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Rescue Mission 2.0.0

   (3 reviews)
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About Rescue Mission

The Rescue Mission event offers a unique and immersive event where players must strategically navigate the Arctic Research Base to rescue a hostage, battling kidnappers and additional NPCs. Successful completion of the mission rewards players with rare and valuable loot, making it a standout event from typical Rust experiences, with heightened challenge and dynamic gameplay.


Hostage Rescue:
Players must rescue a captured hostage who spawns at a fixed position in the Arctic Research Base.
Additional NPCs: Kidnapper NPCs are spawned near the hostage, making life difficult for the players.
Loot boxes: After rescuing the hostage, a loot box will spawn at the hostage's location containing random valuable items.
Event timer: The rescue mission lasts 90 minutes by default, but can be adjusted via the configuration.
Random rewards: A comprehensive loot table with a variety of items including scrap metal, weapons, ammunition and rare items such as rocket launchers and M249s.



/flashrescue - Startet die Rettungsmission (Berechtigung erforderlich).
/stoprescue - Beendet die laufende Rettungsmission (Berechtigung erforderlich).

flashrescue - Startet die Rettungsmission über die Konsole.
stoprescue - Beendet die laufende Rettungsmission über die Konsole.


rescuemission.use - Allows players to start and stop the rescue mission.



  "Event Duration (minutes)": 90.0,
  "Min Loot Items": 3,
  "Max Loot Items": 6,
  "Loot Table": {
    "scrap": {
      "Chance": 1.0,
      "MinAmount": 125,
      "MaxAmount": 546,
      "SkinID": 3239303050
    "rifle.ak": {
      "Chance": 0.3,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "rifle.lr300": {
      "Chance": 0.3,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "smg.mp5": {
      "Chance": 0.5,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "pistol.python": {
      "Chance": 0.8,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "ammo.rifle": {
      "Chance": 0.9,
      "MinAmount": 112,
      "MaxAmount": 395,
      "SkinID": 0
    "ammo.pistol": {
      "Chance": 0.9,
      "MinAmount": 156,
      "MaxAmount": 425,
      "SkinID": 0
    "explosive.timed": {
      "Chance": 0.1,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 5,
      "SkinID": 0
    "grenade.f1": {
      "Chance": 0.7,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 5,
      "SkinID": 0
    "hq.metal.ore": {
      "Chance": 0.6,
      "MinAmount": 10,
      "MaxAmount": 150,
      "SkinID": 0
    "metal.ore": {
      "Chance": 0.8,
      "MinAmount": 100,
      "MaxAmount": 1500,
      "SkinID": 0
    "sulfur.ore": {
      "Chance": 0.6,
      "MinAmount": 726,
      "MaxAmount": 1959,
      "SkinID": 0
    "cloth": {
      "Chance": 0.8,
      "MinAmount": 50,
      "MaxAmount": 200,
      "SkinID": 0
    "medicine.syringe.medical": {
      "Chance": 0.9,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 16,
      "SkinID": 0
    "rocket.launcher": {
      "Chance": 0.2,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "crude.oil": {
      "Chance": 0.7,
      "MinAmount": 12,
      "MaxAmount": 56,
      "SkinID": 0
    "rifle.bolt": {
      "Chance": 0.2,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "lmg.m249": {
      "Chance": 0.1,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "metal.facemask": {
      "Chance": 0.4,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0
    "metal.plate.torso": {
      "Chance": 0.4,
      "MinAmount": 1,
      "MaxAmount": 1,
      "SkinID": 0



MonumentFinder – monument-finder
DontTargetMe – dont-target-me
Marker Manager – marker-manager


Multilingual Support:

The plugin supports multiple languages. Language files are located in the lang folder and can be edited or expanded as needed. Currently supported languages:

default: EN
DE | FR | ES | IT | TR | RU | UK

Please note that the language files were translated using the DeepL Language Tool

load, run, enjoy 💝

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