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Phone 1.0.5

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This area is for discussion and questions. Please use the support area for reporting issues or getting help.

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Very nice plugin, it will be awesome if the UI will be designed like the default phone UI, if you need help with designing it with images I would like to help you out with it. contact me in PM if you are interested. 🙂 



2 minutes ago, BLAZ15 said:

Very nice plugin, it will be awesome if the UI will be designed like the default phone UI, if you need help with designing it with images I would like to help you out with it. contact me in PM if you are interested. 🙂 

Thank you for your comment I will consider a recreation of the ui 

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Guten Tag, ich habe mir dieses Plugin gekauft, jedoch funktiort es nicht richtig. Wenn ich nach dem Video gehe und auf das icon klicken kommt im chat nur tb unknown



13 hours ago, MATJESGER said:

Guten Tag, ich habe mir dieses Plugin gekauft, jedoch funktiort es nicht richtig. Wenn ich nach dem Video gehe und auf das icon klicken kommt im chat nur tb unknown

please open i support ticket and descibe you problem more in detail and include picture of your isse and the config you have



Vor 19 Minuten sagte CommandoSoldat:

Bitte öffnen Sie das Support-Ticket und beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem detaillierter und fügen Sie ein Bild Ihrer ISSE und der Konfiguration hinzu, die Sie haben

Wo soll ich denn ein Ticket öffnen können?



Does the new UI pop up with any phone? e.g. monuments and static phones too or is it just with the mobile one?



18 hours ago, jaybee3 said:

Does the new UI pop up with any phone? e.g. monuments and static phones too or is it just with the mobile one?

just mobile

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Can the PhoneUI buttons be controlled by perm? or are all shown?


Posted (edited)

On 6/4/2024 at 8:53 PM, jaybee3 said:

Can the PhoneUI buttons be controlled by perm? or are all shown?

its not implemented. Feel free to contact me on discord: janny.p
if you want to have any private changes to the plugin.
I dont make any changes on this public version

Edited by CommandoSoldat
AlaEddine Yahia


i have players spawning with phones , do they need to name their phones in order for it to be showen in the list or  does it happen automaticly



9 hours ago, AlaEddine Yahia said:

i have players spawning with phones , do they need to name their phones in order for it to be showen in the list or  does it happen automaticly

Hey yes they have to name thair phones and then the plugin registeres them and will display them in the list. If a phone has no name they get filtered and will not be shown. This is because rust has some issues with the phones some of them if they are in a box or get lost on the ground after restart the phone still exists but the name will be reset to null so the plugin would eventually have a large list of unnamed phones which is a pain so in order to avoid that i have set a filter for phones without a name.

Kind regards

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