast one player authed on it that is PvP then the entire base is considered PvP and can be raided.

That being said, if this system doesn't work out Im open to suggestions.




Can you make it work with no escape?  




34 minutes ago, 7SINS7 said:

Can you make it work with no escape?  


I'd be happy to add support for NoEscape if its needed. What would be needed for it to work the way you would like?



Any way to add a UI for the player to choose the mode when they first join the server? What if a player wants to play PVE but cant play PVE till they go into a safe zone with an owner not wanting a player to be able to change their unless they are in a safe zone? 



21 minutes ago, Snaplatack said:

Any way to add a UI for the player to choose the mode when they first join the server? What if a player wants to play PVE but cant play PVE till they go into a safe zone with an owner not wanting a player to be able to change their unless they are in a safe zone? 

I think that will be a pretty common use case and I thought about adding it. Since its permission driven, really any plugin could handle this, so I might include it as a free extension plugin that people can use, just so I don't have to try and stuff too many things into a single plugin.

In the meantime, if this is something you'd like I can whip together a quick UI plugin that will do this for you.



1 minute ago, Mr01sam said:

I think that will be a pretty common use case and I thought about adding it. Since its permission driven, really any plugin could handle this, so I might include it as a free extension plugin that people can use, just so I don't have to try and stuff too many things into a single plugin.

In the meantime, if this is something you'd like I can whip together a quick UI plugin that will do this for you.

That would be fantastic. Please make it configurable like the simple status section is in WarMode

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Is this compatible with TruePve Plugin?



2 minutes ago, SlayersRust said:

Is this compatible with TruePve Plugin?

I haven't tested it myself but both TruePVE and WarMode allow you to turn on/off protection for certain things, if you configure them both to not overlap with each other then you shouldn't have an issue.

Let me know if you need help configuring, I've done this sort of thing with some of my other plugins.



Okay. Here are some of my last suggestions.

1) Ability for admins to change a players mode individually with players ID or Name.
2) A command to reset all player modes.
3) A ticket system for players to ask if they can be moved from PVE to PVP or PVP to PVE if admins want the modes to be disabled permanently. (discord integration would be nice but not required)


Posted (edited)

28 minutes ago, Snaplatack said:

Okay. Here are some of my last suggestions.

1) Ability for admins to change a players mode individually with players ID or Name.
2) A command to reset all player modes.
3) A ticket system for players to ask if they can be moved from PVE to PVP or PVP to PVE if admins want the modes to be disabled permanently. (discord integration would be nice but not required)

So the first two I think can be done with permissions already.

1) You can simply remove/add players to the "warmodepve" permission group to mark them as PVP or PVE.  For example:

// Force a player to be PVE
o.usergroup add <player> warmodepve

// Force a player to be PVP
o.usergroup remove <player> warmodepve

2) With vanilla oxide/carbon you can't automatically assign players to a group (or mass remove them) but with plugins like permissions manager you can. Same concept, just add players to the warmodepve group if you want them to be pve and remove them if you want them to be pvp.

3) That is certainly something I can look into doing down the road, I would probably do it as a separate extension plugin to not bloat this too much. In either case, good idea 🙂

I appreciate the feedback!! If the solutions for 1) and 2) are too cumbersome I can consider adding those as commands - I just want to avoid adding functionality that can already be achieved with free plugins if I can!


Edited by Mr01sam


3 hours ago, Mr01sam said:

I haven't tested it myself but both TruePVE and WarMode allow you to turn on/off protection for certain things, if you configure them both to not overlap with each other then you shouldn't have an issue.

Let me know if you need help configuring, I've done this sort of thing with some of my other plugins.

This seems very interesting! I’d be interested in creating a server around PVE/PVP where you can chose one time whether you’d like to PVP or PVE for that wipe. Here is what Nivex said the developer of TruePve


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I rather keep it to where players can choose to pvp or pve at anytime with cooldown, I thought maybe noescape could help in the manner of people trying to get out of pvp like log out and what not. I would like if you could help with he settings of our already setup of truepvp though.



7 hours ago, 7SINS7 said:

I rather keep it to where players can choose to pvp or pve at anytime with cooldown, I thought maybe noescape could help in the manner of people trying to get out of pvp like log out and what not. I would like if you could help with he settings of our already setup of truepvp though.

I see. So you're saying you would like a feature where if someone has NoEscapes's combat blocked then they can't switch between PvP/PvE, is that correct?



11 minutes ago, Mr01sam said:

I see. So you're saying you would like a feature where if someone has NoEscapes's combat blocked then they can't switch between PvP/PvE, is that correct?




3 minutes ago, 7SINS7 said:


Ill see if I can add that for you in the next update!

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I am wondering how this interacts with certain plugins.

Prevent Looting (https://umod.org/plugins/prevent-looting). This plugin prevents players from looting containers belonging to other players unless those players allow specific players, or all players to access it (using commands ie: /share). I know War Mode has features to allow/deny access to containers depending on PVE or PVP mode. Would this conflict with that? Could a share feature be added to War Mode so it does pretty much the same thing as Prevent Looting?

PVE Mode. This plugin allows players to engage an event and the event locks to them. The player is protected as are all NPC's, etc, from other players/teams. It would be cool if War Mode could integrate with that plugin. If a player is in PVP status, they can't get an event locked to them if it uses PVE Mode.

Does War Mode extend to vehicles? If a vehicle is owned by a PVE player, is it protected? I use Vehicle Deployed Locks from umod and a player can put a lock on a vehicle. Could a vehicle be protected from crash damage and prevent causing damage to other players when the owner is in PVE mode, but when they are in PVP mode, vehicles and blow up and damage other PVP players?

Raidable Bases. Could War Mode integrate with Raidable Bases so when a player buys a raid, they receive a PVE or PVP raid depending on their current status, or at least prevent a PVE player from buying a PVP raid and prevent a PVP player from buying a PVE raid.

Hostile Time (https://umod.org/plugins/hostile-time). If a player is in PVE mode, that plugin works. If they are in PVP mode, it does not. 

I can see this plugin becoming huge if it can integrate with many other plugins/events!

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2 minutes ago, BetterDeadThanZed said:

I am wondering how this interacts with certain plugins.

Prevent Looting (https://umod.org/plugins/prevent-looting). This plugin prevents players from looting containers belonging to other players unless those players allow specific players, or all players to access it (using commands ie: /share). I know War Mode has features to allow/deny access to containers depending on PVE or PVP mode. Would this conflict with that? Could a share feature be added to War Mode so it does pretty much the same thing as Prevent Looting?

PVE Mode. This plugin allows players to engage an event and the event locks to them. The player is protected as are all NPC's, etc, from other players/teams. It would be cool if War Mode could integrate with that plugin. If a player is in PVP status, they can't get an event locked to them if it uses PVE Mode.

Does War Mode extend to vehicles? If a vehicle is owned by a PVE player, is it protected? I use Vehicle Deployed Locks from umod and a player can put a lock on a vehicle. Could a vehicle be protected from crash damage and prevent causing damage to other players when the owner is in PVE mode, but when they are in PVP mode, vehicles and blow up and damage other PVP players?

Raidable Bases. Could War Mode integrate with Raidable Bases so when a player buys a raid, they receive a PVE or PVP raid depending on their current status, or at least prevent a PVE player from buying a PVP raid and prevent a PVP player from buying a PVE raid.

Hostile Time (https://umod.org/plugins/hostile-time). If a player is in PVE mode, that plugin works. If they are in PVP mode, it does not. 

I can see this plugin becoming huge if it can integrate with many other plugins/events!

Yes! I designed this plugin with the idea that it can integrate with others. Allow me to address your questions:
1) Prevent Looting
A nice clean way to remedy conflicts from two plugins that do a similar thing is to simply disable that feature in one of the plugins. It is true that War Mode can prevent PvE players from looting/being looted, but you can simply disable this feature in the config and have the other plugin handle it.

2) PVE Mode
I'm not familiar with this plugin but I could see it fitting nicely together with War Mode. I'd have to get familiar with that plugin and would likely need some help testing it out and figuring out how we would want them to integrate together - but yeah it would be nice to do that!

3) Vehicles
Currently War Mode does protect vehicles for PvE players but ONLY if ALL the players in the vehicle are in PvE mode. If there is at least one PvP'er riding along, then the vehicle can be targeted. Unpiloted vehicles currently are unprotected as well as in vanilla rust theres not really a good way to say "this vehicle belongs to X player". I'd like to expand this in the future if theres a demand for it - perhaps integration with the plugin you mentioned would be the way to go.

4) Raidable Bases
War Mode currently has some support for Raidable Bases - as in - PVE players can participate in raiding Raidable Bases owned by NPCs. I'm not really familiar with the concept of "purchasing" a raid in that plugin, maybe its in a version I haven't used, but your request to make it so only PVE players have to buy PVE raids and PVP players have to buy PVP raids I think would be totally doable. Again its one of those things we'll just have to nail down and test.

5) Hostile Time
Not familiar with this plugin - I'm assuming it just allows you to change the time you are "hostile" to safe zones? And I believe you are requesting that if you are in PVE mode you get the modified hostile time, and if you are in  PVP mode you get the vanilla time? From what I can see, it seems that plugin globally adjusts the hostile time, so I'm not sure you can pick and choose who gets it. That being said, it does give me an idea to add restrictions to prevent players from changing their PVP/PVE mode while they're marked hostile.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'd definitely be willing to pick one of these to start and if you're willing to help me test it we can get it added to this plugin down the road!



With Radiable Bases, I have turned off random spawning and instead players buy a raid base with the /buyraid command, a feature of the Raidable Bases plugin. Raidable bases allows you to configure if a raidable base is PVE or PVP. I have all PVP bases disabled right now but with a plugin like this, it would be cool if the raid base type that is bought matches the player's current status.

Hostile Time allows the configuration of how long a player is hostile to a safe zone. I have it set to 0 right now because my server is 100% PVE and I don't think they should be targeted for shooting NPC's in the area of a safe zone. Integration with this plugin could possibly allow that setting to be overridden if the player is in PVP mode. That might require some coordination with the other plugin dev. They might need to add support for this plugin with two config options that set the hostile time according to the player's status.

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