What's New in Version 2.0.0 See changelog
| Changelogs v.2.0.0
The plugin name has been changed!
If you already had this plugin in use please follow these steps:
1. o.unload ChickenEvent
2. delete the ChickenEvent.cs in /oxide/plugins/.
3. delete the ChickenEvent.json in /oxide/config/.
You can activate the new plugin as usual.
**What else has been changed?
➔ | The authorisation has been changed! Please give out the permissions again!
➔ | The event can now not be started twice. There is an error message that the event is already active.
➔ | You now also have the option (console) to start `flashchickenevent`. This gives you the possibility to automate the event with Event Manager or Timer or whatever management plugins are available. Of course, you can now also simply use shedules
➔ | Chicken can now move.
➔ | A new configuration option EnableChickenMovement has been added. If chickens should not move set to false!
➔ | The user interface has been updated with CuiHelper instead of OxideUI (better performance, better harmony with other plugins)
➔ | The performance has been optimised
➔ | Error handling has been improved and more error checks have been added
➔ | You can decide in the config whether dead chickens should also disappear after the event ends